War Emperor

Chapter 1328: Sword casting

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-eight chapters

A dangerous wave swept away, making everyone feel nervous.

"What kind of stove is this?" Many people exclaimed. In the stove in Lin Han's palm, they smelled a strong and dangerous aura, which seemed to be a product of the prehistoric times, giving people a sense of infinite reverie.

"Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace?" Su Xiyi couldn't help being startled, covering her red lips with her delicate hand, and lost her voice.

Lin Han's prehistoric sword-forging furnace was exposed when it was at the towering competition, and even swallowed the chessboard of Heaven's Path, and it was infinitely powerful.

This was the most mysterious and terrifying furnace in ancient times. Even the countless big figures in the fairy world were extremely passionate and fell into the hands of Lin Han, which caused a great sensation at that time.

She didn't expect that Lin Han would just display the prehistoric sword-forging furnace.

Last time, she just watched from a distance, and now she can see the amazingness of this stove even more closely.

The mysterious and vast fluctuations that radiated from above made her feel a little frightened, as if even a figure at the peak of the Emperor Realm was nothing in front of it.

"This stove is now probably separated from the mortal artifacts and reached the level of immortal artifacts." Some senior officials of the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain couldn't help muttering to themselves.

The Heavenly Dao chessboard was originally a piece of celestial artifact that was famous in all directions. After the prestige of the immortal world, the prehistoric sword-making furnace swallowed it, the transformation that took place was huge.

There is also a faint fairy air on the body surface, which is not comparable to mortal weapons.

Immortal artifacts only appear in the immortal world, almost belonging to legends in the mortal world, and seeing an immortal artifact like this makes their hearts very uneasy.

They knew even more clearly that the peculiarities of the prehistoric sword forging furnace could not be compared with ordinary fairy tools.

"Fuck, how is this possible?" Holly couldn't help but squirm in his heart, and couldn't help but explode.

His Heavenly Killing Sword, no matter how powerful it is, it is only the Emperor's weapon, it can't be the opponent of the fairy weapon, Lin Han just took out an immortal weapon, how to fight it, the two are not at the same level, they are too abnormal. .

He couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely, wishing to eat Lin Han raw.

Huo Ben also had a bit of sour eyes, thinking of the rumors that Lin Han owns the Primordial Sword Furnace, he amazedly guessed that this must be the Primordial Sword Furnace.

This is the key thing to open the treasure of time and space. It not only allows people to have the most amazing opportunities of five continents and four seas, but also has a monstrous power. It is not an exaggeration to say that the five continents and four seas are the most precious in ancient and modern times. It appears in the hands of Lin Han. His sense of stunning is unparalleled.

At this moment, his throat rolled and his breathing became thicker, like an old virgin who had been guarding for decades, seeing a peerless beauty naked, extremely hot.

If you have this stove, this world will officially rise and become the peak of the strongest in the future. It is just around the corner.

This is a good thing that ordinary cultivators don't dare to think about.

The other high-ranking members of the Tianlin clan have a touch of worry in their eyes. Under the prehistoric sword-making furnace, the Heavenly Killing Sword will be useless.

This will be very detrimental to the next battle.


Sure enough, at the next moment, Lin Han's heart moved, and the furnace forged swords in the wild, instantly became bigger in the wind, about two feet away, and turned into a large and heavy furnace, in which clusters of black flames were burning, and the furnace body was all over. With some inscriptions from the prehistoric times, the ancient and majestic atmosphere has become more concentrated.

What’s even more amazing is that on the surface of the furnace, there are still images of ancient people forging weapons, as if they are forging some kind of heaven-shocking gods, and there are great sounds of iron strikes and gods. The roar of the demon, the weather is astonishing.

There was also a touch of joy in Lin Han's heart. After casting a sword furnace in the wild, and swallowing the chessboard of Heaven's Path, the changes were indeed great. He could feel the vastness of the divine power fluctuations, which was completely out of the same level as before.

Then, he pinched the knot, and the predominantly cast sword furnace immediately turned, the furnace body moved forward, and the huge furnace body flew towards the heavenly killing sword like a big hole swallowing the sky.

The terrifying light emitted from the Heavenly Slaughter Sword, at the moment it met the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, it immediately looked like a mud cow like a sea, swallowed clean, and could not affect it at all.

"No, God Sword, take it for me." Holly's scalp numb instantly, only to feel that the furnace mouth of the prehistoric sword-forging furnace rushes, and any object entering it will be swallowed.

The Heavenly Slaughter Sword, but the treasure of his clan, bred the efforts of countless masters of his clan, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

So he gritted his teeth fiercely and wanted to put away the Heavenly Slaughter Sword.


However, the huge prehistoric sword-forging furnace, like a fixed void, made Dehuo unable to recover the Heavenly Slaughter Sword, as if there was a terrible aura, locked the Heavenly Slaughter Sword, it was difficult to shake.

Holly was completely frightened, his face extremely pale.

Sword of God, is it really going to be swallowed? This hit him too hard.

"Holly, communicate the will of the ancestors in the Heavenly Slaughter Knife, the Heavenly Slaughter Knife must not be lost." Houben roared with scarlet eyes.

He couldn't watch, the Heavenly Slaughter Sword was swallowed, this would be a pain to the Tianlin Clan.

The only way is to communicate with the will of the ancestors of the Heavenly Slaughter Sword. It is the most powerful force of the Heavenly Slaughter Sword. It has been falling asleep. The ancestors of the Tianlin tribe in history have not summoned it several times. Pay a great price.

Now, in order to keep the Heavenly Slaughter Sword, he only had that.

"Okay!" Holly gritted his teeth fiercely, and there was a madness in his eyes, knowing that now, he can only fight.

Otherwise, if the Heavenly Slaughter Sword is lost in his hands, he will become the ancient sinner of the Tianlin Clan.

"With my essence and blood, burn the origin, summon the will of the ancestors, and show up." Right now, he roared, biting the tip of his tongue violently, and a large mouthful of essence blood was sprayed out instantly and sprinkled on the Heavenly Slaughter Sword.


In the next moment, a terrifying aura instantly rose from the Heavenly Slaughter Blade, like the resurrection of a sleeping magical artifact, there was a kind of supremely strong wave, which opened violently, causing the entire hall to tremble violently.

Immediately afterwards, under the astonished eyes of the crowd on the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, a huge phantom appeared on the Heavenly Slaughter Sword.

This is a blue unicorn, bathed in blue flames, like a beast in the fairy world, it is extremely sacred. His scales are radiant, his eyes are cold, his four hooves are sturdy, and he smells of disdain for Liuhe and Bahuang.

The space around it is a little fuzzy, and it is a little dreamy, if it stands in another time and space, it is mysterious and terrifying.

The most amazing thing is that its eyes are too vicissitudes of life, there are eternal years flowing inside, and the scene of vicissitudes of life appears.

Just standing in the void, naturally, the aura that exudes has a taste that makes people surrender and worship, and can't compete with it.

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