War Emperor

Chapter 1174: wake up

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-four chapters wake up

Lin Han's strength is too strong, making them a little worried.

"Hehe, I want me not to spoil the good deeds of Sister Hua, but it is simple, hand over your space ring obediently, and I won't disturb her, otherwise don't blame me and join in the fun." Lin Han smiled.

"Hand in the space ring again?" Lan Ling, Hong Ling, Qing Ling and other women were shocked.

The other party had robbed them once before, but now they come again, too damn.

"Yes, if I don't pay me, I'm not such a talkative person." Lin Han smiled.

Now that he seized this opportunity, he naturally wanted to seek some benefits.

Lan Ling, Hong Ling, Qing Ling and other women were all blushing, and they wished that Lin Han would be crushed to death by crushing them to death.

The girls at Qingyun Academy are all beautiful and beautiful, and when they walk there, they will make others honorable and pleased.

Lin Han opposed them everywhere and robbed them many times, which was really hateful.

Finally, during this period of time, some gains have just been made, and now they are being handed over again, which really makes them want to cry without tears.

However, the power of that Suzaku is amazing, as long as Senior Sister Hua succeeds, it will be great fortune.

Therefore, they only had to give the space ring to Lin Han, gritted their teeth and said, "Lin Han, wait, sooner or later you will suffer retribution."

"Haha, thank you all." Lin Han couldn't help laughing and left directly.

Anyway, the power of the Vermillion Bird didn't work for him. He just wanted to hit these proud female disciples of Qingyun Academy.

He began to look for the entrance to the ninth floor.

This pagoda has only nine floors in total.

He is very much looking forward to what the ninth floor will be like.

"Lin Han, did I let you go?" However, at this moment, a woman's extremely cold shout suddenly sounded.

Hua Ruqing has awakened emotionally, and within her eyes, two terrifying divine lights were immediately shot out, like a master of peerless resurrection, causing the entire space to tremble violently.

Behind her, there was a phantom Vermillion Bird, and the scene of spreading its wings appeared, exuding a sacred spirit.

It's as if she was transformed into a Suzaku, majestic.

"Sister Hua has absorbed Suzaku's charm?"

The female disciples of Qingyun Academy, such as Lan Ling, Qing Ling, and Hong Ling, couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Senior Sister Hua, quickly take down Lin Han this kid."

"This bastard, took our space ring, I will strip him naked and throw him out of the tower."

Those female disciples were very excited.

Although Hua Ruqing was in the stage of retreat, in fact, she was clear about everything just now, she stood up, and her whole body exuded a breath like a mountain.

She coldly said: "Lin Han, you are so brave, you still don't return the space ring, and then kneel down and apologize!"

"Half-step human emperor state?" Lin Han could not help but change his color slightly when he noticed the flower's ruthless aura. There was a ray of human emperor aura in the opponent's body.

Better than Shangguan Tianmu, Chu Zhong, Ice Fairy, and Zhao Chongyang.

Stepping into the human emperor realm with one foot is equivalent to leaving the category of the emperor realm, and it is not a concept at all.

The state of Hua Ruqing really made him solemn.

"Oh, yes, Lin Han, aren't you good at jumping? Know it now, in front of our senior sister Hua, you are an ant!"

"The ants don't kneel down yet!

"The humble disciple of the Kaitian Taoist Academy, who dare to oppose our Qingyun Academy, is destined to end up badly."

Lan Ling, Qing Ling, Hong Ling and other female disciples all laughed happily.

This is retribution, coming too fast, making them very happy.

"Hey, half-step in the imperial state, and want me to beg for mercy, but it's not so easy." Lin Han sneered.

He is now in the realm of the 16th Heaven of Emperor Sovereign. Coupled with the power of absorbing the bone marrow, his physique has changed a lot.

If he really fights, he might not be able to deal with the half-step imperial state.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you." Hua ruthlessly sneered. With her strength, she could look down on Lin Han, but Lin Han was so unyielding. In her opinion, it was purely self-inflicted.


At the moment, she slapped her with a palm, and suddenly, in the space, a huge Suzaku appeared, surrounded by a dense sky fire, and swept toward Lin Han, fierce and extremely powerful.

In the Suzaku's eyes, there was still a cold and faint luster, as if it was really an ancient Suzaku rebirth, it would crush Lin Han, and it would be full of pressure.

This is the change after Hua Ruqing absorbs the charm of the Suzaku, every move has the power of Suzaku.

In the same level, almost everything can be crushed.

"Break for me!"

However, Lin coldly drank, and shook the Fire Lin Tian Sword in his hand, exploded with ferocious Qilin will, and struck it. Suddenly a brilliant divine light burst out, and the ruthless Suzaku phantom smashed away.

In his body, the aura that erupted was like a volcanic eruption, causing huge dust to fly up the entire desert.

"The sixteenth state of the emperor, you have reached the point of the sixteenth state of the emperor." Perceiving Lin Han's breath, Hua Ruthlessly couldn't help but change her expression.

"How is this possible?" Lan Ling, Qing Ling, Hong Ling and other women were also shocked.

It is very difficult to reach the realm of Emperor Zun, and every level of promotion is very difficult. Even a genius like Senior Sister Hua must be measured in years.

The last time when Lin Han fought against Shangguan Tianmu, she was only the Twelfth Heaven of Emperor Zun, and now she has reached the level of the Sixteenth Heaven of Emperor Zun, which made her extremely shocked.

What kind of freak is this guy, how can his cultivation realm be like a monkey, jumping up constantly.

Hua is ruthless and solemn, knowing that Lin Han is a person whose combat power is beyond the surface, the emperor respects the sixteenth heaven, this has already caused a slight threat to her half-step imperial realm.

If Lin Han was a lamb that was ravaged at will in her eyes before, then this lamb has now become a fierce wolf, and she can't help but feel a sense of danger in her heart.

"Yes, you want to defeat me now, it's not that simple!" Lin Han had a moment of pride. After reaching the 16th Heaven of Emperor Zun, he did have the confidence to compete with the half-step imperial realm masters. .

"Broken Eye, open it for me!"

Next, there is nothing to say, Lin Han instantly displayed the celestial footwork, rushing towards Hua Ruthless, and then in his eyes, two terrifying divine lights suddenly shot out, like two small blue suns, shining to Hua Ruthless .

"Ninth-Rank general pupil technique!" Hua Ruoqing was surprised again, Lin Han's Eye of Deception was famous all over the world, and everyone knew it was the ancient first pupil technique.

Now that Lin Han has been refined into the ranks of the Ninth-Rank general trend, she is once again shocked.

"Block it for me!" At the moment, she didn't have time to think about it. In a blink of an eye, she took out an ancient mirror to protect the top of her head. Lin Han's spirits were shocked, and they were all stung.

"This is... Guiyuan Jing?" Lin Han was surprised and lost his voice.

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