War Emperor

Chapter 1050: Tiandi Kouzhong

The first thousand and fifty chapters

Ji Keer and Lin Fenghuang just smiled and nodded, and did not say much. Perhaps it was because they had witnessed too many legendary deeds of Lin Han. For Xiao Jiu, who was only 19 years old this year, they had already cultivated an inexplicable way. Confidence and confidence.

Ordinary difficulties will only become the sharpening stone for his continuous growth.

Kaitian Square!

Located at the Kaitian Taoist Temple, the top of the most central mountain, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters, the end is invisible at a glance, the white mist is lingering, the palace rises and falls, like a fairyland, revealing an ethereal taste.

This is where the Tianmen assessment is held.

At this moment, there are crowds of people on this square, and the hustle and bustle is so lively that many people have come to watch.

Even if most people know that they cannot succeed, it is worthwhile to watch a battle.

Lin Han, Ji Keer, and Lin Fenghuang came here, seeing the hot atmosphere, they couldn't help but smash their tongues.

This Tianmen assessment is worthy of a grand meeting, except perhaps, it is difficult to see so many disciples of the Kaitiandao Academy.

There are many elites among them, and Lin Han can find many geniuses at the Saint Emperor level with a casual glance.

A random one, outside is a Tianjiao who can be famous for the endless earth, but here it is like a Chinese cabbage, which shows the high gold content of the Kaitian Taoist Academy.

"Haha, Lin Han finally met again. In the next assessment, you have to be careful and never touch me. Otherwise, I will let you know what life is better than death." The sound of laughter spread, and not far away, a group of people approached me mightily, arousing a huge look of awe.

The person in the lead was a burly man, with a pair of tiger eyes shining brightly between open and close, revealing a terrible divine light.

Just walking around at will gives a pressure that makes it difficult to breathe.

He is Lin Hu.

"His strength should have reached the second heaven of the Emperor of Heaven, which is not comparable to that of the ordinary Emperor of Heaven."

Hong reminded at this moment.

"The Heavenly Emperor's Second Heaven?"

Lin Han was startled.

"Yes, the five realms of the **** emperor, the greater the gap between the latter realms, the three realms of the early, middle, and late stages of the emperor are no longer sufficient to distinguish the categories between the emperors, so it is within the emperor. Divided into the nine layers of heaven, each of these nine layers is not smaller than the previous great realm," Hong explained.

Lin Han didn't reach this height before, so he didn't say this.

Now that Lin Han already had the strength to compete with the Emperor of Heaven, he naturally wanted to let Lin Han know the detailed division of the Emperor of Heaven.

Lin Han nodded in relief. Among the core disciples, there were very few people who could enter the realm of the Emperor of Heaven.

After breaking through, he can become a man of the world. Lin Hu is not only the emperor of heaven, but also the genius of the second heaven of the emperor. He is indeed the head of the Tigers Association. many.

Five Xuchang is not an opponent of Lin Hu.

Of course, with his strength, he is not afraid of Lin Hu. He couldn't help but sneered from the corner of his mouth: "Don't talk too much, who is better than death? I don't know yet. Don't slap yourself in the face."

"You kid still dare to be stubborn, wait." Lin Hu smiled coldly, pointed at Lin Han, and then led everyone out of here.

"Hehe, brother seems to have a feast with Lin Hu, do you need me to come forward and adjust for you." At this moment, not far away, another big laugh spread.

Many people turned their gazes, and they couldn't help but froze, Xu Wenfeng?

The person here is Xu Wenfeng. When did he have such a good relationship with Lin Han and still call him brother?

Lin Han couldn't help being stunned, not understanding what the other party was doing.

"Oh, don't worry about my second brother's affairs. If you don't know each other, I will ask my second brother to apologize to you. From now on, you brother, I will make an appointment." Xu Wenfeng smiled and shook Lin. Cold hands.

In the past two months, after Lin Han told him about the quality of the Holy Qi Pill, he went back and experimented, and he was shocked to find that his quality easily reached the highest level.

This made him admire Lin Han's alchemy water products.

Five continents and four seas, the status of alchemist is extremely noble.

For a young man whose alchemy water grade was higher than his own, he naturally didn't want to get enemies easily, and being a friend would benefit a lot.

That's why he was so kind to Lin Han.

"Xuchang, you are not a good guy. You have not seen your brother Lin. When you see him in the future, you must be as respectful as you see me. If you dare to be disrespectful to your brother Lin, see if I don't interrupt your leg, you know Then, he slapped Xu Chang beside him and shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes, Brother Lin, I was wrong about the past, please don't care about the villain, please don't take it to heart." Xu Chang immediately covered his face and almost cried.

This was in full view, it was too embarrassing to confess to Lin Han just like this, he couldn't wait to find a place to get in.

Lin Han frowned, always feeling that things are not so simple.

"Oh, Lin Han, do you really think Xu Wenfeng is a good person? There was also an alchemy genius who got a book of alchemy. Xu Wenfeng committed himself to make friends. Do you know what happened?"

At this time, in the other direction, a group of women came over, all of them were born, like a fairy.

It was Ice Fairy who came to the forefront with a superb body and outstanding posture.

"What's the result?" Lin Han asked with a frown.

"It turned out that he deceived that day, brought him to a cliff, beat him to death with a palm, threw him into the cliff, and got his alchemy book. Maybe he was just plotting your alchemy book." Ice Fairy sneered.

She had also heard about the last time the Feng teacher gave a lecture, and she expected that Lin Han should have a good alchemy book.

"Asshole, Ice Fairy, don't talk nonsense." Xu Wenfeng furiously said, like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Hey, what I said was the truth. Many people know that if you don't believe Lin Han, you might as well ask some senior disciples in the Taoist Academy." Fairy Bing said with a smile.

"Lin Han, if you don't realize it anymore, you might end up just like that pill refining genius. You don't know when he was murdered."

Lin Han's expression turned cold, and he had long felt that Xu Wenfeng was not like such an enthusiastic person. It turned out that this guy was so vicious in his heart.

The killing intent in Xu Wenfeng's eyes was almost substantive. He faced Ice Fairy and said, "Okay, Ice Fairy, if you dare to expose me, then don't think about it, Lin Han, let me tell you that she is nothing. Good bird..."

Bing Fairy obviously knew what Xu Wenfeng wanted to say, and couldn't help her face change. Leng Sen said: "Xu Wenfeng, what do you mean, I advise you not to talk nonsense about some things, so as not to cause a murder to yourself."

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