War Emperor

Chapter 1044: Afterimage

The first thousand and forty-four chapters

Even some people with good talents can only take two or three steps.

So in class, the scene started to become a little funny.

"Haha, I succeeded, I succeeded!" At this moment, someone laughed. He pinched up his hand and took eight steps impressively, as if he was stepping on eight stars. It looked very mysterious and proud. Tao.

"It's Xuchang!"

"He deserves to be the second-in-command of the pill club. His talent is really amazing."

"Yes, it seems that this little fairy skill is none other than him today."

Many people have a look of envy and awe.

Lin Han couldn't help but raised his brows. The other party was indeed Xu Chang. Although this guy was frantic, he really didn't have any talent to say.

"Very well, you are the only one who has succeeded so far. If no one can do it faster and smoother than you, I will give you the remaining afterimages." Feng Mentor couldn't help it. Nodding, a touch of appreciation appeared in his eyes.

"Haha, Teacher Feng, don't have to be so troublesome. You should give Xianbu directly to me. With their rotten sweet potatoes and stinky bird eggs, they also want to compare with me. It is purely idiotic and impossible to succeed." Xu Chang A burst of triumphant laughter.

Many people have turned red, and they are indeed incomparable with Xuchang's talent.

The wind instructor glanced at the people who were failing and nodded, and said, "If this is the case, then all right..."

After speaking, he would take out a yellowed secret book from his arms and hand it to Xuchang.

Xu Chang was extremely proud, trembling with excitement and grinning.

If he learns the little fairy skills, it is equivalent to a big killer. In the Tianmen assessment, he may be able to get a good ranking and directly promoted to the ranks of true disciples, which makes him extremely excited.

"Wait, everyone in the wind tutor hasn't finished trying, how can you just hand over the little fairy skills to others." At this moment, Ji Keer said.

Xu Chang's face collapsed, and he said grimly: "Does this still need to be compared? Is there anyone who can beat me?"

"Yes, of course there is." Ji Keer said.

"Who is it?" Xu Chang sneered.

"It's him." Ji Keer pointed to Lin Han beside him.

"Raising disciple? How can there be a raising disciple here?"

"Haha, I'm so ridiculous, Ji Kerr actually said that a student who raises a disciple will get better results than Xuchang."

"There is no problem with my ears."

Many people around him burst into laughter. Lin Han looked too young, not to mention his nineteen-year-old appearance. He was also wearing a rough and lowly costume for raising disciples, which was very eye-catching.

Everyone knows that raising disciples is the dullest group of talented people in the entire Taoist Academy. Lin Hanruo said it would be more savvy than Xuchang, no one thought.

"Haha, Ji Kerr, ah Ji Kerr, are you too confident of your brother? If this kid can get better grades than me, I can stand upside down here today as a grandson."

Xu Chang also laughed wildly up to the sky. In fact, he was able to do this because his brother gave him a start-up practice method through his own relationship. He has been practicing secretly for a month to achieve this step.

It is obviously impossible for Lin Han to be a dull and humble rearing disciple who wants to be better than his own.

"Okay, if that's the case, then let's make the decision." Lin Lengchun laughed, stood up, and without a word, began to make the handprints that the wind teacher said, and then the wind under his feet took eight steps directly.

Huh huh...

These eight steps were almost synthesized in one gas, and he did it directly.

"How is this possible, he did it?"

All around suddenly everyone was stunned.

Xu Chang was also stunned.

This is too easy.

He had prepared for a full month in advance to achieve this step, and Lin Han actually completed it in an instant, which made him feel like **** in the day, incredible.

If you are a genius, what is the other person? What a freak.

Ji Ke'er couldn't help being stunned. Although she was confident that Lin Han would have better grades than Xu Chang, she did not expect it to be that simple.

If it really depends on him, is this talent really abnormal?

Even the Master Feng's eyes rose sharply, and looked at Lin Han with a little shock. Even if she was the first, she was far from able to practice the starting pose so quickly.

The talent of this humble disciple rearing was really appalling.

"Xuchang, how about it? I have done it now. Should you be called your grandson upside down as agreed." Lin Han smiled faintly and said to Xu Chang.

In fact, the afterimage of the wind master's fairy step is indeed very simple, just a starting style, it is enough to make normal people realize for a long time.

However, firstly, because he had practiced too many footwork before, they were all incomparably subtle and shared in common. Secondly, he had a well-informed old antique who taught him some obscure and difficult points. , He also has the Deceptive Eye, and he can clearly see the mysterious subtleties when the wind master displays it, so he can display it so quickly.

These three are indispensable.

I have to say that Xu Chang is very unlucky. He prepared a month beforehand, and no surprise, no one can beat him.

Unfortunately, he met Lin Han.

"Ah, you, you..." Xu Changqi's whole body was trembling, and his head was smoking. He is the second in command of the pill club. His elder brother is the leader. Among the core disciples, Zai can be regarded as a very famous person If a loud person really stands upside down and called a grandson in the crowd, what would it look like?

"Why? Xu Chang, I'm willing to lose the bet, don't you want to regret it?" Lin Han jokingly said.

"Okay, okay, okay, I will do it, but I have one more condition!" Xu Chang gritted his teeth and furiously said.

"What conditions?" Lin Han raised his brows.

"When I finish, I want to discuss with you." Xu Chang's eyes were cold and cold like a poisonous snake.

"What are you betting with me this time?" Lin Han smiled.

"I'll bet on a hundred holy energy pills with you!" Xu Chang hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth fiercely.

"What, one hundred holy energy pills?"

The surroundings suddenly fell into an uproar.

Holy Qi Pill, this is an extremely precious pill, it has almost been lost outside.

One is enough to make ordinary Saint Emperor level figures berserk, Xu Chang actually bet a hundred, this bet is not a big deal.

"A hundred Holy Qi Pills?" Lin Han couldn't help but was startled. He had sold this kind of pill in Taihao City, but the materials of this kind of pill were also very precious. , Can help people increase holy spirit.

Now that he has broken into the realm of the Holy Emperor, this pill is indeed very useful to him.

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