War Emperor

Chapter 1138: rush ahead

The first thousand and thirty-eight chapters

They are all women, but they are not at all ambiguous when they meet the baby.

Lin Han glanced at them, and after frowning, he couldn't help but said helplessly: "If you don't want to die, just wait for a while."

"What do you mean, do you want to trouble us?" Qing Ling suddenly angrily said.

The other girls in Qingyun Academy also looked at Lin Han, full of guard.

Lin Han made Qingling embarrassed, in their eyes, they were all enemies.

However, Lin Han didn't speak, just sneered and looked at the ancient giant city.

Now the ancient giant city, indeed, emerged from the space, very clearly.

However, he could clearly feel that there was a very dangerous fluctuation in it.

It is not a wise move to think about going in now if it is not unexpected.

"Those who trespass into the ancient city die!" Sure enough, just as Lin Han's thoughts fell, a group of ancient soldiers rushed out of the ancient city, all wearing ragged armor and holding old bronze spears, like a group of slaves. The ancient soldiers who came across time and space rushed out.

Puff puff…

Their combat power is very powerful. As soon as those talents rushed past, they were all killed by their spears on the spot.

There were even some people who were shattered into blood mist on the spot, with no corpses, and their destructive power was amazing.

"what happened?"

Countless people were horrified, how could a group of soldiers like this rush out in this ancient city.

Qingling and the other women from Qingyun Academy couldn't help but numb their scalp.

On that group of soldiers, there was a terrible murderous aura. Although it looked lifeless, it was very shocking.

If they really rushed up right now, they might end up like those people.

At the moment, Qing Ling and other women looked at Lin Han's gaze, and couldn't help but feel a touch of shame.

Lin Han reminded them that they shouldn't use this attitude.

"Hmph, Lin Han, although thank you for reminding us, we won't have any good impressions of you." At this moment, in the middle of the group of women, there was a woman in red, looking at Lin Lenglin coldly.

Her name is Hong Ling, and she is the leader of this group of people. Her status is higher than Qing Ling, and her strength is also stronger.

Lin Han had made Qingling so embarrassed before, she also hated him.

Lin Han just glanced at her and ignored it. These ungrateful women were not worthy of him to say any more. At this moment, he looked at the group of ancient soldiers and couldn't help frowning.

I saw that those soldiers were not physical bodies. They were all made of clay sculpture. Within their sunken eyes, two terrible rays of light were projected, like beasts, guarding the safety of the giant city.

This made him a little puzzled, why can these soldiers, who are obviously dead, act as usual and still kill people?

"They are called "figurines"! A guardian refined by a special method can only be refined by a strong **** emperor. It can guarantee that it will not be broken through the ages, and will be immortal. Will automatically resurrect and kill the enemy." Hong explained at this time.

Lin Han nodded slightly, it was obvious that this was the handwriting of the Heavenly Cloud Divine Emperor, and he couldn't help sighing again at the moment that the power of the Divine Emperor was so powerful.

With the hand raised, these items can be refined to protect the giant city, and the method is beyond imagination.

"Hmph, this is just a bunch of figurines. Although they are very strong, they are limited in number after all. Are we still afraid that they won't succeed? Charge!"

At this time, a tall man in the Divine Power Academy team shouted.

He is holding a big axe, looks very savage and domineering, and has a very strong aura.

He was named Mu Ba, and he was a great genius in the Academy of Divine Power. His physique had reached an unimaginable level, much better than Liu Feng.

"Yes, Chong, people die for money, birds die for food, even if there are figurines guarding them, for the treasure of the emperor, it is enough to make us desperate!"

At the moment, countless people raised their weapons and rushed over them one by one.

The mighty, endless, like a locust crossing the border, the scene is astonishing.


The next moment, an astonishing battle unfolded, and countless explorers and figurines began a violent fight.

Every minute and every second, someone fell down. It could be described as a Shura field, and the scene looked bloody.

Lin Han was among them, but he didn't try too hard.

After all, the top priority now is to rush into the ancient giant city. It is not cost-effective to consume too much here.


However, just when Lin Han was protecting Ji Ke'er, Lin Fenghuang, and Xiaolan and was about to arrive at the ancient giant city, a terrifying killer suddenly fell from the sky and came towards Lin Han.

"Lin Han, be careful!" Lin Fenghuang and Ji Ke'er were suddenly surprised. This killing was too terrifying, like a divine light from outside the sky, descending from the vast cosmic starry sky, revealing an incomparable and majestic wave the taste of.

Even though they hadn't landed yet, they all felt a terrifying and dangerous aura, and the hair on their bodies suddenly stood up.

"Who is it?" Lin Han's expression also changed. At the moment when there was no room for it, he displayed a thunderous three-thousand footwork, leading Ji Keer, Lin Fenghuang and Xiaolan, and moved dozens of meters.


The last ray of light landed and directly shot a large area of ​​explorers and many terracotta warriors and horses in an instant. In the earth, it exploded a big hole with a diameter of four to five hundred meters and a bottomless depth. This can be seen. How ferocious a single blow was, if it hit Lin Han, even if he was physically incomparable, his life would be in danger.

Perceiving this, Lin Han couldn't help but his face turned cold, and his eyes looked at the sky coldly.

If he hadn't practiced Thunderbolt 3000 recently, he might not have been able to dodge this blow. This person used a very cruel method.

"It's me, you're Lin Han, right? There are two brushes, no wonder Xi Yun can see you." I saw that a sneer spread, and a group of golden clouds flew not far away. On the clouds, A group of people appeared, all of them engulfed with aura, like gods descending from the earth, full of a transcendent taste.

Standing at the center of this group of people was a young man, about twenty-eight years old, wearing a golden gown, and his whole body, like a golden god, full of domineering and noble aura.

"Are you from the saint race?" Lin Han seemed to be aware of something, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils, astonished.

In front of the group of people, there was a big flag waving in the wind. On the big flag, two ancient characters were written impressively-Shangguan!

This made him feel a little awe-inspiring. With the aura of these people, it was obvious that only Shangguan Saints would have it.

"Yes, I am Leng Xuan of the Saint Clan of Shangguan, and also Miss Xiyun's thirty-seventh brother, boy, give you back, I will leave Xiyun obediently in the future, don't think about other things, you are not worthy of her at all, understand? ?"

ps: The five changes have been made up, thank you brothers for your support

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