War Emperor

Chapter 1069: Breakthrough

The first thousand and sixty-nine chapters break through the emperor

The mountain next to it also opened up terrifying cracks for the first time, as if to disintegrate.

"how can that be?"

"Oh my God, what a terrible power."

Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, countless people yelled out in horror and could no longer laugh at them.

This power is too terrifying, just let go of the bowstring, and set off such a big momentum.

Under this terrible voice, many people with low strength felt like being hit by a heavy hammer in their chest, almost wanting to vomit blood.

Zhou Yong's expression also changed wildly, even when he was loosening the bow, he was far from such a strong momentum. What kind of freak is this kid, how could his power be so terrible?


Finally, in the horrified eyes of the crowd, Lin Han’s arrow light was like a shooting star running through the sky, and it flew to a hundred and twenty miles away, and shot the strange stone like a white crane. Now, not only that, even the entire mountain tops collapsed, endless rubbles rolled down, and a huge cloud of mushrooms rose up in smoke and dust!


Deeply shocked!

Countless people were like being hit by a whip, their bodies stiff and they couldn't say a word.

This archery is obviously more than a little bit stronger than Zhou Yong.

They all felt frightened, as if their heart was pinched, and it was difficult to breathe.

Xinru also had a pretty face in a daze. She originally thought that Lin Han was trying her best, but now she finally knew that Lin Han was much stronger than she thought.

This kind of arrow technique crushed Zhou Yong, and it was nothing at all.

"Brother Zhou Yong, I won." Lin Han smiled faintly, put away his bow, and said to Zhou Yong.


Like a loud slap, Zhou Yong's face suddenly became hot and flushed.

In front of so many people, his proudest place was crushed by an unknown boy, which really made him unable to lift his head.

"Okay, okay, your kid has the patience, indeed you won." In the end, he only flushed and gritted his teeth.

"In that case, in accordance with the bet, please give me one thousand holy pill." Lin Han smiled and stretched out his hand.


Zhou Yong almost spit out a mouthful of blood. Even if he has reached the seventh level of the Emperor of Heaven, the Holy Qi Pill is no longer useful to him, but it also has very amazing value. At least it can be exchanged for a lot of contribution points. You can choose many combat skills, weapons, medicines, etc. in the Taoist Academy.

Just exporting it like this is no less than cutting a piece of meat in his heart.

However, in front of so many people, he has already said what he said, so naturally he can't go back, otherwise his reputation would be a huge blow.

At the moment, he only took out a space ring from his arms, and still gave it to Lin Han, Leng Sen said: "Okay, okay, you have a seed, but you remember that my holy energy pill is not so easy to hold, soon Later, in the Tiger Ranking Test, you better not meet me."

After speaking, his face trembled, and he left with someone like that.

Eaten in the hands of an unknown boy, he really has no face to stay here anymore.

Lin Han smiled, took out the inner gall of the black blood blue scale python, and then went back with Xinru.

Next, Lin Han had a thousand Holy Qi Pills, and naturally the first thing he did was to break through the Holy Emperor!

This is very important to him.

In half a month, he immediately fell into retreat, refining these thousand holy energy pills every day, hitting the Emperor Realm!

If ordinary people have so many holy energy pills, they can't swallow them all at once and enter the realm of Heavenly Emperor.

Because the energy is too majestic, ordinary people can't bear it at all, and at least they have to spend the first half of the year gradually before they can succeed!

But Lin Han had the physical realm of the mid-celestial dragon body, and his physique far surpassed those of the same level.

Therefore, a thousand holy energy pills would not cause any substantial harm to him.

That's it, half a month later, one day, when the sun was shining brightly, on the top of a low mountain, Lin Han was sitting there, and suddenly shouted, "Holy Emperor, break it for me!"


In an instant, he gathered all the energy accumulated by a thousand holy energy pills into the sea, madly impacting his dantian, allowing the energy within the dantian to continue to spread.


Dantian is like a sea, the coastline is constantly widening, and finally reaching a certain level, his aura suddenly reached a new level!

Heavenly Emperor Realm!

He broke!

Finally reached the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

Lin Han couldn't help standing up, with a lofty ambition of scorning all things in the sky and turning himself into a spokesperson for the heavens.

At this moment, even in the nine heavens, the wind and clouds were changing color, the sun and the moon were shining, and the nine heavens raised terrifying thunders, as if the heavens were shaking Lin Han's current breath.

"Someone broke through the Emperor, how could it be possible with such a powerful momentum?"

The mountain where Lin Han is located is a true legendary peak, a remote low mountain not far away.

In a short while, many disciples flew in from all directions, and all of them were shocked.

Ordinary people breaking through the emperor will change the sky a few times at most, but Lin Han has made the sky tremble, and even the nine heavens have been falling down with white snow, golden lotus, and some grand festive bells. It really shocked countless people.

If ordinary people call it a genius, what is this?

It's a complete evildoer.

"It's Lin Han, you kid broke into the Emperor of Heaven!"

There were also many acquaintances around, Tai Haoxuan, Sun Lanlan, and Ji Youming all came, and couldn't help gritting their teeth one by one, their eyes a little gloomy.

Before Lin Han was only in the late Saint Emperor, how long hadn't seen him before, he stepped into the Emperor of Heaven, making them extremely annoyed!

After all, after entering this realm, Lin Han is equivalent to being in the same world as them, having undergone a qualitative transformation, and it is even more difficult to deal with.

Next to Ji Youming, there is also a man in red who is covered by flames. It is the true disciple who ranks third in fire!

Half a month ago, he also went to the Dark Swamp, but it was a pity that he didn't meet Lin Han, so he rushed away.

Seeing Lin Han at this moment, even he had to admit that this guy was indeed not easy, no wonder he made his younger brother Ji Youming deflated.

"Damn, you are Lin Han, did your kid break through after eating my 1,000 holy energy pills?" Zhou Yong also came, gritted his teeth in a burst of anger.

"Haha, yes, Zhou Yong thank you so much." Lin Han couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Yong couldn't help but feel a little shocked in his eyes, wondering what kind of freak this kid is, how could he be able to withstand the energy impact of a thousand holy energy pills?

It's only half a month, it's incredible to refine the Holy Qi Pill.

"Hehe, Lin Han, congratulations."

Xinru, Ji Ke'er, and Lin Fenghuang all came, and they were all very happy to see Lin Han broke into the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Especially heartfelt, the worship in Lin Han's eyes is deeper

"Is this guy Lin Han?" Next to Xinru, there was a woman in white clothes who was unpretentious and couldn't help but frowned.

"Yes, elder sister, he is the Lin Han I mentioned to you, very powerful." Xinru said with a smile.

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