War Emperor

Chapter 1290: Checkerboard body display

The first thousand two hundred and ninety chapters are displayed on the chessboard

Under the eternal blue sky lotus, even if he felt a strong and extremely dangerous aura, he couldn't help sighing at the moment, this is indeed the second-ranked divine weapon of the gods.

"Lin Han, today I want you to die without a place to bury your body. If you die under my eternal green sky lotus, you can be regarded as worthy of you." Shangguan Tianyu's long hair flew, his eyes were cold like a sword, and his whole breath was like a deep breath. Hai shouted.

I have to say that he is indeed too terrible now, just standing under the sky, he really looks like the incarnation of heaven, and he has the charm of being able to dominate the order of heaven and earth. After all, the Eternal Qingtianlian is too strong, except for the sword of time and space, which is the number one on the ranking of the gods, without any items, it will meet its opponents in the five continents and four seas.

Shangguan Tianyu possesses this thing, so naturally he can be arrogant.

"Kill!" In the end, he shouted loudly, and finally stopped talking, and performed a lore.

I saw that with a pinch of the seal in his hand, with a bang, the eternal green sky lotus suddenly burst out with a dazzling divine light, like it can shake the three paths and the six realms, and push across the sky, an incomparable breath of terror, like a tsunami Like, swept towards Lin Han.

What kind of blow was this?

Like the will of the heavens manifesting the majestic atmosphere, and like a vast starry sky covering it, as soon as it was exhibited, the whole ground rumbling and beginning to collapse on a large scale, as if to squeeze the chessboard world, it is as powerful Fabulous.

That powerful coercion made many people even more like weeds, screaming loudly, flying upside down, howling and blood dripping.

There were even some low-powered people who didn't even say a word, exploded on the spot and died tragically on the spot.

The eternal Qingtianlian's power is too strong, and it is a huge disaster for bystanders to show it at will.

Some big power masters can't help but take a cold breath. Even the chessboard world can't bear such a terrifying power, because they can already see that there are terrible cracks in the chessboard world that are emerging. Like a cracked egg, it really needs to be exploded.

This made their backs feel a little chill.

The chessboard world, standing in the world for so many years, has experienced countless wars, and has never suffered any damage.

Now Shangguan Tianyu's attack would destroy the chessboard world, it would be amazing.

"By no means, the chessboard world is not as simple as others thought." Only some high-ranking members of the Shangguan Saint Clan were more calm and muttered.

They clearly know how terrifying the strength of the ancestor who founded the chessboard world back then, even some big figures in the fairy world must be a little jealous of him.

It’s just that I don’t know the reason. After reaching his level, he did not fly into the immortal realm. It stayed in the mortal world like a Dinghai divine needle, and was revered by countless masters. At that time, he was really in the limelight. Let Shangguan The holy race is at its peak.

That's why they knew that the chessboard world left by that ancestor would never be so easily damaged.


Sure enough, as soon as their thoughts fell, they saw that the chessboard world that was about to shatter suddenly lit up with a mysterious light, as if it had been triggered by some kind of restriction, suddenly became like a scorching sun, bright and illuminating The entire Lingxiao continent.

At this moment, almost all the experts on the Lingxiao Continent could see the light here, like a round of sun floating in the sky, shining extremely brightly.

"what happened?"

Many people were surprised. They didn't expect that at this juncture, the chessboard world could still make such changes.

Some people with extraordinary vision can see that in the chessboard world, there is an incomparably exuberant fairy air, like some kind of treasure in the fairy world, revealing an incomparable coercive coercion, which makes people unable to help thinking Surrender to it.

If you look closely, in the chessboard world, huge black and white patterns have emerged one after another, and the weather is amazing.

As if it really became a substantial chessboard.

"Tiandao chessboard, is this a treasure of the immortal world, Tiandao chessboard?"

Many people couldn't help but look shocked, secretly exclaiming.

The immortal world is a big world with shining stars. Not only are there strong people from all over the world, but also people from other spatial levels enter it. It can be said that it is a gathering place for masters.

The Chessboard of Heaven is a treasure that is famous in the immortal world, controlled by "Tiandao Mountain", participating in the secret of heaven, and possessing endless mystery fortune.

Only more than 10,000 years ago, there was a change. For some reason, the chessboard of Tiandao disappeared, and Tiandao Mountain was struggling to find it, but it was not found.

When many people saw this towering chessboard, they thought of the Tiandao chessboard, but there was not enough evidence, and no one dared to speculate.

Now it seems that this is obviously true. The towering chessboard is exactly the legendary chessboard in the fairy world.

Many people are embarrassed. If Tiandaoshan knew about it, they would definitely be furious.

Tiandao Mountain is a great religion with a long heritage in the immortal world. It has a profound heritage and few people dare to provoke it.

The ancestor of the Saint Clan of Shangguan was really brave enough to get the treasure of his town education.


Under the official resurrection of Tiandao chessboard, the whole chessboard world is filled with immortality and sacred light, like a divine object whose time is indestructible.

Even if the eternal Qingtianlian's might become weak in front of it, it is impossible to cause any damage to it.

For Lin Han, it was a disaster.

Standing in Lin Han's position, the majestic divine light of the eternal Qingtian lotus was like a world-shattering tsunami, swishing toward him, and the momentum was unparalleled.

In comparison, he is as weak as an ant.

Many people couldn't help but breathe, watching with tension, wanting to see how Lin Han could resolve the blow.

"Lin Han, if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, it's still too late, otherwise you'll really be overwhelmed today." Shangguan Tianyu laughed, holding the victory.

"You think too much." However, Lin Han sneered, his body shook, and with a thud, under the shocking gazes of the crowd, he showed the time and space of the seven phenomena in an instant, with seven ancient portals in his body. The watch opens around, vaguely, like seven mysterious universes.

On the top of Lin Han's head, there was also an incomparably bright fairy picture intertwined, with the size of hundreds of meters, illuminating the world, with an astonishing momentum.

"Xiantu? Lin Han, can he condense such a huge fairy map?"

"Oh my god, I read it right."

Many people were in an uproar. After entering the world of immortality, monsters with outstanding bloodlines would condense immortal seals, and humans with extraordinary talents would condense immortal images.

This is what many creatures dream of. Once condensed, it means their potential is extremely amazing.

Not only did Lin Han condense an immortal picture that is unparalleled in tens of thousands, it was also so huge, it was too shocking, and it was enough to make the immortal world shake.

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