War Emperor

Chapter 1326: Lin Han came forward

Chapter 1326: Lin Han Comes Out

"Let Brother Nine try, I believe Brother Nine." At this moment, Lin Jiaoer said softly.

For Lin Han, she had blind confidence in her heart.

Some high-level members of Tianqi Sacred Mountain were silent and embarrassed.

This matter is so important that they dare not take risks at will. After all, Lin Han is just an outsider.

"Emperor Lin Han, what do you think, if you want, I can choose to trust you." Su Xiyi hesitated for a moment, looked at Lin Han, with a burning eye.

For Lin Han, she also had an indescribable confidence. She only felt that the young man in front of her had a unique temperament, which was not just as simple as the surface.

She also had an idea to trust Lin Han.

Lin Han glanced at Holly and frowned slightly. The opponent was indeed very strong. The fluctuations that emanated from his body were extremely strong. Even if there was a lot of pressure on him, it would not be too great if he was asked to face Holly. Grasp of.

Most importantly, he noticed that apart from the tough realm of Holly, there was another dangerous smell in his body, and he obviously had hole cards that some people didn't know.

This kind of genius is far stronger than the Hailong Master, it is not easy to deal with it.

"Lin Han, how do you dare to discuss it with me? If you don't dare, just get out of here, and don't show off here." Holly smiled leisurely and ridiculed.

Lin Han is now a hot character in the world.

He is such a proud genius, he has long wanted to learn something.

As long as Lin Han is defeated, his reputation will definitely increase again, making him very excited.

With his strength, he didn't put Lin Han in his eyes at all. Within ten moves, he would surely be able to beat him like a dead dog and surrender to himself.

By then he Holly, will surely make a sensation in the world, the limelight is endless, thinking about it will make him extremely happy.

"It is natural to learn from each other, but if you lose, it is not only as simple as leaving here, but I also want you Tianlin clan to swear by your soul to be loyal to the Heavenly Bird Holy Mountain forever, how about it?" Lin Han smiled faintly.

His true combat power is much stronger than on the surface. In addition, he has the trump cards such as the mad **** battle armor, the great thousand blood flame cloak, the fire-lin burning sky sword, and the Qixiang time and space. He also has confidence in himself. It is still unknown who will die. The number.

Only if the other party swears allegiance to the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, this is the biggest blow to the Tianlin Clan, so that the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain will no longer have to worry about the threat of the Tianlin Clan.


"Lin Han, you are too arrogant."

Many people from the Tianlin clan couldn't help but shout out in anger.

This request is too excessive. They Tianlin Clan, really starting from the soul, always loyal to the Heavenly Bird Holy Mountain, after the Tianlin Clan, they will never be able to turn back.

Their Tianlin clan is a very ambitious race, and they are unwilling to subdue to others, it is impossible to do such a thing.

"Since it's a discussion, naturally there must be a certain bet. We lost the Ten Thousand Beast Order. You lost but you just left. It's too much advantage, isn't it?" Lin Han shrugged and laughed mockingly.

The masters of the Tianlin clan were all choked, their cheeks flushed, and they felt that what Lin Han said was not unreasonable.

Hoben's expression changed, and finally gritted his teeth fiercely and said: "Okay, I bet with you, I see what you can do to beat my son Holly!"

Although this bet is a bit big, he chose to fight once for the ten thousand beast order.

As long as the Ten Thousand Beast Order is successfully obtained, the Divine Beast Continent is the world of their Tianlin Clan, which is really important.

Besides, he had full confidence in his son, Holly, and Lin Han had just broken through the emperor realm, so he could never be an opponent.

Holly clenched some fists too, and a look of sorrow flashed in his eyes, and said, "Okay, kid, just relying on you to say this, you are dead today!"

When Lin Han made such an excessive request, it was obvious that he did not take him seriously.

An ordinary genius, only shivering when meeting him.

Lin Han smiled indifferently, and did not say much. He stretched out one hand and made a gesture of asking. Now, it is useless to say anything, only the real chapter can be seen under the hand.

"Have a chance to kill this kid." Houben's eyes were cold, and he spoke to Holly.

"Don't worry!" Holly's mouth evokes a cold arc, Lin Han is dead, and the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain is equivalent to missing a big helper, which is a good thing for their Tianlin Clan, saying: "Boy, hope that next, Don't call me grandpa on your knees!"


When the sound fell, his body leaped forward, and his whole body emitted an extremely blazing red light, like a red sun, and the temperature was extremely high.

As soon as it struck, many of the Heavenly Birds Sacred Mountain were sweating profusely, with a horrified look of backing a few steps, terrified.

The main body of the Tianlin tribe is the unicorn beast, a beast that controls fire.

The power of Holly's bloodline is very powerful. According to legend, it has reached the level of eternal life. Now it seems that it is true. It is just a momentum that ordinary people can't bear.


Holly's eyes were cold and he didn't pay attention to the panic of everyone. When he came to the front, he raised his palm and burst out with an incomparable divine light. Like the hand of a god, he slapped Lin Han's head and took a picture.

At the moment of the shot, there was a sound of creaking scales growing on the palm of the hand, and a dense layer of scarlet scales appeared on the skin, each of which was crystal clear and extremely strong, shining with the light of the sword of the gods.

These are the scales of the Kylin tribe's body. The power of Holly's bloodline is very high. While fighting, any part of one's body can be transformed into the body. For those with insufficient bloodline power, the body needs to be fully transformed to exert the power of the body.

Although the strength and combat effectiveness will be greatly increased, the agility will also decrease.

Holly is not like this, it can be said that the two are compatible. From this point, it can be seen that he is several grades better than Prince Hailong.

Lin Han looked at the palm of his hand gradually becoming bigger in his pupils, and could feel that the palm of his hand contained extreme violent power. If it was really hit, I am afraid that a majestic mountain could be easily destroyed.

However, he was not afraid. His current supreme emperor had reached an extremely high level. In head-to-head matches, he was by no means inferior to anyone of the same level.


At the moment, his fist was also squeezed fiercely, and golden light burst out, like the sun in the sky blooming in the palace.

Within Lin Han's body, an ancient dragon roared instantly, with thousands of heads, countless, magnificent and extremely deafening.

As soon as Hajime rang, the entire hall was rumbling, as if it was about to explode if it couldn't bear it, shaking, and the momentum was amazing.

"How supernatural is this? I'm afraid... there are hundreds of billions of catties..."

Some senior members of the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain couldn't help being shocked, their scalp numb and exclaimed.

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