War Emperor

Chapter 1135: Deep in the grassland

The first thousand and thirty-five chapters deep in the grassland

I don't know where Meng Zhou obtained it. The rank is very high. Even if Meng Zhou hadn't cultivated successfully, he was now in the hands of Lin Han, which made him very happy.

This day the fire palm technique requires a powerful flame to be cultivated. Otherwise, even if the realm is high, it will be very difficult to cultivate.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Meng Zhou has not practiced it. Otherwise, Lin Han wants to defeat him, it is far from simple. After all, the power of a sixth-rank high-grade fairy skill is compared to the terrifying sixth-grade fairy. I don’t know how high it is.

"However, I can practice!" Lin Han smiled.

He has a prehistoric sword-forging furnace, and there is a mysterious flame of heaven and earth underworld, which is so powerful that it can burn heaven and earth.

Using this fire as a guide, there is absolutely no problem in cultivating the Palm of Heavenly Fire.

So while he was on the road, Lin Han was doing two things with one heart, while cultivating Heavenly Fire God's Palm.

This is his current strength, he can do it, but he couldn't do it before.

In this way, about two days later, the large troops followed by Lin Han and others finally came to the depths of the prairie.

I saw that on the deserted ground ahead, an ancient giant city flew out, hazy, and I don't know how big it was, it seemed to stand in another time and space, giving people the feeling of a mirage, a little unreal.

"Is this the divine emperor's handwriting?" Lin Han couldn't help exclaiming in surprise.

There are strange light waves circulating in this huge city, which really feels like it is in another space.

Above that, there was still a breath that was unique to the emperor, which was shocking, and couldn't help but feel the feeling of wanting to surrender.

"God emperor..." Lin Han couldn't help but murmured. After the eighteenth heaven of the emperor, it is the legendary **** emperor realm. Although it seems to be only a step away, the gap in the middle is like clouds and mud. Even if he has reached the fifth heaven of the emperor realm, he still feels The Divine Emperor Realm was very far away to him.

He couldn't help but yearn for this realm in his heart.

When can I become the emperor...

"What about the emperor, when you really get there, you will know that the emperor is just another starting point." Hongwei sighed slightly.

Since ancient times, many divine emperors have not died naturally. After all, at that point, the world can be turned upside down by raising their hands. In all areas, there is too little power to kill them.

Most **** emperors, after reaching a certain level, have entered the world of immortality!

That is a more expansive world, with a more exciting and vast stage than the five continents and four seas.

Even if the emperor, among them, will become not so bright.

Therefore, he told Lin Han that the emperor was not far away, but was just a milestone on the way to the real peak power.

After walking past, you will find another piece of heaven and earth.

Lin Han nodded, he had already felt this way, but his vision was too low before, and he felt that the emperor was a synonym for unattainable. Now that he has gained a lot of knowledge around Lingxiao Continent, he does feel that The true fairy world, the emperor should not be uncommon.

It's a long road, it's a long way.

"Hey, Lin Han, you kid, why are you here? Didn't Meng Zhou kill you before?" Just as Lin Han was looking at the ancient giant city and thinking about how to enter, a strange voice was heard in his ears. The side sounded.

Lin Han looked around and saw a group of women coming. The person headed was the same Qingling he had seen before. The others were naturally female disciples from Qingyun Academy.

"Why must he be able to kill me?" Lin Han smiled.

Ling Qing was a little puzzled. When she first left the city, she also saw Meng Zhou going to fight Lin Han.

It was just that at that time, she was all trying to come to the depths of the deserted prairie. She didn't bother to worry about it. Lin Han didn't care about the life of an ant.

Seeing Lin Han came here unharmed now, naturally surprised her.

"Your boy is really lucky. It seems that Meng Zhou deliberately let you go, but you dare to come here, you are really courageous, don't you know your strength, come here to die?" Qing Ling Can't help but sneer in contempt.

"Senior Sister is not worried, I have my own discretion." Lin Han said lightly.

Although the other party helped him out before, it made him feel a little grateful, but this condescending and superior temperament, he really can't bear it.

"Hmph, don’t think I don’t know, your kid is chasing here for me, don’t think I helped you once, you have any chance to tell you, it’s impossible, I will only like it, stronger than me The man who came out, hurry up." However, Ling Qing said coldly.

Lin Han was stunned immediately.

Even Ji Kerer and Lin Fenghuang couldn't help being speechless, Ling Qing was too narcissistic.

Lin Han couldn't help but sneered: "Senior Sister Ling Qing, don't worry, I really don't have any doubts about you..."

Rao has seen countless women along the way, but he has never seen anything like this. Now he is a little impatient.

However, Ling Qing thought he was quibbling, and couldn't help but furiously said, "Okay, it seems that you still dare to quibble. Today I will let you know that the gap between you and me has completely killed you. heart!"

After speaking, she stretched out her slender hand and pointed it at Lin Han's head.

"Emperor Realm Eighth Heaven?" Lin Han couldn't help but raised his brow.

The realm that erupted in Ling Qing's body was exactly the eighth heaven of Emperor Zun realm, which was much more powerful than Liu Feng and Meng Zhou.

However, this breath is obviously floating a little, it just broke through.

"Yes, in the last few days I just broke through the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm, heck, Lin Han, you humble stinky boy, do you still think about me? It's too late to regret it now." Ling Qing giggled. Tao.

"Humph!" However, Lin Han sneered. No matter what the Emperor Venerable Realm Eighth Heaven, his current strength, even the Emperor Venerable Eighth Heaven, is completely fearless.


In the end, he lifted his palm and hit it directly, and the power of the world-famous divine body exploded, setting off an unparalleled terrifying force.


Qing Ling was shocked and slammed into the air not far away, spouting a mouthful of blood.

"You are so powerful." She was stunned, her expression unbelievable, and she even wondered if she had dreams.

A few days ago, this kid couldn't beat Meng Zhou. Thanks to his appearance, the other party escaped.

After these few days, she had reached the Eighth Heaven of Emperor Zun realm, but Lin Han defeated her with one move, which really made her feel a little dreamy.

The female disciples of her Qingyun Academy were also a little surprised, and she did not expect that this little-known young man in Kaitiandao Academy would have such a powerful strength.

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