War Emperor

Chapter 1029: Star Slash

The first thousand and twenty-nine chapters

"Yes, I said, old clapper, you may not be my opponent, do you want to take me down now?" Lin Leng Leng smiled.

After breaking through the mid-term of the heavenly dragon body, his blood is like a dragon, and the true dragon aura on his body is stronger and more flaming, and there is a sense of breaking the sky and the earth in every gesture.

This is completely different from the previous concept. Even if the opponent is Tai Haocang, the elder of the Kaitian Taoist Academy can completely overlook it.

"Asshole, this is only the first trick, what are you proud of, and when you are finished, you angered me." Taihao's stern Qiqiao Shengyan, a kid, yelled at him, unforgivable.


After speaking, his body shook directly, and he unreservedly displayed the aura of his holy emperor's peak, like a strong wind, shaking all around.

"Sky Star Slash, kill me!"

Then, with one arm facing upward, he burst out a terrifying divine light, like an invisible knife light formed there, which is tens of thousands of meters long, connecting the world, a magnificent, extremely powerful, and then fiercely towards Lin Han , He smashed down angrily. The powerful momentum made the mountains and plains sway. I don't know how many disciples, all like weeds, were blown out and flew out with a look of horror.

"Sky Star Slash, Peak Origin Combat Skill." Many people were horrified.

This is exactly the elder Tai Haocang, who has studied the most powerful combat skills for most of his life. It is said that a single blow can cut down the stars in the sky. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is enough to show the power of this combat skill.

Elder Tai Haocang displayed such a combat skill, showing the true character of his action.

"Lin Han, go to death obediently, my Sky Star Slash, the number of times I have used it in my life, will not exceed three times. It is your honor to die under my trick." Tai Hao Cang haha Laughing, said proudly.

Since learning the Heavenly Star Slash, it is his most powerful ultimate move. Whenever it is displayed, there are no exceptions, and the enemy will undoubtedly die.

Unless he encounters a life and death enemy, he will not use it at all. It is a shame for him to be forced to perform this trick by a hairy boy.

However, he was more cruel.

No matter what, he can kill Lin Han directly, everything is worth it.

Otherwise, if Lin Han were to join the Kaitian Taoist Academy, not only would he not be able to explain to the Taihao imperial family, but he would also lose a foothold in Lingxiao Continent.

"Hmph, do you think you have the peak source combat skills? I also have them. I want to kill me. How can it be so simple!" However, Lin Lun Lun laughed.

"I know, your Doomsday Natural Disaster Fist is indeed extraordinary, but compared to my Heavenly Star Slash, it is still a bit tender. Don't struggle, go to death obediently." Tai Haocang laughed cruelly.

Ji Ke'er and Lin Fenghuang were also worried. Indeed, Lin Han had only the peak of the late Lingdi.

Tai Haocang was the peak of the Saint Emperor, a full height, and he displayed the same peak-origin combat skills. It was reasonable for Lin Han to lose.

If the Doomsday Scourge Fist cannot contend, this Heavenly Star Slash, there is absolutely no living door next.

"Lin Han, against us, you are not destined to end well."

The four of Tai Hao Yin also laughed happily, and it was already expected that Lin Han would be cut in half and died on the spot.

They had seen the power of Lin Han's Doomsday Scourge Fist before, and indeed, there was no such thing as a strong star!

"Huh, are you? What you see is the Doomsday Scourge Fist I used before, look at the current fist!"

However, Lin coldly smiled. Although the Doomsday Natural Disaster Fist is also the peak of the original source combat skills, it is definitely the most powerful book among the peak original combat skills, and is supreme.

Every time he is promoted, the power of the Doomsday Scourge Fist will increase again. Now that his Heavenly Dragon Body becomes stronger, this fist is naturally different from before.

"Doomsday Scourge Fist, kill!"

Next, Lin Han roared. This time, the endless black light on his fist made the whole area within a few thousand meters of the world become dark directly. If the end is really coming, it will be terrifying. The thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and bursts of magnificent sounds sounded deafening.


Just a random thunder and lightning smashed down on the mountain, directly razing a mountain to the ground, smashing a pit of tens of meters, almost bottomless and terrifying.

"The power of this Doomsday Scourge Fist is much stronger than before."

Many people took a cold breath and came out with a look of shock.

Before, Lin Han's Doomsday Natural Disaster Fist only covered a range of about 2,000 meters, but now it can cover nearly 5,000 meters, which is more than twice as powerful.

And the thunder and lightning on the top was even more terrifying. The random flashing made many people feel trembling from their souls, and couldn't help but want to surrender to the natural disaster.

Such martial arts can really be called, shocking the world!

"No, how could this happen, I don't believe it!" Tai Haocang also yelled out crazy, in disbelief.

His Sky Star Slash power was instantly weaker.

Unexpectedly, Lin Han could now use the Doomsday Natural Disaster Fist to this point.

I couldn't help feeling a little bit cold in my heart, and I felt a little bit unable to compete.


Sure enough, as soon as his thoughts fell, the terrifying thunder and lightning smashed down directly, and the huge blade light formed on the sky star was instantly shattered, and then a large purple lightning with a thickness of forty or fifty miles. , Like a thunder dragon, slashed down towards Tai Haocang's Tian Ling Gai.

Tai Haocang suddenly stood up all over his body, and felt a strong death pressure on the thunder and lightning. If he can't resist it, he will most likely be smashed into ashes and be removed from the world. .

This made him a little angry.

When he first appeared before, Lin Han was not in his eyes, but now he has grown to this point under his nose.

Then, before he had time to think about it, he roared, and condensed all his strength into a huge mask, which guarded his whole body, opened like a divine umbrella, revealing a taste of inviolability.

This is exactly a high-level original combat technique that he has studied for many years, and he is also extremely capable at the defensive level.


However, it was of no use at all. Lin Han’s Doomsday Natural Disaster Fist had an unstoppable, devastating charm. After landing, Tai Haocang’s mask was immediately split and exploded, and then Tai Haocang Suddenly, his left arm exploded and turned into a blood mist. Half of his body's bones were blown to pieces, **** and miserable.

Tai Haocang screamed in pain, almost no human form.

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