War Emperor

Chapter 1076: Evolution of Good Fortune Palm

The first thousand and 76 chapters of evolution

Tai Haoxu and Sun Lanlan also laughed, looking forward to that day, taunting Lin Han!

Choosing the Palm of Good Fortune is simply mentally retarded!

Lin Han didn't pay attention to this. When he returned home that night, he and Hong began to study the palm of good fortune.

There are thirteen pages in this palm. Since only seven are missing, there are only eight pages left. To such a degree of damage, it is indeed whimsical to want to cultivate.

However, Hong is different. He has lived for such a long time, has witnessed countless strong men, and he is also a very strong strong man, so this incomplete palm of good fortune can still be restored in his hands.

I saw that he took out the secret book of the Palm of Good Fortune and read it silently, and then countless light-shaped villains began to appear throughout his body and began to practice palm.

Those villains seem to be evolving in a certain way of handling. After a while, there will be constant villains, which seem to have failed and begin to collapse, one by one, like fireworks, very gorgeous.

Lin Han knew that those villains who collapsed represent "one way", if it didn't work, the villains would naturally be destroyed.

In this way, after about three days and three nights, under the continuous evolution of Hong, in the end, there was only one of those dense and endless little people!

That little man was still evolving his palm skills. After about an hour, with a bang, a terrifying aura suddenly emanated from the little man, and then he slapped forward with a violent palm!

Good Fortune Palm!

Such an ancient and grand voice appeared in the void.

The space in front of them collapsed sharply, turning into a world-destroying fairy light, intertwined there, terrifying.

You know, the power of the little fairy skill has a certain relationship with the "Xian Qi", the stronger the fairy Qi, the greater the power.

The ordinary little fairy skills can play a ray of fairy energy.

The immortal energy that this villain played was more than thirty. The power was so powerful that it was far more terrifying than the ordinary first-grade immortal energy.

"More than thirty fairy qi...This rank has reached the level of the third-rank little fairy skill, right." Lin Han also instantly heated his eyes, and was extremely ecstatic.

Obviously Hong had succeeded, and perfectly evolved the next path of the Palm of Good Fortune.

This is Hong, other strong people, it is impossible to do it, the senior officials of the Taoist Academy learned that they did not know what they would be shocked.

As for the Third-Rank Little Immortal Skill, this has reached a very advanced rank, even if it is a general Tiger List disciple, it may not be able to have enough contribution points to practice.

In this way, he obtained a third-rank little fairy skill with 1,300 contribution points, which was a huge gain.

Knowing by other disciples was enough to envy him to vomit blood.

"Xinmeng, Zhou Yong, Guan Huo, and Li Ziming, all of you will definitely think that I have spent so many contribution points to redeem a handicap that cannot be practiced. I am very mentally retarded and gloat. In the game, you will know how much I have made this move."

Lin Han couldn't help laughing out loud, very cheerful.

He was looking forward to what their expressions would look like when they learned that they had practiced the Palm of Good Fortune, or Level 3 Little Immortal Skill.

In this way, in the next period of time, Lin Han began to fall into crazy practice.

The Palm of Good Fortune is worthy of a third-rank little fairy skill. It is very high-level, and it is enough to cause a **** storm in some places on the Lingxiao Continent.

Even if he has a good talent, it is not a simple matter to train him in a short time.

Fortunately, there is Hong!

This is his greatest confidence. Once there is something difficult to understand, Mr. Hong can tell him in advance to reach the essence and save him a lot of detours.

In this way, after about two months, he finally succeeded.

This day and night!

The moon hangs high.

Lin Han was practicing his palms in a remote mountain forest. He saw his palms like thunder and his body like the wind. While practicing his palms, there was still a ray of good fortune on the surface of his body.

This is the most important point of the Palm of Good Fortune, which uses the Qi of Good Fortune as the cornerstone to exert tremendous palm power. Fortunately, Lin Han is the high-ranking emperor alchemy, swordsmith, and formation, and possesses the aura of good fortune, otherwise this alone would be enough for him to trouble.

This is also the most important point for him to be able to practice God Palm in two months.

"The Palm of Good Fortune, kill me!"

Finally, Lin Han yelled, and in his eyes, an extremely sharp divine light burst out, like two bolts of lightning, piercing the sky and illuminating the mountains and forests, appearing extremely sharp.


Then, more than 30 fairy qi burst out from his arm, and he slapped forward vigorously.

In an instant!

The entire mountain forest seemed to usher in a huge disaster. There were four big mountains in front of them. They were razed to the ground and shattered into fragments. The whole land collapsed like it was hit by the palm of a giant fairy in the world. Coming down, a huge palm print with a radius of thousands of miles was formed, and the scene was terrifying!

If someone sees this scene, they don't know what they will be shocked. Such a palm is absolutely stunning.

Fortunately, Lin Han chose a place that was relatively remote and would not attract other attention, otherwise such a palm would be enough to cause a sensation in the entire Taoist Academy.

"It's so strong!" Lin Han couldn't help feeling hot, and then looked up to the sky and laughed, very cheerful.

This is simply not comparable to the first-level fairy skills.

It is conceivable that in tomorrow's Tiger Ranking Test, under the eyes of everyone, he will show such a hand, and the scene will be so shocking.

"Take the Tiandi Pill. Tomorrow is the Tiger Ranking Test. You can improve your strength one step further." Hong Ye smiled.

Lin Han successfully cultivated the Palm of Good Fortune, and he was also happy.

Lin Han nodded. He was in the Exchange Hall and exchanged two Celestial Pills. He has already taken one during this time. This pill is worthy of being a treasure medicine for people in the Celestial Realm to strengthen his strength. He has reached the peak of the Heavenly Emperor's First Heaven. The remaining one, if he continues to take it, his strength will probably reach the second heaven of the Emperor!

By then, his combat power will be stronger, and he will be more confident in the face of the geniuses of Xin Meng, Zhou Yong, Guan Huo, and Li Ziming.


Just do what he said. At the moment, Lin Han swallowed a Celestial Pill without saying a word, and his whole body suddenly burst out with incomparable divine light, like a fire, illuminating the entire mountain forest at once.

Then, Lin Han felt that his breath began to climb up frantically.


After about three hours, with a sound that resembled broken glass, Lin Han's breath instantly reached the level of the second heaven of the Emperor.

Now he is strong and vigorous, full of energy, and full of an indescribable sense of strength.

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