War Emperor

Chapter 1177: True top genius

The first thousand and seventy-seven chapters of the true top genius

Breaking through the Supreme Seventeenth Heaven, his combat power instantly doubled four or five times, even if so many people shot together, he was not afraid.


In the end, Wuxiang Time and Space was turned on by him, like a huge meat grinder, all of those magic weapons were turned into powder in the void for the first time.

Then terrible power poured out, and the sky was like dumplings. I don't know how many people wailed in pain and fell.

Many people were crushed directly, even some of the good people lacked arms and legs. The four of Bing Fairy and Chu Zhong coughed up blood and quit in embarrassment.


Unparalleled shock!

All those who were injured and not dead were hairy.

With one blow, Lin Han resisted the attacks of so many of them. This was simply a young God of War, so sturdy and unbelievable.

The four Bing Fairies were also full of fear, and no longer dared to look down upon Lin Han at all.

This guy is a veritable pervert that cannot be taken into account.

"Well, do you still want to grab these little fairy skills from me now?" Lin Han stood in place with a smile.

Now, he really has a man in charge, and he has an unrelenting attitude.

"Hehe, Kaitiandao Academy, it's really rare to have such a genius." However, at this moment, a loud laugh came.

Immediately afterwards, the void exploded, with a bang, a terrifying figure flew over.

I saw that this was a man, wearing golden armor and holding a golden halberd, as if a veritable God of War descended to the earth, full of domineering and superb spirit.

As soon as he appeared, the entire ninth layer of space shuddered, as if it couldn't bear his majesty and was about to explode, shocking people's hearts.

"It is the "Tianwu" of one of the three emperors of the Hongmeng Taoist Academy."

Around, countless people exclaimed instantly.

Among the Eight Avenues, the true top geniuses are all masters of the Human Sovereign Realm!

Tianwu is one of them. He cultivated at the age of eight and reached the Divine Emperor Realm at the age of 18. Now he has practiced at Hongmeng Taoist Academy for more than two hundred years, and has long since become a legend, and his strength is unimaginable.

The most important thing is that all his golden armor and achievements are human royal weapons.

So even among the top talents, he is a very famous person.

At this moment, seeing him unexpectedly made countless people awed and excited.

"Tianwu?" Lin Han's expression also changed drastically. The opponent was actually a master in the imperial realm, which was indeed amazing.

Along the way, it was the first time he saw such a powerful genius, the top genius of the Eight Avenue Institute, is he so powerful...

Under the other's tolerance, he felt that he had difficulty breathing.

"Senior Brother Tianwu, you came just right, so quickly take Lin Han, this kid has been fighting against our Hongmeng Taoist Academy." Ice Fairy couldn't help but exclaimed at this time.

Even her beautiful eyes couldn't help but a ray of admiration surged.

The Emperor is a big hurdle!

Stepping in, you will reach the ranks of the top geniuses.

There are so many disciples in the Eight Great Avenues, but in every Taoism, there are very few geniuses who have entered the realm of the Emperor.

Therefore, in her opinion, the other party is also like the sun in the sky, brilliant and dazzling.

This is completely different from the emperor's realm.

"Don't worry." Tian Wu just smiled indifferently, and said to Lin Han: "Lin Han, I have heard your name, do you know who I am?"

"Who?" Lin Han frowned.

"Hehe, my family has a certain blood relationship with Shangguan Saint Clan. Strictly speaking, Xi Yun is my cousin." Tian Wu smiled. There was a touch of transcendence in his tone.

The Shangguan Saint Clan is a huge behemoth in the Lingxiao Continent.

Any power that can be contaminated with it is synonymous with incomparable strength.

His family can have blood relationship with Shangguan Saint Clan, and the background is also very amazing.

This is the main reason why he can reach the human emperor state at a young age.

"Xi Yun's cousin." Lin Han's heart sank. As far as he knew, everyone who had a relationship with Xi Yun opposed the matter between him and Xi Yun. The other party is his cousin, he must be one of them.

Sure enough, Tian Wu put away his smile and said indifferently: "Between you and Xiyun, there is a fate. It is like a distance between the immortal and common. It is impossible to come together. Give up, so that you can save your life. The road is bumpy, those hardships are enough to crush you to death, what you see now is just the tip of the iceberg."

Speaking of the end, a touch of incomparable coercion was already coming out of him, obviously threatening Lin Han.

"No-yes-yes!" However, Lin Han said firmly.

He and Xi Yun have gone through many hardships, and they have finally reached this point, and they will never let go.

Even if Xiyun is a star in the outer sky, he will climb all the way to the sky and take it off.

"Ming is stubborn." Tianwu sighed, shook his head, and said: "In that case...you go to death!"


Speaking of the last, his body has erupted like a vast ocean of killing intent, and the nine heavens have been shocked.

As long as someone has something to do with Xiyun, it is absolutely not allowed, a humble boy in Hongzhou mainland will have results with him.

After that, the golden war halberd in his hand was a little harder, and it was a halberd to kill Lin Han.

The terrible light of the halberd fell from the sky like a golden mountain, which was hundreds of miles long, connecting the sky and the underground, and it was spectacular.

"Dang!" Lin Han gritted his teeth and competed with the Fire Lin Burning Heaven Sword, seeming to know the power of Tian Wu, and even displayed the profound meaning of the nine swords.

It's a pity that the masters of the Human Sovereign Realm are already another world, and no magical technique can make up for it.

Therefore, the sword halberds collided, and immediately pressed down with a majestic force. The ground under Lin Han's feet, which was 10,000 meters in radius, collapsed more than ten meters in an instant.

Even the terrible power caused Lin Han's skin to burst into terrifying cracks, and countless blood was sprayed and splashed.

"Little nine..." Ji Ke'er and Lin Fenghuang both hissed, and Lin Han's body almost exploded, almost killing him.

Ice Fairy, Hua Ruqing, Chu Zhong, and Zhao Chongyang all laughed happily.

They had long wanted to see this kid being crushed, and they finally saw it at the moment, very happy.

"How about, Lin Han, are you still obsessed with it? You swear now, to clear the relationship with Xiyun, I can let you go." Tian Wu held a golden halberd, standing in the air, like a god, speaking to mortals, cold and proud .

Many people slap their tongues. Under such pressure, they have given up long ago.

In any case, your own life is the most important thing.

"Vision!" However, what is surprising is that even at this juncture, Lin Han still gritted his teeth fiercely, and his eyes were bloodshot in a deep voice.

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