War Emperor

Chapter 1062: Ye Kaitian come forward

The first thousand and sixty-second chapter Ye Kaitian comes forward

"Wuxiang time and space, give me a shock!"

In the end, Wuxiang Time and Space gave out a more surging light and began to squeeze inward crazily. The cracks on the bodies of Taihaoyin's four began to grow more and more, like a toad about to be squeezed, making heart-piercing shouts.

Countless people were horrified. This is the emperor of the four royal families. Lin Han really wanted to kill them. He was too courageous.

"Bastard, stop me!" At this time, Tai Haocheng finally couldn't stand it anymore. He was a member of the inner clan, so naturally he couldn't look at Lin Han and killed Tai Haoyin, breaking his Taihao royal family's face.

Right now, he shouted, and a terrifying aura burst out all over his body, and he patted Lin Han with his palm.

I have to say that he is worthy of being a genius among the true disciples, and his strength is far beyond the core disciples.

With a boom, the world changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, the stars were trembling, and the avenues were shaking, extremely powerful.

"Hmph, I want to kill them, Tai Hao, you can't stop it!" However, Lin Han sneered, and then used the afterimage of the fairy step, the first time, dodge the blow, and then, hand the seal A pinch, bang, bang, bang...Along with the sound of four physical explosions, Tai Haowu all uttered a terrible scream, and then their bodies were directly shattered into pieces under the shock of Wuxiang Time and Space. Four groups of blood mist filled there, completely dead!


"Really dead!"

"He really killed the emperors of the four royal families!"

In an instant, like a big earthquake, countless people yelled in horror with a look of fear!

In the presence of Tai Haoru, he dared to do this, which is obviously not to take Tai Haoru in his eyes.

"Lin Han, you are so bold. If I don't kill you today, how will my face be too horrible!" Tai haoxu suddenly got out of anger, his body shook, and the vast and majestic momentum, like a vast ocean swept across the square, let it be. The whole ring seems to be about to explode.

"The Heavenly Emperor Nine Heavens!"

"He is a strong man in the Nine Heavens?"

Ji Keer and Lin Fenghuang both changed their pretty faces and exclaimed in exclamation.

In the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, there is a huge gap in every heaven. The core disciple like Ye Xinghe is only the fourth heaven of the Emperor, and it hasn't been long before the breakthrough!

Tai Haoxu is the Ninth Heaven of the Heavenly Emperor, which is amazing.

Although Tai Haoxuan is a resounding figure among the true biography disciples, he did not expect him to be so terrifying!

"Emperor Nine Heavens?" Lin Han also changed drastically, adding a touch of pressure in his heart.

Compared with the combined efforts of the four of Tai Hao Yin, this strength is not known how many times stronger.

Even the elders among the core disciples are far from his opponents.

This guy, no wonder he is so arrogant, he looks like a king over the world.

"Lin Han, now I'll give you a chance to arbitrate on the spot and apologize to Emperor Taihao, otherwise don't blame yourself for beheading you!"

After Tai Haoxu displayed the strength of the Heavenly Emperor Nine Heavens, he revealed an aura of overlooking the world.

He said indifferently, like a fairy king talking to mortals, only to listen.

"Vision!" Lin Han smiled coldly, even if the opponent is very strong, he cannot surrender.

"I've given you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it, then go to death." Tai Haoxu flashed a slaughter light in his eyes, and directly stuck out a big hand.


The big hand became bigger in the wind and directly enveloped the entire arena. In the palm of the palm, there was a scene of flames burning the sky, full of a huge sense of oppression.

Almost instantly, the ring under Lin Han's feet disintegrated and exploded. The ground collapsed more than ten meters and sank in an instant.

You know, this ring is made of special materials and is extremely strong. It has gone through many times of Tianmen assessments without any problems.

Under Tai Haoru's big hand, it was so fragile, showing the power of this palm.

Click! Click!

Lin Han felt that his knees were about to be crushed. He gritted his teeth and resisted it firmly!

It's just that he can barely maintain, this big hand, if it really falls, he will almost certainly die.

"Okay, stop it."

However, just as the tense atmosphere was a little frozen, there was a majestic and majestic voice from Jiu Tian, ​​and Ye Kaitian's figure appeared.

He didn't move at all, but there was a great aura in his tone, and with a click, Tai Haoyu's big hand was instantly shattered.

"It's the dean, but it's the dean!"

"See the dean!"

There was an uproar all around, and countless people trembled with excitement, a little overwhelmed, and bowed in salute.

Even though it was too mortal, his expression changed!

Dean Ye Kaitian, this is a real-life emperor-level figure. In the age when the emperor was not born, he absolutely swept the world, even though his Heavenly Emperor Nine Heavens strength, there is still a huge gap with the opponent.

Moreover, it has been many years since the dean broke through the emperor, and it is even harder to imagine where his strength has reached now.

Therefore, he didn't dare to say anything against the dean.

Lin Han was also a little surprised.

The dean looks about forty or fifty years old, with the posture of a dragon and a tiger, standing on the clouds, standing with his hands under his hands, naturally, the breath of breath that reveals makes people unable to help but have an urge to worship .

This was the most terrifying person among the people he had ever seen. His body was as vast as the starry sky, and he couldn't guess.

Even Hong in his body automatically gave birth to a hazy air, which hid his breath and disappeared.

It can be seen how terrifying Ye Kaitian's strength is.

Ordinary disciples were even more excited and a little overwhelmed.

Many people have not seen the legendary dean since they entered the Taoist Academy for several years.

At the moment I finally saw it, I couldn't help but feel excited and excited.

"Tai Haoxu, the Tianmen assessment is aimed at appraising the disciples below the true biography disciples. As a figure among the true biography disciples, you can't attack Lin Han. You can break the rules like this."

Ye Kaitian was very calm and said lightly.

There is a great pressure and courage that makes people afraid to refute.

"Yes, what the dean taught is." Tai Haoru bowed his head.

Although he is a superior figure among young disciples, he still needs to be respectful in front of the dean.

Ye Kaitian nodded, then looked at Lin Han, and a faint smile appeared: "It has only been three months after entering the Kaitian Taoist Academy, and he won the first place in the Kaitian assessment. This is already the beginning of our development. A record of the Tiandao Academy is worthy of being the descendant of the predecessors of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng..."

Lin Han moved in his heart and couldn't help asking, "Has the dean ever met the First Emperor?"

"It was indeed fortunate to have met once, but at that time it was just a child..." Ye Kaitian nodded.

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