War Emperor

Chapter 1104: rat

The first thousand and four chapters despicable villain

"How is this possible?" Nangongjian and Shangguan Fei were about to stare at them, their faces were shocked and unbelievable.

Lin Han saw the birthplace of the formation.

"No, my formation!" Yan Chuchu's expression also changed drastically, shocked.

It was true. Many people thought that she had to break the three vortexes for her formation, but this was simply wrong, so every time she heard someone talk about these, she would have a sneer in her heart.

She never expected that Lin Han could actually look at the birth gate and insight into the secrets of her formation.

In her opinion, it is almost like a daydream, incredible.

There are no disciples in the entire Tiger List, so you can do this step.

"Sister Yan, I did it. As agreed, please leave." Lin Han smiled faintly under the eyes of all the people, standing there, with fluttering clothes and long hair flying up to the waist, full of indescribable strands. Demeanor, Tao.

The needles falling all around can be heard, and no one dared to show Lin Han contempt and ridicule.

Lin Han used his own ability to break the formation and won everyone's admiration.

Nangongjian and Shangguan Fei were also a little embarrassed. They thought that Lin Han was doing nothing to ruin their good deeds, and there was an irritation in their hearts. Now they found that they had misunderstood Lin Han, which made them feel a little bit embarrassed.

"How did you do it?" Yan Chuchu's pretty face was very gloomy, staring at Lin Han every word, and said coldly.

No one of the entire Tiger List disciples could break her set of killing formations. Lin Han did it. In her opinion, it was incredible.

Lin Han just smiled, and didn't say much. He has the Eyes of Deception and the water grade of the high-ranking formation great emperor. Although it is only three stages, it is also extremely powerful, so this formation, in the eyes of others, It may be difficult to see the flaws, but to him, it is nothing at all.

"It seems that your kid really has a certain ability. Okay, if you are lucky today, let's wait and see." Seeing Lin Han, she seemed reluctant to say more. Yan Chuchu only sneered and left directly, but before leaving, she But a mysterious smile was left: "Even if your kid gets these four monsters, I can guarantee that you may not get those contribution points, so do it yourself..."

Lin Han frowned, wondering why Yan Chuchu said such a sentence before leaving.

Nangong Jian and Shangguan Fei looked at each other, and then couldn't help but step forward and smile at Lin Han: "Little Junior Brother, thank you so much this time. If it weren't for you, neither of us would get it. These four Warcraft."

"You two?" Lin Han was startled.

Shangguan Fei smiled, with a sneer in his eyes, and said: "Of course it is the two of us. So many contribution points are of no use to you. Why not, I will give you a thousand contribution points, which is your reward. ."

Nangong Jian also smiled and said, "Yes, one thousand contribution points are quite a lot. I can exchange ten Heavenly Emperor Pills for you."

There was a burst of laughter in the surroundings. Everyone knew that Nangong Jian and Shangguan Fei were purely using Lin Han.

Now that Lin Han drove away Yan Chuchu, the two of them showed their fangs, wanting to swallow these contribution points alone.

"Hey, are you? It's too mean, these four monsters, Yan Chuchu said to give to Lin Han, you actually said to use 1,000 contribution points to send people." Ji Keer and Lin Fenghuang could not help but walked out. , Angrily said.

"Without the deterrence of the two of us, Lin Han wants to get rid of Yan Chuchu so easily, and it is not so simple, so the biggest contribution should be the two of us." Nangong Jian smiled.

Lin Han's eyes fell uncontrollably, and finally understood why Yan Chuchu said this when he was leaving.

It turned out that she had already seen the character of Nangongjian and Shangguanfei.

These two guys are so high-sounding, really funny.

"In that case, don't I have to thank you two." Lin Han smiled.

"It should be." Shangguan Fei smiled lightly. Because in this way, no matter what, Lin Han's reputation will be achieved.

"Get out!" However, Lin Han only uttered these two words. Originally, he planned to get these four monsters and give them some of them. Now it seems that he will not give them any contribution value. .

"Are you talking to us?" Nangongjian and Shangguan Fei's expressions suddenly became cold, and with a bang, a powerful aura broke out all over, like an invisible big hand oppressing the forest.

"You two are so despicable, and you still have the face to say this. You don't even want to get a single hair of these four-headed beasts." Lin Han's face also became cold, and he didn't have a good face for this kind of person.

"Haha." Nangong Jian couldn't help laughing for a long time, and said: "Lin Han, Lin Han, you are not qualified at all. Tell us this, toast and not eat fine wine. In that case, there is nothing to say. ,get out."

Right now, he also showed his fangs, and patted Lin Han directly with a palm.

I have to say that the strength of the Nangong sword is really expensive, it has reached the realm of the Heavenly Emperor's Ninth Heaven, and it is only one step away from breaking through the Emperor.

Therefore, this palm is extremely powerful, and from the very beginning of the exhibition, there is a kind of overbearing spirit, which makes the surrounding mountains and forests set off an extremely violent momentum.

"Do you think that when the Nine Heavens of the Heavenly Emperor is consummated, I will be afraid of you?" However, Lin Han sneered, and instantly displayed the Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak, and directly attacked the Wild Blue Dragon Fist.


The terrible fist power was vigorous, and with a click, the arm of the Nangong sword was interrupted for the first time. At the same time, the whole figure was like a dead dog, flying upside down, vomiting blood in embarrassment, with a painful expression.

"how can that be?"

Countless people were shocked. No one thought that Lin Han would be so powerful, and even the top ten Nangong sword was not his opponent.

Shangguan Fei's expression also changed, and he couldn't believe his eyes. Originally, in his opinion, Lin Han was just a bug, and his strength was so terrifying.

"Nangong Sword, Shangguan Fei, you two dare to hack my things, so brave." Lin Han laughed coldly. His wild Canglong Fist, but the fifth-grade little fairy skill, even Taihaoxu can explode. With resistance, coupled with the war-intent blessing of the Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak, he was almost fearless of anyone under the Nine Heavens, so Nangong Sword was not his opponent at all.

"Shangguan Fei, go, let's solve him together!" Nangongjian's face flushed a little. The top ten disciples of his own dignified list were not Lin Han's opponents, which made him feel very embarrassed. Now that the matter is over, they naturally have nothing to say. , Only the two can work together to deal with Lin Han.

Shangguan Fei nodded.


The two of them rushed towards Lin Han together, with a terrifying aura.

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