War Emperor

Chapter 1319: Continental weather

The first thousand three hundred and nineteen chapters continental weather

"No, this is their own business, we still don't need to mix it up." Bai Lingniao hesitated.

Although many people know that Lin Jiaoer and Lin Han have a very good relationship, now that Lin Jiaoer is notified of Lin Han's arrival, it may make Lin Jiaoer happy, reward some treasures, and bring them benefits.

But they knew even more clearly that Lin Jiaoer was the most famous flower in the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, and it was loved by countless outstanding young people of all ethnicities.

This is very likely to offend those young people, and they can't afford the fate.

Among those young people, there is no shortage of powerful people who can crush them to death with a single finger.

The brown rhino and the golden crocodile nodded, looking at the direction of Lin Han's departure, they couldn't help but feel a feeling in their hearts. I only felt that the Divine Beast Continent might become more interesting when Lin Han came.

There are many "enemies" here.

They looked forward to the sparks that those powerful ethnic youths would create when they met Lin Han.

Those young people are in the Continent of the Mythical Beast, almost invincible of the younger generation, with extremely high reputation.

The Divine Beast Continent is a huge and extremely vast land, no weaker than the Hongzhou and Lingxiao continents.

The aura here is more intense, full of primitive, suitable for cultivation.

In some primitive old forests, there are dangers everywhere. Several times, Lin Han and others were attacked by some powerful monsters drilling out of the dense forest, almost causing casualties.

For example, black spiders, blue boa constrictors, colorful toads, etc... are all alien species that are hardly seen in the field.

The strength is very expensive, with the realm of the **** emperor realm, in other continents, they are all powerful men who can frighten one side.

This made Lin Han had to sigh. As expected, there are people outside the world, and there are people outside the sky. Originally, he thought that Lingxiao Continent is the most aura of the five continents, but now he knows that he was wrong. It seems to be better than Lingxiao Continent.

It's just that the creatures here are all alien beasts with powerful bloodlines.

"Speaking of it, it is true. The Lingxiao Continent, known as the "Holy Continent", was granted by humans. In terms of comprehensive strength, it is indeed inferior to the Divine Beast Continent. After all, it is located in the center of heaven and earth, the most original of the world. Reiki was born here." Shangguan Bawang nodded in surprise.

There is a saying that under the five continents and four seas, there are spiritual sources of heaven and earth, like rivers, leading to all continents and spreading all over the world.

Below the Continent of Divine Beast, is the center of Spirit Source

Experts from other continents are indeed much more low-key here. There are also many examples in ancient times. Some famous masters came here and were obliterated by an unknown creature at random and became blood food.

So the Divine Beast Continent is a very dangerous place for ordinary people.

Lin Han walked all the way, watching the strength of the strange beasts, he really seemed to be much more powerful than the cultivators on the Lingxiao Continent.

No wonder it is said that in ancient times, the goddess emperor was a very powerful existence among the five emperors.

"By the way, I heard that your sister, Jiao'er has become a saint in the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain. Let's pass by right away. Shall we go and see the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain." Shangguan Bawang seemed to think of something and couldn't help smiling. Tao.

He knew a lot about Lin Han's deeds.

Lin Jiao'er became the saint of the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, he naturally understood the master of such a first-class power.

"Jiao'er, have you become a saint?" Lin Han couldn't help but smiled lightly.

When he first decided to come to the Divine Beast Continent, he thought of Jiao'er for the first time, and he really meant to visit.

At the beginning, the white-clothed saint was brought here from Hongzhou mainland. More than two years have passed, and he really missed that naive sister.

Now that Jiao'er has undergone such a great transformation in the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, he is also happy.

Naturally I want to go and see now.

Seeing Lin Han's promise, Shangguan Overlord nodded and said, "That's okay, Ten Thousand Beasts Demon City should have been blocked by the Mythical Beast Continent, and the "royal clans" of all parties are forbidden to enter. Let's go to the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain. You can ask for a pass by the way to go to the Demon City of Ten Thousand Beasts and save a lot of trouble."

Time and space treasures are so important that when they appear on any continent, the power of the snakes will want to swallow them alone, and outsiders are not allowed to get involved.

In the Continent of Divine Beasts, there are five great royal clans that are the most tyrannical, and it is normal to block the Five Beast Demon City.

Although they are members of the Shangguan Saint Clan, there are certain obstacles to entering the Demon City of Ten Thousand Beasts.

If you go to the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, it is much more convenient to get a pass.

After all, the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain is the number one sacred place in the Continent of the Mythical Beast, and the top of the pyramid is supreme.

With its approval, the five kings must give face.

It is extremely necessary to go to the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain first.

Lin Han looked ahead, and there was some heat in his heart, but he had wanted to see Jiao'er for a long time.

I don't know if this innocent sister has left herself and is alone in the mainland outside. She has grown up.

On the vast primitive earth, an extremely tall mountain stands upright. Since halfway up the mountain, it has been surrounded by clouds and mist, filled with sunlight and full of spiritual energy.

The plants in it seem to have been psychic, producing bright red fruits, exuding a refreshing scent, which makes people savour and produce fluid in a mouthful, and if they want to swallow it, it will be of great benefit to the human body.

Those are just some ordinary plants, and their effects are more amazing than some old medicines.

There are also all kinds of rare birds and animals in the mountains, with the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the rainbow hanging, like a picture scroll of a paradise, beautiful and unreal.

This is the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain!

Looking down from the sky, there are two huge mountains on both sides of this mountain peak, extending out and gradually enlarging, like a bird of prey about to spread its wings high, soaring up to 90,000 miles, revealing a fierce and realistic look. The taste is amazing.

Legend has it that this is the mountains and rivers transformed by the corpse of an ancient bird.

Once had a lot of kindness to the goddess emperor.

In order to pay tribute to her, the goddess emperor created the sacred mountain of celestial birds here, suppressed the continent of sacred animals, and made the world peaceful.

Lin Han and his party flew for about half a day, and finally came here. Looking at this holy mountain from a distance, they couldn't help being shocked.

Along the way, Lin Han has also seen many ancient mountains and mountains, majestic and numerous, but like this mountain, just a glance gives people a kind of wisdom of the sky, the mountain that captures the essence of the sun and the moon. Met for the first time.

Although it is a mountain, it gives him the feeling that it is like an ancient creature, hibernating here, absorbing the good fortune of heaven and earth, and transforming quietly.

When one day, when the merits are fulfilled, it will break the shackles, engender and shake the world.

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