War Emperor

Chapter 1125: Harajo

The first thousand and twenty-five chapters of the original city

He is a character of the Emperor Zun Sanzhongtian, how could he lose to someone who has just entered the dragon list not long ago?

It was like letting him into the ice cellar of the team, completely cold and uncomfortable.

"Huang Jianguang, I have nothing to say now." Lin Lian Lian smiled, walked to the front, and immediately put away the five bottles of Emperor Qi.

Huang Jianguang suddenly had a ruthless look in his eyes, and said angrily: "Lin Han, I want you to die!"

At the moment, an extremely terrifying aura burst out of his whole body, and he leaped towards Lin Han, his eyes red.

The family was almost destroyed by the soldiers of the Guli dynasty. He was in the Taoyuan and lost another five bottles of emperor dignity, which made him unable to bear it.

Now he has lost his mind, and a terrible flame has risen from him!

This is the fire of essence and blood, obviously he has started desperately.

"Death!" However, Lin Han sneered and snapped. Before Huang Jianguang got up, he slapped Huang Jianguang on his face and slapped him out again.

With the strength of his current Emperor Zun Double Heaven, Huang Jianguang is not his opponent at all, even if he burns his essence and blood.

He took out Huang Jianguang's space ring, and found another twenty-five bottles of Emperor Qi in it, which made him couldn't help but laugh.

Huang Jianguang's net worth is really expensive.

Huang Jianguang finally spouted a mouthful of blood, passed out, and was so humiliated by Lin Han in the public, which was really hard for him to accept.

In this way, Lin Han received thirty bottles of emperor's dignity, and was also qualified to go to the barren prairie, and finally set off.

The barren prairie is located in the southern part of Lingxiao Continent. It is a vast grassland covering tens of thousands of miles. There are many fierce insects and beasts. For many people, it is a forbidden land of life. People who enter hunting every year, Ninety percent died in it forever.

Even a cultivator dare not go at will.

Outside the barren prairie, there is an ancient city called "Yuancheng". It is the largest city outside the prairie. Since many caravans come here every year, this city is very popular.

The most important thing is that during this period of time, people from the Five Great Demon Temples appeared in the deserted prairie, suspected treasures were born. People from the Eight Great Avenues and Lingxiao Continent, people from many forces, came to check, so let the people here The atmosphere is more popular.

Before entering the city, you can see that at the gate of the city, people are coming and going, and the crowd is full of darkness, walking into the city.

Lin Han couldn't help but slap his tongue when he saw this scene.

He and Ji Ke'er, Lin Fenghuang, and Xiaolan finally arrived here after three days' journey.

Seeing this, the news of suspected treasures unearthed in the deserted prairie was really a sensation.

"Hey, you all have to pay the **** crystals one by one, and you can pass 10,000 middle-grade **** crystals each."

At this moment, in front of the city gate, a group of people stood arrogantly and yelled at the crowds coming and going.

The group of people, all dressed in uniform, had a detached and noble color, and were extremely domineering. Some people didn't line up well and even beat them with whips.

"It's people from Hongmeng Taoist Academy, these people are too domineering." Ji Keer couldn't help but said with a cold expression.

Hongmeng Taoist Academy, the first Taoist Academy of the Eight Avenues, is the most famous and the disciples in it have the highest gold content.

There is a lot of Lingxiao Continent, meaning the first force, wherever he goes, he looks aloof.

So for the people of Hongmeng Taoist Academy, she was quite uncomfortable.

"Huh? That is Feng Mu?" However, what surprised Lin Han was that among them, he even saw an old acquaintance-Feng Mu!

This guy, also wearing the costume of Hongmeng Taoist Academy, was there with a shot in his hand. He had a great, arrogant attitude. He would naturally not be mistaken. It was Fengmu.

"Lin Han? It's you!" Feng Mu also saw Lin Han, rubbed his eyes, then laughed, and suddenly laughed up to the sky, and said: "Lin Han, Lin Han, where does life never meet? It’s a coincidence that I can meet you here!"

He is indeed Fengmu!

After being defeated by Lin Han at Yingzhou Xiandao, he learned from the pain and decided to come to Lingxiao Continent to learn his skills.

Only here will one's progress be fast.

Now almost two years have passed, seeing Lin Han in this small original city naturally made him very happy.

"Yes, nowhere in life really meets..." Lin Han also smiled, with some emotion.

I still remember the first time I saw Fengmu, the other party was the Fengyun genius of Yingzhou Xiandao, who was aloof.

Now he was reduced to a person who looked at the gates of the original city, which really made him a little embarrassed, and the years were merciless.

After all, this guy walked closer to Xiyun at the beginning.

"Lin Han, what do you look at, do you look down on me looking at the city gate here? To tell you the truth, I am much better than you when I look at the city gate here." Feng Mu noticed the look in Lin Han's eyes. Furious, said coldly.

Hongmeng Taoyuan, the first Taoyuan in Lingxiao Continent, is famous all over the world, and the threshold is very high.

He gave up a lot of hard work at the beginning, and with good luck, he entered the Hongmeng Taoist Academy.

Even watching the door here is far more powerful than ordinary geniuses.

"Now let's take a look at Lao Tzu's strength and let you know how powerful Lao Tzu is." Feng Mu laughed again, his body exploded with an extremely powerful smell, like a hurricane, sweeping around.

Emperor Zun's Four Heavens!

Lin Han couldn't help but raised his brow, a little surprised.

This strength is within the Kaitian Taoist Academy, and can almost quickly rank into the top ten.

Feng Mu had such a realm now, it really surprised him.

This is just a disciple who guards the gate of Hongmeng Taoist Academy. How powerful is the real genius in Hongmeng Taoist Academy?

Hongmeng Taoist Academy is indeed the first of the Eight Avenues Academy.

"Haha, yes, it is the fourth heaven of Emperor Zun, Lin Han, I can't think of it, I am so powerful now!" Feng Mu laughed wildly, only to exhale, then pointed at Lin Han, and said grimly: "Stop talking nonsense, you The kid knelt down for me, knocked his head three times, then stepped under me, and I'll let you pass!"

At the end, he laughed louder and his body was shaking.

It was because of Lin Han that he left his hometown alone and came to Lingxiao Mainland to study art.

Now that he has finally learned the ability to look down on Lin Han, he will naturally not let go of this opportunity to humiliate Lin Han.

He not only humiliated Lin Han, but also made up his mind to kill this kid.

Now that he could finally avenge the revenge, he was extremely excited.

"Idiot." However, Lin Han only sneered out these two words. With an idiotic expression, Feng Mu's anger was immediately raged, and he furiously said: "Damn, you ant, now you dare to be stubborn. Look at me. Don't kill you!"

"Tian Lei Palm, kill me!"

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