War Emperor

Chapter 1154: get away

The first thousand one hundred and fifty-four chapters escape

Lin Han gritted his teeth secretly, and had to say that Emperor Yun'er Shangguan was in the fifteenth heavenly realm, as expected, he felt that his body was seriously injured during this match.

If he hadn't had the physique of the second stage of the supernatural body, he would have already lost the ability to move.

However, he was not afraid, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly looked at the nine heavenly spirit fruits not far away. With a wave of his palm, he immediately took the nine heavenly spirit fruits into his arms, and then he laughed and flashed away. Leaving said: "Shangguan Yun'er, if you have the patience today, let's wait and see, next time we meet, you are definitely not my opponent."

After speaking, Lin Han used the thunderous three-thousand technique to fly away from the end of the world.

"Want to escape, how could it be so easy." Shangguan Yun'er couldn't help but his face became cold. If Lin Han escaped in front of her, it would be a shame for her.

At the moment, with a wave of her palm, a golden long knife appeared, and with a puff, it slashed fiercely, and immediately spread to Lin Han’s back shoulders to her waist, splitting a terrible scar with deep bones. Very miserable.

However, Lin Han is a world-famous god, still holding on, flying out of this mountain.

Shangguan Yun'er didn't expect Lin Han's physique to be so strong. If he were to be replaced by an ordinary person, he would have died long ago, and Lin Han could fly away.

"Follow me, this guy was badly injured, and he won't be able to escape far, so he must be caught." Finally, she ordered.

The geniuses of the saints all nodded. The matter between Lin Han and Xiyun had become a stain on the saints, and many people wanted him to die.

Now that the opportunity to kill Lin Han is in front of him, naturally he will not let it go.

Ji Ke'er and Lin Fenghuang couldn't help but feel a little worried, but they only had to pray that Lin Han would be able to escape this disaster with his own natural state.

Unexpectedly, they had just gotten together with Lin Han, and they would be separated again, which made them feel helpless.

Huh huh...

The mountains and rivers moved back, Lin Han moved the thunder three thousand, almost to the extreme, like a terrible thunder and lightning shuttled between the earth.

The fiery pain in the back caused his body to bleed continuously, almost causing him to faint.

"Shangguan Yun'er, this stinky lady, don't wait for my strength, otherwise I will definitely let you pay back ten times." Lin Han couldn't help grinding his teeth secretly.

This blow was really painful, and he felt that his bones were all injured. Even if he had amazing recovery power, it would be uncomfortable.

"Find a remote place, those people behind will catch up." Hong reminded at this moment.

Lin Han's injury was too serious. Although he used thunderbolt three thousand, the speed was very fast, but it was also greatly affected.

If this continues, those people will catch up sooner or later.

Lin Han looked back and saw that those people were only four to five hundred meters away from him. In the end, he had only a blink of his eyes and flew towards a large lake in the medicine garden.

He could feel that in the big lake, there was an astonishing breath dormant, and to get rid of these people, he could only rely on foreign objects.


Sure enough, when Lin Han came to the vicinity of the big lake, he shouted and punched the big lake, causing the big lake to explode, causing many water waves.

Then, a very astonishing giant snake, poked its head out of it, and let out a fierce roar!

With a single head, the water snake was tens of meters long. It was huge, and its eyes were cold and faint, with a terrible killing light.

After it appeared, a thick tail appeared instantly, swept toward Lin Han fiercely.

Lin Han used the technique of thunder to move three thousand, quickly dodge, and then flew over. At this moment, Shangguan Yun'er and the others had already come close.

"Lin Han, you want to use this kind of monster to stop me, it's really naive." Shangguan Yuner sneered, with the golden long knife in his hand, swiping again, and with a pop, the huge snake suddenly hit it. It was cut in half, died on the spot, and floated on the lake. The blood stained the entire lake red, a piece of blood.

Lin Han sneered and said: "It's not to stop it completely, it's enough to stop it for a while!"


After that, Lin Han continued to use thunder and thunder, precisely because Shangguan Yun'er launched an attack, and was blocked for a while, Lin Han immediately opened a long distance, almost flying out of the end of the world.

"Damn boy, really cunning." Shangguan Yuner couldn't help cursing secretly.

Lin Han laughed, and was about to escape to heaven before his eyes.

"Hey, Lin Han, where are your boys fleeing?" However, at this moment, a cold laughter suddenly came, and a group of people just appeared in front of Lin Han. Among them, a woman stopped him with a smile. , Tao.

"Yan Liu'er?" Lin Han's face suddenly sank.

This woman is Yanliu'er, she is really an enemy on a narrow road. If she meets badly, she must meet at this time.

"Hey, Yan Liuer, you came just in time, stop him, let's kill him." At this moment, Shangguan Yun'er was also overjoyed and flew over and said with a smile.

Now Lin Han can be said to have a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. To his left is a cliff of ten thousand feet, he was directly driven to ruin.

"Heh, Lin Han, where is the life not meeting? It seems that I came just in time, so I'll be obedient." Yan Liuer also smiled. She was originally just wandering around, encountering this scene, it also made her extremely surprised.

This guy woke up the evil dragon last time, and it took her a lot to get rid of it. Now he finally caught it, which naturally made her happy.

Lin Han has now been driven to a dead end, and he is not evading at all. He just sneered: "You two feel that I will be eaten up. Even if I die today, I won't make you feel better!"

He is seriously injured now, and the strength he can display is limited. With Yan Liuer and Shangguan Yuner, he really cannot be an opponent.

However, he didn't panic, he could only flip his palm, take out the nine Heavenly Spirit Fruits at once, then refine them into an energy cluster, and swallow them in one bite.


In an instant, his breath rose again, and the whole figure seemed to be greatly supplemented.

"Wuxiang Time and Space, open it for me!"

Then, Lin Han yelled, and fiercely displayed the Five Elephants' time and space. The terrifying power poured out, madly filled the world.

The appearance of five ancient portals instantly immobilized the world, causing Yan Liuer and Shangguan Yuner to stagnate.

"You still have such terrible supernatural powers!" The two women were all shocked, with an unbelievable expression.

In the time and space of the Five Elephants, I smelled the power that frightened them.

If they couldn't resist it, their two daughters would be in great danger instantly.


At the moment they launched a counterattack, but unfortunately, even though they tried their best, they still couldn't work. They were vomiting blood in embarrassment by the terrible force, and flew out.

The rest of the people were horrified, and no one thought that Lin Han actually had this class of hole cards.

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