War Dragon

Chapter 1097: : The Dissolution of God's Domain (Part 2)

Suddenly, the sky is getting late, and the rays of sunshine are covering the forest!

For this beautiful scenery, [Purple Rose] is also ingenious, and specially conceived and built an antique viewing platform in [Red Maple Forest].

On the high platform, you can have a sweeping view of the beautiful scenery of Xiaguang!

Because of the existence of this viewing platform, it has also attracted the attention of many female players, and they are even considering whether to collect tickets!

That night, [Red Maple Forest] suddenly came a team of players!

The point in charge of the sentry also passed the news to Jiang Hao's ears in the first time and gave detailed information.

Number: 20 people, exactly two teams!

Occupations include all occupations in "Fantasy", to be precise, [Shield Guard] 4 people, [Mage] 3 people, [Archer] 3 people, [Swordsman] 4 people, [Priest] 2 people, and [Knight] 3 people, [Assassin] 1 person.

Level, ranging from 50 to 58!

In principle, for ordinary players, this level is definitely not low at present, not to mention the limitations of the [survival] mode.

"It looks a little different this time!" Niu Feng said with emotion.

Jiang Hao thought about it: "There are troubles every day, but they are all shrimp soldiers and crabs. This time there is a team that is not weak. Ha ha, maybe there will be a fierce battle!"

"Go out and have a look!"

He Qiao said, and left first. He is [Assassin], with a sharp speed, this is going to be investigated personally!

Under the night...

A faint touch of moonlight passed through the leaves, sparsely dotted, and with the mountain breeze, it shook non-stop.

He Qiao's footsteps are very light!

He walked all the way, and soon came to the position reported by the sentinel, and blocked the place where the 20 people passed by one step in advance.

Of course, he has no pavement!

What surprised He Qiao was that this group of players even talked and laughed, and the only [Assassin] did not explore the way forward.

This really makes He Qiao puzzled.

If these twenty players are going to come and make trouble, how can it be such a situation? Isn't it too unprofessional?

He Qiao is a little troublesome!

Didn't it come to make trouble? If it's not a disturbance, why come from outside? Because [Red Maple Forest] has enabled the functions of teleporting and returning to the city.

Players can choose to bind [Red Maple Forest] as the point of returning to the city!

He Qiao thought to himself that the twenty players had already reached the periphery of [Red Maple Forest], and then turned to the east.

【Red Maple Forest】……

Although the scale is large, it did not open four gates like other main cities. Instead, only the east and south gates were retained in the subsequent expansion.

These people go straight to the city gate?

He Qiao immediately passed the news to Jiang Hao and others who were guarding [Red Maple Forest].

"Friend or foe?"

Niu Feng's face was confused, and Zhang Zhi said, "Since we have reached the door of the house, we can't lose our courtesy. Let's go out and have a look!"

"Let's go!"

Jiang Hao frowned, walked out with Niu Feng, Zhang Zhi and Xu Xiaojun, and bumped into the group of people at the door.

"I wipe it!"

Under the light of the brilliance, Jiang Hao and other talents could see clearly that the head of this person was actually the president of the [God’s Domain] Guild [Da Mo Guyan].

Old acquaintance!

He Qiao, who saw this scene in the dark, was also a little dumbfounded. He hadn't really noticed before that this person turned out to be [Da Mo Guyan].

Thinking of the battle of [Red Maple Forest], everyone is still full of enthusiasm!

"How could it be you?"

Jiang Hao was a little surprised and said, "President [Guyan in the Desert], long time no see! I don't know what's the matter for coming this time?"

"Ha ha……"

[Da Mo Guyan] smiled embarrassedly, and continued: "Actually, [God's Domain] has been disbanded!"


Jiang Hao and the others are all shocked, [God's Domain] has many years of history. Although the scale has not been large, it is even more appropriate to be called a mercenary group, but for so many years, [Da Mo Guyan] is the leader. The members are all brothers, so how could they suddenly disband?

Even He Qiao, who was hiding, couldn't help but jump out!

"[God's Domain] How could it be dissolved properly?" He Qiao asked as he walked around, "Is there any misunderstanding in this?"

[Da Mo Guyan] said: "It's true, [God's Domain] is disbanded."

Everyone looked at each other, still a little unbelievable, [Da Mo Guyan] continued: "[God's Domain] is able to go to this day, we are very grateful! Although [God's Domain] has been disbanded, our dozens of brothers are still brothers! "

Zhang Zhidao: "What happened on earth?"

[Da Mo Guyan] was silent for a while, and said bitterly: "After the [Survival] mode, we are left with the 20th."

Jiang Hao and others couldn't help but trembled. This shouldn't be the reason for the dissolution of [God's Domain]!

However, when the topic of [Dai Mo Guyan] suddenly changed, it was obvious that I did not want to mention it again. Why didn't Jiang Hao and others understand it?

Therefore, everyone did not ask again!

Moreover, since everyone thought of the dangerous battle of [Red Maple Forest], naturally they also thought of the scene [Shenyu] faced at that time.

At that time, [Zhu Feng Ge] didn't make a lot of noise about that thing!

After all, [God's Domain] is a guild that has been established for seven years, and its reputation in the "God's Domain" game that year is not low.

Therefore, after that night, [God's Domain] also had a lot of rumors!

Only shortly after that, the emergence of the [Survival] mode suppressed the storm and made the [God’s Domain] event fade out of sight.


Part of the reason for the sudden dissolution of [God’s Domain] today comes from the [Survival] mode, and the bigger cause is probably the incident!

If so...

Jiang Hao and others also consciously have an unshirkable responsibility for that matter. Although the starting point of the incident can be traced back to a transaction between Ye Feng and [Demo Guyan], who would have thought that Ye Feng's goodwill act at the time would involve so many things?


Niu Feng followed the words of [Guyan in the Desert] with a wry smile, and said in a tangled way: "No, now we don't dare to go out and upgrade. Damn, I'm afraid that one day I accidentally hang up, all this is true. Goodbye."

At the end, Niu Feng's tone was a little angry.

If possible, he really wants to stop at the door of [Tianyu] game company, pull up a banner, and protest loudly!

"I hope to end the [Survival] mode soon!" Jiang Hao said with emotion.

[Da Mo Guyan] nodded, and suddenly said seriously: "Actually, this time, we are here to join [Red Maple Forest], but I don’t know if the first person can accept us!"


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