War Emperor

Chapter 1021: Sipin

The first thousand and twenty one chapter four imperial weapon

He was very confident. With such a palm, with the strength of his Saint Emperor about to reach the peak, it would not be a problem to destroy Lin Han.


However, Lin Chong smiled, without fear at all, immediately raised one hand, and suddenly a majestic and vast force burst out and swept toward the front.

Click, Zao Wou-ki's burst of purple light suddenly collapsed, and the terrifying power, like an ancient fierce beast, was showing its power here. The shocking Zao Wou-ki couldn't help but retreat, his face turned pale, almost spewing out A bite of blood.


"How can it be?"

"Senior Brother Zao Wou-Ki, one trick fell short."

Those disciples who ridiculed, suddenly came down, their faces looked incredible.

Lin Han clearly only has the realm of Lingdi, how could there be such a terrifying combat power?

"Sixty billion catties of supernatural power, do you have sixty billion catties of supernatural power?" Zao Wou-ki also took a breath, and said in amazement.

He only felt that the power of countless ancient idols contained in Lin Han's arm, exploding together, as if the sky could move around the earth, and his entire arm was extremely painful.

This shocked him a bit.

How can a nineteen-year-old boy have such a terrifying power.

"Isn't he only 40 billion catties of supernatural power? His power has increased so much?" The patriarchs of the four royal families, Taihaoyin, Dongfangying, Xiahoushi, and Ouyang Tie, also looked ugly.

In the Secret World of Heaven, Lin Han only had 40 billion catties of supernatural power. It was terrifying to reach this point after not seeing him in just a few days.

Just like this, Lin Han broke into the peak realm of the Spirit Emperor, his strength increased by a bit, and now he indeed had 60 billion catties of supernatural power.

Tai Haocang also looked ugly. He thought that Zao Wou-ki dealt with Lin Han was nothing at all, but now he is also a little uneasy.

Xiao Kong, Ji Kerr, and Lin Fenghuang laughed, completely relieved.

None of them knew that Lin Han's strength had increased again.

I have to sigh, Lin Han is simply a freak, the speed of strength growth is not comparable to ordinary people.

"Hmph, even if you are better than the rumors, so what, in front of me, you still can't avoid being killed, Tian Yuan Zhong, kill me!"

At the moment, Zhao Wuji drank, and then, an immeasurable light erupted from the top of his head. An ancient bell flew out, flowing with an ancient aura. The bell sounded faintly and shook the mountains and valleys, revealing a greatness pressure.

"Taiyuan Bell? This is a fourth-grade imperial weapon?"

"Brother Zao Wou-Ki, kill an elder of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Hall among the Five Great Demon Halls, the most powerful artifact rewarded."

Many people were horrified. The elder of the Demon Hall of Ten Thousand Bone Demon was a very powerful demon. He often slaughtered the city for misfortune and committed heinous crimes at every turn.

The Eighth Avenue Institute always wanted to kill him but couldn't.

Once when the demon was practicing in the primitive mountain, he got into a demon and was accidentally met by Senior Brother Zao Wou-ki, who took the opportunity to behead him, causing a sensation in the entire continent.

In order to reward him, Kaitiandao Academy gave him this Tianyuan Bell. Now that he has displayed all of this thing, it is obviously going to be true.

"This is bad." Ji Keer and Lin Fenghuang couldn't help but their expressions changed. The power of the fourth-rank imperial weapon is not comparable to the third-rank imperial weapon. Zao Wou-ki possesses such a weapon, it is definitely a big killer. If Lin Han can't resist it, it is likely to be shaken into powder in a minute. And die.

At this moment, they couldn't help but worry about Lin Han.

"Tianyuan Bell, kill me!"


When Zao Wou-ki showed the Tianyuan Bell, his confidence rose suddenly, his whole body was flying in disorder, and his eyes showed a lofty ambition to look down upon the world.

He was like a dragon and let out a loud roar.


Then, Tian Yuan Zhong set off an extremely terrifying aura and squeezed it down towards Lin Han.

The body of the bell is very large, measuring hundreds of feet long, flowing with an immortal charm of the most divine and holy. It is like an immortal artifact from the fairy world, falling into the mortal world, emitting a light that illuminates the world, extremely powerful.

The ground under Lin Han's feet suddenly cracked in a large area, as if an invisible hand was constantly cracking, spreading over a range of thousands of meters in a blink of an eye.

That terrifying coercion made many of the outer disciples of low strength, all of them horrified, and their faces were shocked.

How to fight this?

Under the coercion of the fourth-grade imperial weapon, ordinary people don't even have the courage to stand up.

"Haha, you are determined to lose, go with peace of mind, we will burn some paper for you at this time every year."

"To fight against our four royal families, you are simply overwhelmed. We can play you in minutes."

Taihaoyin, Dongfangying, Xia Houshi, and Ouyang Tie couldn't help but laugh, very cheerful.

Having reached the category of the fourth rank imperial weapon, the weapon already contains a very powerful qi of the emperor, which has a strong pressure on the lower ranks.

Under the Taiyuan Clock, Lin Han absolutely couldn't have the slightest chance to contend, even if there was no matter how powerful it was, it was useless, and it would only end with death.

"Lin Han, when my Taiyuan Bell came out, it has always swept away any opponents. To die under my Taiyuan Bell today is not considered as insulting to you." Zao Wou-ki also smiled coldly and cruelly.

Since he had Taiyuan Bell, he has gained great confidence. Although he is among the core disciples, his strength can only be regarded as mediocre, but when Taiyuan Bell emerges, even some people who are stronger than his realm will be shocked.

So he also expected that Lin Han was over.

At this moment, if he had seen Lin Han's next scene of being smashed into flesh and blood, the joy in his heart became more and more intense.

"Is that right, unfortunately, I also have the four emperor artifacts, let's take a look, whose fourth product is more powerful."

However, Lin Han sneered, his body shook, and the Honghuang Sword-forging Furnace suddenly flew out, carrying a large hazy light of chaos, revealing a powerful and terrifying charm.

With the constant restoration of the Sword-forging Furnace, this furnace has gradually become unpredictable. Even if Lin Han showed it in front of so many people, he was not afraid of being discovered.

Because the hazy aura on the furnace body is more mysterious than others can't see.

"What kind of stove is this?" Sure enough, some senior members of the Kaitian Taoist Academy couldn't help but move.

The dim light lingering on the surface of the furnace seemed to have a powerful swallowing force that caused their exploration to fluctuate. After they got closer, they were all swallowed cleanly, without any effect.

And there was a power that shocked them all, which made them a little unbelievable.

What kind of characters are they? What weapons are there in this world that they can't understand?

Lin Han's sudden display of such a stove really surprised them.

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