War Emperor

Chapter 1225: Dafeng Mountain

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-five chapters of Dafeng Mountain

Dafeng Mountain, located in the most central area of ​​the ancient world, is extremely tall and majestic as if it could stand above the clouds.

Legend has it that a branch of Chaos Wood once appeared here, causing the earth fairy world to fight with masters from all over the world.

After all, Chaos Wood is the first sacred tree in ancient times. It has the title of Star Treasure, and it has infinite good fortune. Even if it is a branch, it has incomparable energy.

In the battle that year, I don't know how many masters died, and the resentful spirit was overwhelming, and he was surrounded by black mist all day long.

It wasn't until the grand tomb of the ancestor of the saints of Shangguan built this place to suppress many evil spirits, and Dafeng Mountain could be peaceful.

Today, the atmosphere of Dafeng Mountain is extremely lively, crowded with people, countless people come here, so noisy, and the atmosphere is so hot that people are stunned.

On the top of Dafeng Mountain, there is a huge square. On the square, there is a majestic statue of a middle-aged man.

His majestic posture is tall and straight, his eyes are deep, and he smells of looking at the world, making people unable to help but want to surrender.

This is the ancestor of the Shangguan Saint Clan, and he is also an emperor-level powerhouse!

Once his power was not inferior to the five emperors of the world, but unfortunately in his later years, he suffered a strange disease, his strength fell sharply, he died in depression, and finally died tragically!

This is a relatively sad character.

Countless people came here and couldn't help feeling in awe. The atmosphere of an emperor-level master was too strong.

Lin Han couldn't help but slap his tongue. Except for the First Emperor, this was the most amazing person he saw.

"Hehe, after so many years, the four ancient soldiers left by the emperor were finally found by you, and activated the soul remaining in the statue of the emperor. Congratulations, you will get the emperor's chance and treasure." The statue smiled slightly, with a great spirit.

Countless people are excited. Their greatest wish to come to the ancient world is like this.

"Everyone, please look." The statue of the ancestor of the Shangguan Saint Clan waved his palm. In front of him, four golden treasure chests appeared, bright and shining, and the light soared into the sky, as if they contained some secrets, which made people want check it out.

"In these four treasure chests, there are many treasures left by the emperor. Now, please come forward to the person who has obtained the broken wind spear, bone sword, human king knife, and dragon shears, and put the weapon in front of the treasure chest. The automatic mechanism is activated and a treasure appears. What you can get depends on your luck. Of course, even the lowest level treasure will not disappoint you." The statue laughed.

Everyone was startled, isn't this the equivalent of a lottery?

But most people don't have ancient soldiers, so they can't help but feel sad, which means they don't even have the qualifications.

"I'll come first." At this moment, Shangguan Hao couldn't help laughing, and walked forward, holding an ancient spear in his hand, revealing a special atmosphere, as if he moved randomly, he could move imposingly. Heaven, this is the Breaking Wind Spear, he found it in a volcano in the east of the ancient world.

It's just that the bone inscription sword was taken by Hongyi.

"It turns out to be my descendants." The statue smiled lightly.

"Yes, the ancestor, junior Shangguan Hao, I gave a courtesy to the ancestor." Shangguan Hao was a little excited and knelt down and bowed.

This is a god-like ancestor among their Shangguan saints, who naturally respects him extremely.

"Four ancient soldiers, it is not bad to get one by my descendants, let's take a shot and see how lucky you are," the statue said.

"Yes." Shangguan Hao nodded, holding the wind breaking gun and placing it in front of the first treasure chest. With a buzzing sound, the wind breaking gun emitted a ray of light and entered the treasure chest with a click. The treasure chest seemed to be touched. After shaking gently for a while, finally opened it, revealing a secret book.

"This is the ancestor's practice handbook?" Shangguan Hao opened the secret book, and he was so excited that he was overjoyed.

What's recorded here is exactly the insights and experiences of his ancestors' cultivation along the way, as well as some secret methods that have been lost from the Shangguan Saint Clan.

This is simply invaluable!

With it, I can avoid many detours in the future, and maybe I also have the opportunity to reach the emperor's realm in one fell swoop.

"Yes, this is the sentiment of the emperor, you are my descendants, and I practice the same way, just suitable for you, you have to work harder." The statue said.

"Yes, ancestor, I will definitely not let you down." Shangguan Hao trembled and bowed again.

Many people were envied for a while, and could get the cultivation insight of an emperor master. This is indeed an opportunity that countless people dare not even dream of.

Shangguan Hao couldn't help but laugh. With this codex, he would have hope of becoming the emperor in the future.

"The next person comes forward." The statue smiled lightly.

"Junior Hongyi, the 93rd generation of the Hongmeng Taoist Academy, has met his predecessor." Hongyi stepped forward, saluting the statue respectfully, and then placed the bone sword in his hand in front of the second treasure chest.

The treasure chest vibrated again, as if there was the sound of many treasures such as pills, cheats, magic weapons and so on.

Finally, the treasure chest opened to reveal something!

Among them is an arrow, flowing with silvery white light, and revealing a powerful and incomparable aura, which makes people feel a sharp taste at a glance.

"What is this?" Many people are puzzled. This silver arrow must be extraordinary. As soon as it appears, many people feel that the weapons in their bodies are trembling gently, as if to surrender.

"This is a broken arrow. It used to be a special royal arrow for a big bow. Unfortunately, the big bow is lost and only the arrow is left. But the power of the arrow is comparable to that of the emperor. The instrument is also a very powerful one." The statue's eyes showed a touch of nostalgia.

"Arrows comparable to those of the imperial weapon?" Countless people were horrified.

This kind of weapon absolutely has a crushing effect on the human imperial realm powerhouse, but it is impossible to find it. Hongyi can get a shot of the emperor arrow for no reason, and the chance is amazing. What's more, maybe you can still find that big bow, which makes up a weapon that is more powerful than the general Emperor's weapon, which is even more enviable.

"Thank you senior!" Hong Yi also flushed a little, and said with a lively smile.

It is indeed a good thing to be able to get an imperial weapon. In the territory of the imperial palace, who can resist this weapon?

"Well, the winner of Renwang Knife and Dragon Scissors, come forward." The statue smiled again.

Lin Han walked out in the envious eyes of the crowd.

"You got these two weapons by yourself?" The statue was also a little surprised, said.

"Yes, good luck for the younger generation." Lin Han smiled brightly, holding the Dragon Scissor in his left hand, and took out the King's Sword in his right hand.

"You have the Chaos Good Fortune Secret in your body. Could it be the descendant of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng." The statue seemed to notice something, and finally added a touch of vibration in his tone.

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