War Emperor

Chapter 1008: I really am the upper swordsmith

Chapter One Thousand Eighth, I'm Really the Supreme Swordsmith

Tai Haotian and Ouyang Mingze all laughed contemptuously, looking like they were looking at idiots. Originally, there was an enemy between them and Lin Han.

After this kid came in, he didn't hide from them, and even dared to run out and speak without shame. In their opinion, he was purely insulting himself.

Xiong Youwei, Liu Man, Bai Bing, Lu Ming and others were a little uncomfortable.

They have already seen that Lin Han is the high-ranking alchemy emperor who sold fake medicine last time, and they have also become the other's registered disciples.

What kind of thing is this, they are all geniuses of the monster race, and they actually worshiped their opponents as their teachers.

"I don't know if the sky is high and the earth is thick, you will naturally know below." Lin Han smiled faintly, didn't take the words of the four to heart at all, then glanced at the huge axe, and said: "Don't say anything else, you four , Is it capable of repairing this big axe?"

"How do you know we can't?"

"When we made the sword, you didn't know where it was?"

"Yes, our sword casting water product is enough to scare you to death."

The four of them sneered.

"Oh? Then tell me, what should you do if you want to restore this big axe?" Lin Han said calmly.


All four of them are in a dilemma. Once the weapon lacks the charm, it is always the most difficult to recover.

What's more, it is still a quasi-imperial weapon. Although they can see the problem, if they really start to recover, they really can't think of a feasible way for a while.

"No need for this, you four are purely pustules, you can't recover at all." Lin Leng Leng laughed.

"We can't recover, can you recover?"

"Can you forge a sword?"

The four of them were furious and shouted coldly.

If it weren't for special circumstances, the four of them couldn't help but want to do something, and violently beat Lin Han, tortured to death.

It's totally unreasonable that the soil buns from Hongzhou mainland dare to call them pustules.

"Sorry, I can really recover." Lin Han smiled faintly.

"How do you recover? If you can't do it, just speak big words here, believe it or not, I will cut off your tongue." Tai Haotian said with a cold light in his eyes.

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Ouyang Mingze, Dongfang Jing, and Xiahoutan.

Lin Han didn't answer. They just smiled confidently, walked out of the crowd with hands and came to the front.

Hong is the first swordsmith in history, and the sword-making water products have terrifying accomplishments that the world can't imagine. The water products that he has learned about sword-making are not comparable to ordinary people.

With this big axe, it's hard to deal with the lack of charm, but it can't trouble him.

"If what I expected is not bad, this axe should be the giant Litian ax of an ancient master of the ancient giant clan." Lin Han said lightly.

"The young man has good eyesight, yes, this axe is the axe from the sky." The patriarch of the Dali Demon Monkey Clan nodded and clasped his fists.

"Litian Axe?"

Many people are surprised.

The giants, living in the remote and primitive mountains of the Lingxiao Continent, lead a life inconsistent with the world, which is not seen in the world at all.

Only in some ancient books can they find their mysterious figure.

In the ancient times, the giants also appeared many masters, moving mountains and mountains, and the world was so powerful.

The Litian Axe is indeed the weapon of Juli once an ancient leader of the Giant Clan. It has left a strong mark in the history of the Lingxiao Continent, and it is unexpected to see it at this moment.

Lin Han also sighed. During the time when the Jiaolong Clan stayed, he had nothing to do, and he also read a lot of books and learned a lot about the history of Lingxiao Continent.

Seeing this big axe, the unique and powerful aura, like being held by an upright high hand, and the charm of breaking the world, he guessed that this big axe should be the axe from the sky.

"What about the Litian Axe? It's how you can restore it, rather than telling its origin."

The four Tai Haotian sneered. They also knew Litian Axe. They just focused on how to win that spot and didn't think deeply about it.

Lin Han ignored them, and continued to say indifferently: "Litian Axe is the leader of the giant clan. Litian used the Heavenly Outer Meteorite, Xuanchi Tianshui, and tempered the strongest weapon of 749 years. It is said to be the most powerful weapon. On the day of success, the entire giant clan worshiped it, and countless thoughts were blessed in it to form its unique charm. A slight shock can destroy the world, and the world is extraordinary!"

"Now that Shen Yun is missing, it naturally needs this kind of mental power to supplement it!"

"Haha, mind strength?"

"The Giants have disappeared in Lingxiao Continent since the ancient battles between the Five Continents and Four Seas and the Earth’s Immortal Realm. No one in the world knows their existence. Where can I go to find members of the Giants to come and worship? This device blesses the power of mind."

"Furthermore, even if it can be found, the current giants are definitely not in the ancient times, so prosperous and prosperous, and the power of thought is impossible to achieve. Lin Han, your kid said this is nothing."

Tai Haotian sneered one by one.

In the ancient times, the giants were very powerful, occupying endless territories and were called the "state of giants".

"Not necessarily, mind power is just one of the methods. After the sword casting water product reaches a certain level, don't you know that you can create mind power and bless your weapons?" Lin Han asked.

"Creating your own mind power? That is the method of the upper sword-making emperor. Do you think you are the upper sword-making emperor?"

"It's a lunatic, worthy of being a soil bun in Hongzhou mainland. He has never seen the world. The upper sword-making emperor is rare in the whole five continents and four seas. Where can I find such a master!"

"You pussies, don't pretend to understand, get out, shame you."

Tai Haotian all laughed, feeling Lin Han like an idiot.

There are very few high-ranking sword-making emperors in Lingxiao Continent. Lin Hanruo said that he is a high-ranking sword-making emperor, and they cannot believe it anyway.

"I'm sorry, I'm really a high-ranking swordsmith, so please look at it with wide eyes!" However, Lin Chong smiled, and then his body shook, a special breath spreading around him, as if it was carrying With the power of good fortune, the transpiration is permeated, and the mountains and plants will evolve at one time, and the sun, the moon and the stars will evolve at the other, just like the universe, all elements are under his control.

"The high-ranking swordsmith, no... how is this possible, you are really the upper-ranking swordsmith?"

The four Tai Haotian suddenly stared, and they came out in amazement.

After reaching the upper position of the sword-making emperor, there will be a breath of good fortune, in your own breath, so that in the process of sword-making, you can achieve the effect of turning decadence into magic.

In ancient times, there was a great ability to forge swords. For swords made of ordinary plants and trees, they had great power and depended on this kind of good fortune.

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