War Emperor

Chapter 1331: force

The first thousand and thirty-one chapters of persecution

This is the point where no one has ever done it before any big man in ancient times.

A mortal boy who is only in his twenties can do it, which is nothing short of ancient and modern.

However, he also heard that the Sword-forging Furnace has been on the verge of destruction since the first battle in ancient times. Perhaps because of Lin Han's good luck, he was given the Sword-forging Furnace and repaired step by step until now that the Sword-forging Furnace would recognize him so much.

This made him have to envy Lin Han's luck.

With the assistance of the prehistoric sword-forging furnace and the incomparable ancient tool spirit teaching, Lin Han's future achievements would be unimaginable.

Even if it is the descendant of some great sects and super immortal sects in the fairy world, it can't be compared.

"Holly, you lost." Lin Han smiled faintly, took out the Huo Lin Burning Heaven Sword, put it on Holly's neck, and said coldly.

He is also very satisfied with the transformation of the prehistoric sword furnace. With the prehistoric sword furnace, his current power and power will increase too much.

In this world, there are fewer and fewer people who can threaten him.

This feeling of gradually standing at the top made him feel very comfortable.

Holly smiled bitterly. Indeed, he lost. Lin Han's strength already made him feel powerless.

According to the agreement, he will swear by his soul and be loyal to the Heavenly Bird Holy Mountain forever, without any rebellious mentality.

This was an extremely heavy blow to the entire Tianlin Clan.

"Patriarch Huoben, now that the results have come out, I'm not ready to fulfill your promise." Lin Han turned his head and said to Huoben and the senior officials of the Tianlin clan.

Although the tone was calm, the Huo Lin Fen Tian Sword in his hand moved forward, causing a blood stain to appear on Huo Ben's neck. The powerful murderous aura on the Huo Lin Fen Tian Sword had already locked Holly.

As long as Lin Han moved lightly, Holly would inevitably die in a different place.

This is obviously threatening Houben.

The high-ranking members of Houben and the Tianlin clan will not give in easily.

As long as Holly's life is threatened, Holborn and others will easily succumb.

"Lin Han, don't mess around." Hoben was taken aback and quickly roared.

The expressions of the high-level members of the Tianlin clan changed drastically.

Holly is a genius of their family, and it took a lot of hard work to cultivate it.

Holly is alive, and their Tianlin clan can at least be prosperous for thousands of years, which is their clan's hope.

Lin Hanruo really killed Holly, which hit their Tianlin clan too much.

"His life is between your thoughts. If you fulfill your promise, I will naturally save him. Otherwise, I will only be sorry." Lin Han smiled lightly, his tone very cold.

Along the way, he did not know how many battles and killings he experienced, big or small, and he had already contained a terrible murderous aura.

This murderous aura was perfectly concealed by him on weekdays, but once it was revealed, it was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, which was about to drink people's blood, with a scent of killing and decisiveness.

Houben and the others deeply believed that if they dared to say a "no", the divine sword in Lin Han's hand would unceremoniously cut off Holly's head, causing the Tianlin Clan to suffer heavy losses.

"Patriarch, what should I do?" One of the senior officials of the Tianlin clan gritted his teeth and said to Huo Ben.

They really didn't want to surrender to the Heavenly Bird Holy Mountain.

But Holly's life was pinched in Lin Han's hands, and they had to give in.

Houben's expression was uncertain, like a volcano that was about to erupt, but he didn't dare to erupt. He was Holly's father, and he didn't want Holly to die.

In order to save Holly's life, he had to surrender temporarily, otherwise Holly would die, his time limit would be over after a few years, and there would be no newcomers in the Tianlin clan, and even the title of the top five kings would not be able to keep.

And they have erected many enemies, maybe the Tianlin clan will usher in destruction.

Surrender to the sacred mountain of heavenly birds, no matter what, they are still the second-ranked power in the Continent of Divine Beasts, and they have endless scenery.

After Holly grew up, their status was as stable as Mount Tai. Even if the Heavenly Birds Sacred Mountain, they would be a little jealous.

After weighing it up, he only gritted his teeth fiercely and said: "Okay, Lin Han, you have a kind, let's surrender."

After he finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee and said with his fingers to the sky: "The sky is above, my Tianlin tribe, Huoben, swear once again, in the eyes of my life, absolute allegiance to the sacred mountain of heavenly birds, if you violate this oath, call me The sky is struck by thunder, it won't be dead!"


After speaking, a few thunders rang out from the sky, as if a certain soul mark was remembered by the sky.

Ordinary practitioners who swear by their souls will be marked by the heavens, and if they violate it, they will be condemned by the heavens.

When Lin Han was just learning the Chaos Good Fortune tactics, he swore to the First Emperor that he would bring back the book of opening the sky and revitalize the mountains and rivers.

He has worked hard for this goal for so many years, but he has done it, and this oath has long since dissipated and is no longer bound to him.

All the high-ranking members of the Tianlin clan are sad, knowing that the patriarch did this, the Tianlin clan is equivalent to surrendering to the heavenly bird sacred mountain forever, and there is no need to talk about emperor's hegemony.

However, even Holly lost, and they were no longer eligible to fight the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain. The real battle started, maybe everyone here would have to explain here.

Forced by the form, they can only surrender.

Finally they knelt down and said exactly the same words as Houben.

Holly's face was as gray as death. Under Lin Han's eyes, he only knelt down with a wry smile, and swears the same.

In just half an hour, the sky above the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, the sound of thunder was almost endless, as if it were telling the world about a historic event.

All the people from the Heavenly Bird Holy Mountain laughed and cheered extremely!

Lin Han took the Tianlin tribe without expending a single pawn, and resolved the crisis of their Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain.

They also gave them the Tianlin Clan on the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, so that all the high-level officials under Zhongcheng's command were grateful to Lin Han.

Su Xiyi also smiled, looking at Lin Han's eyes, full of splendor.

In just over two years, this young emperor has changed too much.

Now there is a compelling charm invisibly, as if it will shine, creating an irresistible temptation to women.

She used to be the saint of the Heavenly Birds Sacred Mountain, and now she is even the holy lord. She has never had any opposite sex, which made her feel a little strange.

At this moment, she couldn't help but ripples in her heart, feeling that Lin Han's figure was unusually heroic and charming.

If someone else knows that Tangtang Su Xiyi appreciates Lin Han so much, I don't know that it will make all the creatures in the Divine Beast Continent vomit blood to Lin Han with envy.

This is the supreme goddess in the minds of many young talents on the mainland.

Lin Jiaoer clapped her hands with a smile, admiring Lin Han even more.

Lin Han raised his hand to resolve the crisis of the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, which made her feel very honored.

"However, don’t be happy too early. The time and space treasure appears in the Demon City of Ten Thousand Beasts. As the wind and clouds gather today, I heard the news that secretly wanting to deal with the forces of the Heavenly Bird Holy Mountain, there are no more of them. The time and space treasure appears, you The Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain may not be able to survive this catastrophe."

Houben seemed to be a little unbalanced, gritted his teeth and sneered.

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