War Emperor

Chapter 1078: Special test

The first thousand and seventy-eight chapters special test

"Li Ziming, didn't you let me kneel? Now let me not let you down?" Lin Han ignored everyone's thoughts, gave a faint sneer, walked to Li Ziming's face, and patted Li Ziming's face. Several slaps, smiled lightly.

Li Ziming's face suddenly resembled a monkey butt, painful and ashamed, and he wanted to find a place to sew in.

In front of so many people, being crushed by Lin Han is simply a shame.

Then, he gritted his teeth fiercely and Leng Sen said: "Lin Han, you bastard, don't be too proud, even if you break through the second heaven of the Emperor, you don't have strong enough combat skills, wanting to compete with us, it is wishful thinking. To tell you, this time it was caused by my carelessness. In the next assessment, I will try my best. You still cannot be my opponent!"

Many people nodded and did not deny.

In the final analysis, Lin Han spent 1,300 contribution points in exchange for a **** of good fortune palm that could not be cultivated. It was too reckless.

It is indeed impossible for Xiaoxianji to really compete with them.

In other words, Lin Han's current situation is still not optimistic.

"When it comes to the assessment, you will know how ridiculous your thinking is now."

Lin Han just sneered, and didn't say much that the Palm of Good Fortune was his big hole card, and he would not reveal it at will until the critical moment.

"Just keep your mouth hard. When the time comes, I will pay back the shame you have on me ten times, a hundred times." Li Ziming gave a vicious grin, then stood up and took people away. He had already taken it before. After the digestion of the healing pills, the injury has almost recovered.

Xinmeng, Zhou Yong, Guan Huo and others were also looking at Lin Han maliciously, seeming to be verifying Li Ziming's words.

This time, they would never let Lin Han end alive in the Tiger Ranking Test.

Lin Han looked calm and didn't pay any attention. He had experienced too many big winds and waves, and these were nothing to him.

"The Dean is here!"

At this moment, I don't know who shouted, and countless people swish swish... suddenly all their eyes were turned to the sky.

I saw that in the sky, the wind and the clouds changed and the sun and the moon were dark, and a middle-aged man who stepped on auspicious clouds landed from the nine heavens under the awe of countless people.

Just like the immortals of the immortal world descended to the earth, it was full of detached, overlooking sentient beings.

Naturally, the strong spirit that exudes makes people unable to help but want to prostrate himself and bow down sincerely.

"The powerhouse in the realm of Emperor Zun is really terrifying." Lin Han couldn't help but murmur.

When he reached the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, he felt that he was already very strong, but the characters in the realm of Emperor Zun still made him feel like the sea, unfathomable and irresistible.

He couldn't help but a look of yearning appeared in his heart, and he didn't know when he could reach the realm of the emperor.

The realm of the emperor is even so, how terrifying the eternal platform-the realm of the gods? This makes him unimaginable.

"See the dean!"

Countless people stood up in the entire square and bowed respectfully to Ye Kaitian. The momentum is huge and spectacular.

"No need to be polite." Ye Kaitian smiled faintly, with a calm and calm color, giving a sense of warmth.

This is the strength of the strong, ordinary sentient beings, it is no longer enough to cause any mood swings in him.

"This year's Tiger Ranking Examination Tournament is about to begin again. I hope that if you will work hard and become champions, you will not only become Tiger Ranking disciples, enjoy the qualifications to enter the "Tiger Sacred Mountain" training, and even get a key to the sky. "Ye Dingtian's calm voice said something that made the audience boil.

"Open the sky key?"

"There is a key to open the sky as a reward!"

Many people were surprised, excited and fiery.

Everyone knows that the Patriarch of the Kaitian Taoist Academy, in ancient times, left an open sky treasure house, which contained countless treasures.

He also has a book of world-famous techniques, which countless disciples in future generations dream of.

Unfortunately, if you want to open that treasure house, you need to gather eight keys to open the sky.

Now that you become the champion of the Tiger Ranking Tournament, you can have a key to the sky, which is really exciting.

"Tiger Sacred Mountain?" Lin Han frowned, a little dazed.

"The Tiger Sacred Mountain is the area where the disciples of the Tiger List specialize in staying. The foundation of the entire Kaitian Taoist Academy was caused by a dragon and a tiger fighting against each other in the ancient times. After death, they turned into mountains and rivers. In the Tiger Sacred Mountain, there are The energy essence of the White Tiger Divine Beast, even after so many years, is still vast and majestic. Cultivating there has unimaginable benefits for ordinary people." Ji Keer beside him explained to him with a smile.

She had always had opinions on Lin Han before, always screaming at little **** and little perverts. After experiencing so much, the grudge that used to be had already been wiped out.

Now she recognized Lin Han as the hope of the Guli Dynasty.

As for the ridiculous night, she had already forgotten...

Some things, once owned, are enough.

"So that's the case!" Lin Han nodded in relief, and secretly opened the Tiandao Academy. It is indeed one of the Eight Avenues, and there is such an amazing background.

It's no wonder that countless core disciples are sharpening their heads and want to become Hubang disciples. It turns out that Hubang disciples have such amazing benefits.

It is conceivable that all the disciples of the Tiger List are like this, and the place where the Dragon List practices, the Long Sacred Mountain, will inevitably be stronger.

"Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. Let's start the assessment now. The assessment method is to test the "Tiger Murderous". Contestants, enter the central platform."

Ye Kaitian said lightly, and pointed to the open space in the middle.

I saw that in the center of the square, there was a huge piece of air. In the air, some mysterious runes were also engraved, and they were intertwined faintly, forming a huge tiger-shaped pattern, giving people a fierce and incomparable pattern. taste.

Lin Han's eyes narrowed, and he had long noticed that under these runes, there was a huge formation hidden. It now appears that this Tiger Ranking Test is conducted under this formation.

But when he thought about it, he was also relieved that among the four great beasts, Bai Hu originally advocated killing and killing, and his murderous aura was shocking.

If you want to enter the tiger sacred mountain to cultivate and become a disciple of the tiger list, you need to undergo the baptism of the tiger's killing intent of the winner, but it is normal.

Huh huh!

At the moment, countless people sharpened their knives and jumped into the center of the ring one by one.

Immediately afterwards, there were elders all around, pinching out the seal, and with a bang, the entire open space seemed to be activated, sending out a huge tiger roar, shaking the world.

"Ah, so murderous, I can't stand it anymore, let me out!"

Almost for an instant, Lin Han, including all true disciples, felt a terrifying murderous aura, like a vast sea, sweeping across the sky, making people cold and frightened.

There was even a huge soul pressure in it, which was unbearable. If they didn't support it for almost a short ten seconds, some people screamed in panic and withdrew in embarrassment.

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