War Emperor

Chapter 1309: United battle formation

Chapter 1309 Joint Battle Array

What Shangguan Hong meant now was to let them use their hard work to unite in battle?

This caused a chill in their hearts for no reason, because the consequences were too great for them to bear.

After all, to reach their level, I am accustomed to domineering, and I am unwilling to fall.

"Now we have nothing to do, don't you think we can't raise our heads in the future?" Shangguan Hong seemed to know their hesitation and couldn't help but stern.

Lin Han's killing of the enemies of the three holy sons made him unable to let go. Even if he paid a high price today, Lin Han must pay it back.

"Okay, fight with him." Shangguanshan, Shangguanyu, and Shangguanyi changed their faces, and finally gritted their teeth and nodded in agreement. At this point, they also know that they have no retreat. If they join hands , Not defeated Lin Han, the final result was even more embarrassing.

Instead of this, it is better to give it a try. Maybe you can be ashamed and get revenge.

At this point, the four of them looked at each other, Shangguan Hong took the lead, and put his index finger on his mouth to bite it, dripping blood, floating in front of him, and then pinching a knot in his hand, the blood instantly resembled a red flame. , Rising into the sky, making the sky glow red and extremely bright.

At the same time, an extremely violent aura radiated from his body surface, causing a strong wind to rise between the world and the earth. If a peerless great demon recovers, many people will feel a sense of oppression.

"A united battle formation of painstaking effort? They are about to use a united battle formation of painstaking effort?" Some well-informed people, seeming to realize something, couldn't help but their complexion changed drastically, and exclaimed.

A united battle formation with painstaking efforts, although the four main line masters have never used it, but they are well known among the world's first-class powers.

When that amazing and brilliant Shangguan Saint Clan created this great formation, it attracted a cloud of blood to obscure the sun, and a terrifying scene of the cry of all souls emerged, covering an unknown number of thousands of miles of land, and it was shocking.

It's just that this battle formation is too tyrannical and will cause a lot of trauma to the caster, so the four main vein masters have never used it.

This is a unique trick that can only be used to save lives, or the Shangguan saints are facing a catastrophe.

Now Shangguan Hong and the four want to use their painstaking efforts to unite the battlefield, and they really do everything they want.

"Elder Ancestor Grandpa, Shangguan Hong and the four are too despicable, you can stop them quickly." At this time, Xiao Ai couldn't help stomping his feet anxiously, and said to the elder and others.

In the final analysis, Lin Han was only a young man, and he did not use to step into the Emperor Realm to perform such an attack too much.

The elder also felt that the four of them had been a bit too late, but looking at the calm Lin Han with vicissitudes of life, there was a vague intuition in his heart, as if facing such a trick, the young man could still deal with it.

At the moment, he couldn't help but feel a touch of interest in his heart. He wanted to see what Lin Han would do next.

To Xiao Ai: "Don't worry, if there is a problem, I will take action. Just keep watching."

Lin Han is already the prospective son-in-law of Shangguan Saint Clan, with amazing talent, and he would not just watch Lin Han accidentally.

As for Xiao Ai, it was the great-great-granddaughter of an invisible elder in their group of elders. His identity was extraordinary, and even he would not be treated as an ordinary person. That hidden elder, his former status, among the holy race, was only higher than him.

"Okay." Seeing that the elder said so, Xiao Ai only agreed with a pouting, knowing that the elder was a person who did what he said, and since he opened his mouth, he would definitely not stand by.

However, there were still some murmurs in her heart, and her efforts were united in the battle. They were infinitely powerful and shocking. If there were any problems with Lin Han, even if the elder wanted to save him, it would be difficult to guarantee that it would be so timely.


The cloud of blood obscured the sun, lightning and thunder, following Shangguan Hong, the first to use the secret method to display his own blood, the entire sky, the whole sky, the cloud and bleak, as if ushering in the end, the scenery is amazing.

Not far away there was a big mountain, a terrifying divine light, rising up into the sky, uniting with Shangguanhong's blood, making Shangguanhong's aura even more terrifying.

That is the main peak of the Tianmai, which contains rich "weather". Under Shangguan Hong's joint battle, he mobilized all the power of the Tianmai.

"Do it!"

Next, Shangguanshan, Shangguanyi, and Shangguanyu did not delay either. They were exactly the same as Shangguanhong's actions. They bit their index finger, drew their blood and rushed into the sky.

The blood of the four people, in the sky, is constantly interweaving and transforming, as if it has become a huge blood-colored fairy picture, revealing an incomparable taste, and gleaming with infinite horror.

Before long, a light yellow gas was permeated on the **** array, like a very advanced source of power in the world, which made the three thousand avenues tremble, and the sun, moon and stars were shaking, full of shocking taste. .

"Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Qi? This is the legendary Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Qi!"

The Palace Master of the Star Palace couldn't help his eyes condensing, shaking and losing his voice.

At the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth, the universe was in chaos, and the four mother qi of heaven, earth, mystery and yellow were born, which evolved into all things.

When these four kinds of mother qi are combined into one, it is the heaven and earth mysterious and yellow qi, possessing incredible terrifying power, once released, it has the power of weeping ghosts and gods.

In the ancient times, there was a master at the peak level of the emperor realm who had studied the mysterious yellow aura of heaven and earth. Unfortunately, this gas was so powerful that even the peak master of the emperor realm could not control it. Elimination, the catastrophe is over.

Now the four Shangguan Hong, using their painstaking efforts to unite the battle formation, condense the mysterious yellow aura of heaven and earth, which naturally shocks people.

This is definitely a big killer in the mortal world of five continents and four seas. Even the emperor realm masters are extremely taboo and dare not provoke them. A carelessness will cause a murder.

"Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Qi?" Lin Han's expression also condensed, secretly startled.

He had also heard of this kind of gas. It was born in chaos. It was rarer and more mysterious than chaotic gas. It was the mother of heaven and earth, the source of all things, and it was almost uncontrollable by ordinary people.

Under this kind of gas, even if he feels a sense of danger, if he is careless, he will have life worry.

"Lin Han, today you are dead, take your life, heaven and earth mysterious yellow aura, kill." At this moment, Shangguan Hong is like a united with Shangguanshan, Shangguanyi, and Shangguanyu. It was chaotic, revealing an extremely powerful taste.

Scarlet eyes stared at Lin Han, full of hideous killing intent.

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