War Emperor

Chapter 1180: The four geniuses of Taoyuan

The first thousand and eighty chapters four great geniuses

Now that Lin Han had the power of the Heavenly Cloud God Emperor, it was normal that the pagoda would be controlled.

"It's a Lin Han, if you bad your Highness today, you will not end well in the future."

The black-clothed woman's face hesitated, and she could only leave here with everyone.

Lin Hanruo really controlled the Earth Emperor Tower, which was indeed bad for them.

So far, the storm has ceased.

With all his strength, Lin Han scared away the people in the evil spirits and demon palace, rescued countless cultivators, and shocked countless people.

Without him, the loss of the Eighth Avenue Institute this time would have been extremely heavy.

After Lin Han returned to Kaitian Taoist Academy, Ye Kaitian couldn't help but laughed when he saw him, "Good job, you have greatly strengthened my reputation of Kaitian Taoist Academy and won glory for our Taoist Academy."

He looked relieved.

Now that Lin Han has grown up completely, he is very fortunate that the Taoist Academy has such a disciple.

"All I should do." Lin Han just smiled.

At that time, if he didn't do this, he would fall into the hands of the Demon Temple.

But I have to say that the sequelae of using the power of the Heavenly Cloud Divine Emperor are too great, he has recovered for seven days, and his face is still a little pale now.

As for the Earth Emperor Pagoda, he also failed to completely control it. After the power of the Heavenly Cloud God Emperor disappeared, the Earth Emperor Pagoda returned to a deadly state again, and he had no chance with him.

"Well, there is still half a month, that is, we open the Tiandao Academy Longbang Disciple Contest. If we win, we can become my master of the Open Tiandao Academy, open the Tiandao Academy on my behalf, and participate in the martial arts of the Eight Avenue Academy. On that stage If you become the number one genius in the world, you will be hailed as the number one genius in the world. Then you can propose marriage to the saints. You have to take good care of it." Ye Kaitian smiled.

"Yeah!" Lin Han took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

On this day, he has also been waiting for a long time.

"However, in this competition for hegemony, you have to be careful of four people." Ye Kaitian said.

"Which four?" Lin Han said.

He knew very little about the top ten disciples of the Kaitian Taoist Academy.

"The first one is Ye Qingcheng. She is our disciple master sister of Kaitian Taoist Academy, and the "Great Imprisonment Net" ranked sixth in the ranks of the gods of the heavens. She is the most powerful in the young disciples of our Taoist Academy. Killed her brother Ye Haodong again, she will not let you go in this competition." Ye Kaitian said.

Lin Han nodded, Ye Qingcheng is indeed a very powerful woman, even if he is now, when he thinks of the power of that woman, he is a little bit ignorant.

"The second-ranked Jian Fengyi, the third-ranked Gu Yu, and the fourth-ranked Yang Aoyun have also reached the human emperor state. They are not waiting for a while, so you want to get the first place in this competition. That simple."

Ye Kaitian smiled.

According to his introduction, Lin Han knew that the top ten on the Dragon List is a huge threshold, and the gap between entering each of these rankings is very large.

These four great geniuses can be said to be the four mountains of the Daoyuan disciples.

Even Duanmu, ranked tenth, is far from it.

Lin Han nodded again and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Originally, he thought that this time in the barren prairie, his strength improved so much that he could completely disregard the disciples of the Kaitiandao Academy.

Only now did I know that I was really watching the sky before, the top ten geniuses in the Dragon List are too high in gold.

In other words, he still needs to work hard now!

For the next three days, Lin Han has been practicing.

This time, with the help of the Heavenly Cloud Divine Emperor, his injury was too serious and he had a lot of insights.

When he recovers, his strength has improved again, reaching the eighteenth heaven of the emperor realm.

At this point, he had almost reached the peak of the emperor's realm, and he was only one step away from entering the emperor.

His goal is to be promoted to the realm of the emperor within a short time.

The four great geniuses he talked about today really put a lot of pressure on him.

Like Ye Qingcheng, they have reached the level of the human emperor's triple heaven!

Not as good as Human Emperor Realm, he is not an opponent at all.

As for the Human Sovereign Realm, there are only nine heavens, and the gap between each heaven is greater than before.

"Now I need about four hundred heavenly spirit fruits to be promoted to the emperor." Lin Han sighed.

This is a very large number, and it is almost impossible for a normal person to have it.

Finally, Lin Han went to a place called "Auction Hall".

Most of the Longbang disciples travel outside, and they will collect a lot of weird things. The Auction Hall is where they are responsible for selling in exchange for the items they need.

It also sells treasures such as small fairy skills, medicinal herbs, medicinal materials and so on.

Lin Han is here, ready to sell the tang bones he obtained in the seventh floor of the pagoda.

This is a complete bone of the ancient fierce beast. It should be sold for a good price in exchange for a lot of heavenly spirit fruits.

"Poor ghost, this is the auction area, what are you doing here, get out of here!"

However, just as Lin Han entered a certain area of ​​the auction hall, a man couldn't help shouting loudly.

In the auction hall, there were many Longbang disciples who looked at Lin Han and couldn't help laughing.

Although it is called the auction hall, there are very few people eligible to auction goods here.

Even the top ten geniuses on the Dragon List are not easy to find a treasure worthy of auction. Lin Han, a shabby boy who seems to be just in his early twenties, plunged into that area. In their opinion, it was naturally extremely ridiculous.

"Duanmu?" Lin Han looked at the person who yelled at him, couldn't help but raised his brow, and sneered.

The other party is Duanmu.

"Hey, your kid is a bit familiar, you are Lin Han?" Duanmu seemed to think of something and couldn't help but stunned.

When Lin Han was only a disciple of the Longbang, he had a three-stroke agreement with him and beat him at Tianmu Peak.

Now that I met this kid, it was natural that he couldn't help but laugh a little cheerfully.

"Yes, long time no see." Lin Han smiled faintly.

This time, although he saved a lot of people in the deserted prairie, only the senior officials of the Eight Avenue Institute knew about it, and the disciples didn't know much.

"Boy, today is really a narrow road. I finally met you again. You are standing here, and it is an insult to the air around here, know? Kneel down, wipe the floor you have stepped on, and get out. ."

Duanmu burst out laughing.

The people who auction items here are all decent people, and he naturally wouldn't think that Lin Han has this qualification.

Lin Han said indifferently: "I'm auctioning things here, can't it?"

"Auction, you put your whole body together, it's not worth a few dollars, what good things can be auctioned? Stop talking nonsense, wipe the floor, or don't blame me for being polite." Duanmu laughed louder.

There were also many people around laughing out loud, apparently thinking that Lin Han was swollen and fat.

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