War Emperor

Chapter 1339: Enter the sacred pond

The first thousand and thirty-nine chapters enter the sacred pool

The powerful force burst out, making Tian Xingfeng suddenly scream like a pig, and his body slammed into a cliff not far away, spitting blood, and even visceral fragments flowed out along the corners of his mouth. ,clear and distinct.

The surroundings suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Many people stared at this scene dumbfounded, and they were a little dumbfounded!

The outcome is divided!

Tianxingfeng lost!

Among the young people, the wind was like an unattainable mountain, and it just lost.

Now it's no less than the collapse of faith, making their hearts beating like crazy, unable to control themselves.

Lin Jiaoer also looked at this scene in amazement, her beautiful eyes bent into crescent shapes, and she laughed.

Brother Nine did not disappoint her, even the freak-level Tianxingfeng was invincible, and she couldn't help admiring him even more.

The Great Elder also smiled and nodded. If he was a little unhappy about Lin Han entering the Tianshan Divine Lake before, now he has no objection.

At a young age, you can have such brilliant achievements, and the future is so high that there is no limit.

If you have a good relationship with such a young man, it is also of great benefit to the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain.

"Tian Xingfeng, you lost." Lin Han stood alone in the air, looking at Tian Xingfeng, with a faint smile.

The cloak of the Great Thousand Blood Flame, surpassing thousands of miles behind him, is extremely dazzling.

Tian Xingfeng was holding his chest, only to feel these three words, like a cold knife stuck in his heart, making him cold all over.

Although he was very unwilling, Lin Han's strength really made him lose completely. The huge injury also caused him to suffer a certain amount of damage to his origin, and he was unable to fight again.

"Tianshan Divine Pond, you can enter, but when the time and space treasure appears, I hope you can defeat many freaks and fight for glory for the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain." Finally, he took a deep breath and bowed his hand to Lin Han.

Although he is very arrogant and conceited, the most important reason for entering the Tianshan Sacred Pond is to increase his strength and win glory for the Heavenly Bird Holy Mountain in the treasures of time and space.

Since Lin Han is more suitable than him, he naturally can only pin this hope on Lin Han.

He clearly knew that among the top powers such as the descendants of the thirty-six saint races, the Qizhenzong, the Star Palace, and the Leiyin Temple, the freak-level figures were very abnormal.

Even if he is among them, he dare not say that he is at the top.

Perhaps among those people, there are super masters above the tenth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

If Lin Han could defeat him, it would be a great honor for the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain.

"I will." Lin Han nodded and smiled at him.

This time he came to the Divine Beast Continent, in addition to laying the foundation for the dominance of the world.

Most importantly, I still want to be the world, the top genius.

He is a young man with a blood in his bones, so the highest-scale stage like this will naturally not be let go.

After speaking, Lin Han let out a sigh of relief, then turned around and walked into the Tianshan Divine Lake.

At this point, this matter came to an end, and many people looked at Lin Han's background, full of awe!

Everyone knows that in the future, he will be the new hope of the Heavenly Bird Holy Mountain.

Tianxingfeng is a past tense.

"The Holy Master really has extraordinary eyesight, and the old slave has taken it." Next to Su Xiyi, the old woman also saluted Su Xiyi and said with a wry smile.

Originally, he didn't report too much hope for Lin Han, but now he knows that he is too small for this young emperor who moves the world.

The opponent's combat power and potential are completely beyond her ability to figure out.

Su Xiyi's eyesight is too sharp to be so optimistic about him.

Su Xiyi smiled slightly, and gathered the hair on her forehead, and her pretty face, like a fairy, also gave off a glimmer of glory.

It is also an extremely honorable thing for her if Lin Han wins.

Now she knew that when Lin Han finished his cultivation from the Tianshan Divine Pool, Lin Han's strength would undergo tremendous transformation.

It is definitely no longer a dream to defeat many freaks by then.

The clear pool water was filled with a faint fairy mist, with a strong spiritual energy, with a medicinal fragrance, like the magical medicine pool water tempered by the heavens and the earth, and a scent has a scent of ecstasy.

Lin Han sat cross-legged in it, and a burst of vigorous spiritual energy entered his body, making him extremely comfortable.

"These auras can not only help you grow your realm, but also strengthen your physique, so that your supreme emperor can truly reach its peak, which is very good." Hong laughed.

The sacred pool left by the goddess emperor is indeed extraordinary, and its efficacy is against the sky.

You should know that when you reach the level of the Emperor Realm, your physical body has been tempered and tempered, and it is already very difficult to improve.

This pool of water can also greatly improve people, it is really precious.

"The supreme emperor has reached the peak?" Lin Han couldn't help but feel a glow of heat when he heard the words.

The supreme emperor is the strongest representative of the five continents and four seas, divided into four levels: early, mid, late, and peak.

He was already very strong when he reached the late stage. If he could reach the peak, it would be even more terrifying.

At that time, where his body is going, the sky will be broken and the earth will be broken, who else can be the enemy?

This alone is enough to become a nightmare for many emperors.

"Well, in history, the only person who can cultivate the Supreme Emperor to the peak is your ancestor Beihuang Piaofeng. Back then, he was able to stand out among the many emperors, let the emperor worship, and all living beings would surrender. There is an inseparable relationship."

"If you can reach this step now, you will already have the style of the Northern Emperor's fluttering wind." Hong laughed.

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng, among the many gods, is a strong and domineering person. If he enters the immortal world, he has not died yet, so the achievements in the immortal world over the years will not be low.

Lin Han is only in his twenties now, and he looks much stronger than his ancestor in terms of potential.

Lin Han sighed, the First Emperor always looked like a model-like senior expert in his mind.

Now he actually wants to reach the height of the first emperor in his physical body, which makes him unable to help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

When he is in this world, he will really grow up.

"Don't be too happy. It's not easy to train the Supreme Emperor to the top. You can do it first." Hong Dao.

Although it is only a small difference between the late stage of the supreme emperor and the peak, the actual gap is like a gap.

According to legend, when the Northern Emperor Piaofeng reached this step, he was defeated in one fell swoop, and the five supreme emperor figures who reached the later stage shocked the world.

After this step, the difficulty is no less than that of breaking through a great realm!

Lin Han nodded, no matter how difficult it was, he would try it all the way, his powerful body gave him too many advantages in battle.

As long as he can see this path, he will definitely go on unswervingly.

When he had the body of the supreme emperor's peak, he was confident that there were very few people who could stop him in this world.

It is a major hurdle for him to improve his combat power.

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