War Emperor

Chapter 1072: Dream pupil

The first thousand and 72 chapters dream pupil technique

Lin Han couldn't help but smile. This challenge is much simpler and more convenient than doing the task to earn contribution points. At the moment, he couldn't help but glance around, and smiled lightly at everyone: "Do you still have anyone to follow? I challenge, and I bet on contributing points, 500 at a time!"

There was silence all around, and many people were shocked.

Although many of them saw Lin Han upset and wanted to beat him up, they knew that they didn't have that ability.

Besides, betting on 500 contribution points at a time is too big a bet, and few people can afford it.

"Haha, Junior Brother Lin Han, so majestic, why don't I have a discussion with you?" At this moment, Xin Meng couldn't help but smile, and then Lianbu moved lightly and took a step forward.

"Wow, Xinmeng?"

"She is going to play?"

"No, she is the number one true disciple?"

Many people were shocked.

No matter how bad Lin Han is, he can't be Xinmeng's opponent.

In addition to Hu Bang and Long Bang, she is definitely the number one genius in the Taoist Academy.

"Sister, your shot is too inappropriate." Xin Ru also said with a change of pretty face.

In her opinion, her sister is too bullying.

Ji Ke'er and Lin Fenghuang were also looking at Xin Meng coldly.

A genius with the No. 1 true biography disciple, took the initiative to challenge a disciple who had become a true biography disciple for more than a month. This is a very funny thing to anyone.

"Haha, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to compare my strength with him. I heard that Junior Brother Lin Han has a hand in pupil technique. I happen to be good at pupil technique, so I just want to compete with him."

Xin Meng smiled softly at everyone.

Everyone was relieved.

Xinmeng does know the pupil technique, but it is very mysterious about this aspect. I have almost never performed it in the Taoist Academy. I know that Lin Han has the Eye of Deception. Under the circumstances of the pupil technique that the Northern Emperor's wind is famous, he dare To learn from Lin Han, it can be seen that she is very confident in herself.

"Study pupil skills?" Lin Han also raised his brows.

"Yes, if I lose, I can give you a thousand contribution points, how about?" Xin Meng chuckled.

There was another sound of inhaling cold air all around, and many people were breathing quickly.

Even Qian Guanhuo and Zhou Yong were surprised. With a thousand contribution points, among all the true biography disciples of the Taoist Academy, there would be no more than one hand who could use so many contribution points.

Xin Meng's bet is too amazing.

Lin Han's breathing also stagnated, and a hot touch appeared in his eyes.

If there are 1,000 contribution points, there are too many things that can be exchanged in the Taoyuan.

"Okay, I'm betting with you." Lin Han couldn't help laughing for a long time. With such a big temptation, he naturally wanted to try.

"Well, as long as you can support it in my pupil skills, even if you win!"

"Dream pupil technique, sleepy and confused, activate!"


Xin Meng didn't say much, with a soft chick, two groups of pink light suddenly appeared in her beautiful eyes, and then a large net was formed, trapping Lin Han!

"Dream pupil technique? Is it the legendary pupil technique?"

Many old people in the monastery all changed their colors and looked shocked.

Legend has it that there was a strange woman in Lingxiao Continent who possessed the dream pupil technique. With a single thought, it can bring harm to the country and the people, upset all living beings, and make many strong people on the mainland fall into dream pupil technique. dead!

This can be said to be one of the pupil skills that the world is most afraid of encountering.

After all, people have seven emotions and six desires. This pupil technique is aimed at people's weaknesses and creates illusions, which are too difficult to deal with.

Moreover, the pupil technique of Guanxinmeng has reached the status of the fifth rank of the general trend, which is indeed a big killer, very powerful.

"not good!"

Lin Han's expression also changed, and he found that he had fallen into a huge illusion. In the illusion, the father and the mother first appeared.

In the fairy world, they have been reunited and asked to go together!

For his mother, he had endless attachment and longing in his heart, and he couldn't help but walk over.

Next to his mother, there was Xi Yun who was also calling for him to pass, and the ancient Li Dynasty also returned to the peak of the ancient times, and even more unified the world.

As long as he passes, all this can be achieved!

"This dream pupil technique is terrible, I definitely can't fall into it." Lin Han was surprised, his obsession was too much, and his instinct told him that as long as he fell, he would be finished.

Although he knew it was fake, in the pupil technique, if there was a kind of hypnotic magic power, he couldn't help but want to fall into the arms of his father, mother, and Xiyun, and then dominate the world, so that his life would be complete. Up!

"No, Lin Han, everything you see is fake, don't fall into it." Outside, Ji Kerer and Lin Fenghuang couldn't help changing their colors and reminded loudly.

Lin Han's footsteps have already begun to move, and he really wants to go over. This is exactly a sign of falling.

"It's useless, he can't hear what you are saying now." Xin Meng smiled faintly, as long as she is enveloped by her dream pupil technique, she will fall into her inner world, unless she breaks free, others will simply remind But come.

Looking at Lin Han's appearance, he had obviously fallen.

So she couldn't help but feel a sense of joy.

As long as she can obliterate Lin Han with this pupil technique, her family and the Eastern royal family will be very happy.

"The Eye of Despair, break it for me!" However, at this moment, Lin Han gritted his teeth and yelled, and displayed the Eye of Despair.

The hypnotic effect of this dream pupil technique is too strong, he feels like there are countless invisible big hands trying to drag him into hell, and if he doesn't break free, he can't hold on for long.

In terms of his belief in martial arts, he is confident that he will not fall, but about Niang and Xiyun, these are his weaknesses.


After the words fell, Lin Han's eyes burst out with a large cyan light, like two small cyan suns, exuding chaos, and wanted to break this illusion.

It’s a pity that this illusion is indeed too strong. Although it has oscillated a few times, it has not really broken. On the contrary, there is still a strange pressure that is suppressing Lin Han’s delusion-breaking eyes, as if to force it back into his body. .

"Oh, it's useless, your pupil technique only reaches the general third rank, but I have the general rank fifth rank. Obediently fall, only fall, you can get everything you want."

Xinmeng smiled, winning the game.

Many people are in awe of Xinmeng's pupil technique.

Having such a pupil technique is absolutely frightening.

Who has no weakness?

"Lin Han, the four great royal families have huge root systems and amazing energy. How can you be a kid who can contend? If this day, you also asked for it." Tai Haoxuan also smiled indifferently.

A family like Xinmeng has a lot to do with the four great royal families, so Lin Han is against the four great royal families. In a sense, there are more enemies than he thought.

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