War Emperor

Chapter 1302: Long collection time

Chapter 1302 The Long River of Collection Time

Becoming a fairy is originally a difficult thing.

In ancient times, the arrogant people, such as the crucian carp who crossed the river, do not know how many people, but how many people can really reach the peak and break into the immortal world?

It can also be seen that the difficulty of cultivation is really a big wave.

"No, I can do it myself."

However, at this moment, Shangguan Xiyun uttered such a flat and pleasant voice, like a goddess descending to the earth, with a kind of Taishan collapse in front of her, but her face remained unchanged.

"You?" Many super heroes were stunned, a touch of surprise appeared on their faces, as if they were saying: Can you really be alone?

This is the Tribulation of the Three Flowers, the attack of the burning of jade and stone, which has never occurred in history. Even in the Lingxiao Continent, all creatures will become dust.

Shangguan Xiyun, even if she had the Emperor's Divine Bell, it might not be feasible to resist the Tribulation of the Three Flowers.

"Seniors, I am sure, please rest assured." Shangguan Xiyun just smiled at those super heroes.

This laugh can be described as upside down all beings, harming the country and the people, like a historic moment, with a light that will be amazing for eternity.

The super heroes all glanced at Shangguan Xiyun with deep eyes, and finally nodded slightly.

Shangguan Xiyun feels like a sea, unimaginable, even they can't see through. At this juncture, I can still be so calm, maybe I have a certain degree of certainty.

"Amitabha Buddha, Xiyun female benefactor, all be careful, if there is any strength, we will immediately take action." Leiyin Temple abbot, hands together, said.

He looked sixty or seventy years old, with some white on his beard, and the same with his eyebrows. He was wearing a red robes with a little golden light on it, shining brightly.

The whole momentum is like a deep sea, standing there at will, there is a taste of the harmony of the body and the sky, the harmony between the heaven and the man, just like a shot, it can move the sky, and the Dharma is boundless.

"En." Xiyun knew that this old monk was an expert who was compassionate and compassionate. She had done a lot of good deeds in the West Niu Continent and was regarded as a **** of the world. She did not dare to show no respect to such a respectable elder. Nodded gently and bowed.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her gaze to the descending Sanhua Immortal Jie and began to take action.

Under all eyes, she stretched out her slender and slender fingers like a jade green onion, and began to form fast seals in front of her body. Every seal knot formed and appeared in the sky. A great rune jumped out like a fish. Enter the Taihuang Shenzhong.

As more and more runes enter the Supreme Emperor's Bell, the Supreme Emperor's Bell is like a sleeping behemoth, awakened to the true potential of the body, and the majestic body of the bell emits a golden light that is getting stronger and stronger. , There is a way to illuminate the entire land and sea, and plunge the world into a terrifying scene of blazing whiteness.


At a certain moment, a long bell sounded in the bell, as if it could ring forever.

It can be heard in every corner of the five continents and four seas, even in some areas of the fairy world, some characters have cast their eyes on the mortal world.

"The Emperor God Bell? Does it appear again?"

"The Emperor trained this clock back then. There is a secret technique inside. He wanted to conquer the power of the long river. The Emperor once used it once, but failed for some reason. Now this kind of aura appears again. Does anyone want to urge the Emperor? God clock, conquer the long river of time in the world?"

Those mysterious characters murmured to themselves, with a touch of solemnity in their tone.

For a long time, whether in the two realms of immortal and common world, it is the origin of heaven and earth, one of the most terrifying forces.

Whoever can master the long river of time will have supreme good fortune, reaching the height that all immortals look up to.

If there is really a genius in the mortal world, and want to conquer the time, it is indeed an amazing thing.

Even if it is not as advanced as the fairy world, it is very amazing.

It seems that in the mortal world, there has been a peerless evildoer that has alarmed forever.

"The law of the long river of collecting time left by the emperor? Shangguan Xiyun has to take the long river of time?"

At this time, some of the great powers in the world also realized this, and all of them hissed in shock.

Now, the grandeur of the Grand Emperor's Bell exudes, clearly like the Grand Emperor's Divine Bell recorded in history books, it has conquered the scene of a long river of time.

Shangguan Xiyun had to conquer a long time, which was really amazing.

"Little girl, what are you doing? If you conquer a long time, the order of the mortal will be greatly destroyed, you will become a sinner, you will be condemned, and you will not die." The will of the three-flower fairy world is also full of anger. .

For some special reasons, he can summon a long river of time. He never thought that someone would dare to charge a long river of time.

He really felt an extremely dangerous smell on the Supreme Emperor's Bell, as if it had become a big mouth that swallowed the sky, letting the original power of the long river of time be absorbed uncontrollably, which made him truly Panic, if it takes a long time to be charged, the consequences will be too serious.

Even his original power is constantly being sucked away.

He just rushed down like a sheep like a tiger's mouth.

"Don't worry, I will keep some to stabilize the order of the mortal world. For a long time, it is a thing against the sky and possesses infinite good fortune. If you just send it to me, I will naturally have no reason to let it go." Shangguan Xiyun Smiled slightly.

During this period of retreat, apart from comprehending the power of the immortal, she spent more time studying the Taihuang Bell.

This bell was accidentally obtained by their ancestors and placed in the ancestral land.

In the clock of the Emperor, there is also a certain memory of the Emperor, letting her know how to collect time.

The first time she saw Time Longhe, she had this idea in her heart.

Now is undoubtedly the time to verify, if she really gains time, it will be a great happy event for her.


Next, the huge bell body, with her cold rant, burst into a golden vortex, suspended in mid-air, which was hundreds of thousands of miles huge, covering endless territory. The suction generated in it makes the time long river, like a big river rushing like a sea, into the void, being swallowed.

The same is true for the Three Flower Fairy Tribulation.

You know, the Sanhua Immortal Tribulation, as a taboo divine Tribulation, the energy contained in it also reached an astonishing level.

The absorption of Taihuangzhong will have the benefit of going against the sky for Shangguan Xiyun.

Coupled with the long period of time, Shangguan Xiyun's harvest this time was extremely shocking.

"Ah, this seat is not reconciled, the **** Emperor Bell, if it weren't for it, how could there be power to stop this seat. Little girl doll, don’t be too happy, even if you use the power of this seat today Absorb, and take away the long river of time, you will definitely suffer the most terrible scourge, and the sky will not let you go."

The will of Sanhua Xianjie issued an extremely angry roar.

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