War Emperor

Chapter 1035: Fire of Refining Curse

The first thousand and thirty-five chapters of the fire of refining curse

This curse method has been lost today, and even in the ancient times, the strong people gathered in the five continents and four seas were rare.

Who are the rivals of Xiaolan's parents? Was under such a vicious curse.

Lin Han frowned. He also heard some rumors about cursed fire. According to legend, only the ancient beasts such as True Dragon, Jairus, Qiongqi, etc., can be displayed by a level of beasts.

How could there be a cursed fire on Xiao Lan?

"Then what to do? I heard that this kind of flame has no solution. Could it be that Xiaolan had to be burned alive and died?" Lin Han clenched some fists.

The fire of the curse is so terrifying that it will hide in the blood, and it will shadow the next generation.

"Generally speaking, it is true, but it is not necessarily true when you meet me. Don't forget, I am the number one master of playing fire in ancient and modern times, and if I crack it, it will be a great thing for you." However, Hong smiled slightly, a touch of arrogance in his tone.

"What do you mean?" Lin Han was startled.

"This kind of cursed fire is a very powerful source of energy. I can extract it and let you take it. You can use this to break through the realm of the Holy Emperor in one fell swoop." Hong laughed.

Lin Han was stunned, and then a touch of joy suddenly appeared in his eyes. If he could break Xiaolan's curse fire and convert it into energy, let him break into the Holy Emperor, it would be a good thing with two birds with one stone.

Right now he rubbed his hands and smiled dryly in his heart: "What are you waiting for, you can do it quickly."

He had to sigh that having Hong by his side was indeed one of his luckiest things.

Hong can help him too much.

If it weren't for Hong, he wouldn't have achieved what he is today.

"Wait a minute, I want to control your body. The process of dissolving the curse fire is very cumbersome. Even if I have to be careful, there may be problems if I carelessly. Relax your whole body and let me take your body. Control." Hong Dao.

"Yeah!" Lin Han nodded slightly, let out a sigh of relief, and then relaxed his whole body.

Immediately afterwards, he felt Honghong's will, like a vast starry sky, occupying his body.

"Xiao Linzi, what are you doing?"

Looking at Lin Han in a daze, Sun Xiaofu couldn't help but shook his hand in front of Lin Han with some doubts.

Especially when he saw Lin Han, he was still relaxed, closed his eyes, and was a little bit astonished. He couldn't help but feel distressed. Brother, you don't have to look at when, you are still in the mood, so relaxed.


However, at this moment, the next moment, Lin Han closed his eyes and opened them again. This time, in those clear and deep eyes, a vicissitudes of life appeared, as if the whole person has experienced the ups and downs of eternal life. , The feeling of seeing through the cycle of years is mysterious.

"What's the matter?" Sun Xiaofu was stunned for a while, and took two steps backwards with some surprise.

There was a vague intuition in his heart. Lin Han had an unimaginable soul occupying his body. This was completely opposite to the vigorous look before.

He didn't understand how Lin Han's body could have such a change.

Hong just smiled at him, a touch of kindness appeared in his eyes, and did not say much, then looked at Xiaolan, ten o'clock, spit out a soft drink, and said: "The yin and yang of the world, the cycle of time, with my supernatural power, the Fire, listen to my orders, give me condensation!"


Next, the blue flame on Xiao Lan's body, as if receiving a certain summon and order, turned into clusters of flames, constantly in the air, began to condense, and gradually condensed into a large blue fireball.

If anyone who has seen it see it, they will be shocked beyond words.

The fire of the curse is recognized as the most inevitable flame in the world. Once all creatures are contaminated, they will almost certainly die under a curse of death, and no one can ever shake it.

Now that "Lin Han" can adjust those curse fires, it is naturally shocking!

This is simply a kind of fire control ability that subverts the world's imagination!

Of course, this is Hung, which is almost impossible for others to do.

Sun Xiaofu was also a little dumbfounded. Even if he didn't know what a curse fire was, he could still vaguely feel that this scene was extraordinary.

Lin Han felt like an unimaginable horrible existence standing in front of him, making him unable to resist the urge to worship.


Finally, after about ten minutes or so, the blue flames on Xiaolan's body were all pulled out, and a huge blue light ball was suspended in mid-air, like a blue sun here, illuminating the whole courtyard.

The obviously cursed fire was really stripped out.

However, it is still very cruel and domineering at present, it is impossible to truly swallow it, and it needs to be converted into energy.

Otherwise, just swallow it, Lin Han's body will be burned into nothingness in the first place.

"Return to the source, give me the practice!" Then, Hong lightly screamed, ten fingers on his chest, forming an ancient and mysterious fingerprint, and in an instant, the flame began to spin frantically.

It is also a very difficult process to train the fire of the curse into energy, and it is almost impossible for others.

But to Hong, it was nothing.

I saw that the next moment, the fire of the curse, like being burned by an invisible fire, the power of the curse was removed by a little bit of tempering, and the flame began to shrink inward, turning into a blue The liquid is spherical, like a jewel, and it is extremely crystalline.

Sun Xiaofu's mouth was almost ready to lay an egg, and his mouth closed in surprise.

He could feel the incomparably powerful energy fluctuations in this ball of blue spherical liquid. Just a scent of it would shock people's spirits. It is conceivable that if swallowed, it would definitely be difficult for people to increase their strength. Imagine the benefits.

Originally, Xiaolan was on fire, and seeing death was a disaster for them.

Now that Lin Han has solved it, it seems that he has gained a lot of benefits, making him feel a little dreamy.

"It's done." Hong smiled softly, and then said to Lin Han in his mind: "Now if you swallow this energy and help you break through the Holy Emperor, there should be absolutely no problem."

After speaking, he withdrew his consciousness from Lin Han's mind, allowing Lin Han to occupy his body again.

After Lin Han took possession of his body, he saw the surging blue ball of light, and a touch of ecstasy appeared in his eyes. He was still in a dilemma before, how to use a majestic external force to help himself break through the realm of the emperor, now This problem was solved perfectly, and he couldn't help but sigh that there are worlds that are impermanent.

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