War Emperor

Chapter 1341: Butterfly breaks out of cocoon

Of course, these are things to follow. The most important thing now is to see whether Lin Han can succeed and enter the peak of the Supreme Emperor.

In this way, maybe Lin Han would have died of pain without breaking through.

This kind of torture is simply inhuman.

Click! Click!

In the sacred pool, Lin Han continued to squeeze himself, because the energy was too huge, and his body was about to disintegrate.

His skin cracked, and more and more blood spilled.

However, the supreme emperor in Lin Han's body was still running, and deep in the bones, there was still a layer of green light overflowing, revealing boundless vitality, helping him nourish his body, keeping his breath always hanging there. Did not die.

It was precisely because of those green lights that Lin Han could persist until now, otherwise something might have happened now.

"The breath of Chaos Wood?" The Great Elder was stunned again.

How many hole cards this guy has, even Chaos Wood has it.

This is the world's first sacred tree. It used to stand in the fairy world. Before its birth and the creation of the fairy world, it was extremely ancient and mysterious.

Even in ancient times, countless great figures in the fairy world have always been taboo against it.

Lin Han actually swallowed Chaos Wood, which was really shocking.

The Chaos Wood contains incomparably pure life essence. Every drop can live and die. It is impossible for ordinary people to get a drop.

Lin Han had obviously swallowed a section of Chaos Wood's trunk. This was an opportunity that ordinary people would not dare to think about.

With Chaos Wood protecting himself, it seemed that it was not easy for Lin Han to think of an accident.

In other words, breaking into the peak of the supreme emperor is very promising.


Sure enough, Lin Han didn't know how long he persisted. Just when he felt that his will was about to languish, he banged, deep in the bones, a certain barrier, as if exploded, in an instant, the breath of his whole body burst into a Absolutely!

Next, Lin Han's broken body began to heal quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A pair of eyes also began to gleam, and the whole figure felt like being baptized by the most mysterious fairy light in the world, with a reborn feeling.

"I broke?"

Lin Han clenched his fist, looked at his brand new body, and couldn't help grinning.

The skin on his body was crystal clear now, as white as a woman, and he felt a new look.

The body is also full of explosive power. It seems that if you hold it at random, there will be a landslide and tsunami-like power, which will burst out, making the world pale, and the mountains and rivers trembling.

The bones, flesh and blood, and meridians are all stronger than before, shining like gold and iron!

This is what he has never felt before!

The peak of the supreme emperor!

He did reach it!

Lin Han couldn't help feeling a sense of pride, as if he could compete with the sky.

"Not only that, my realm has also reached the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm." Lin Han looked at his dantian again and muttered to himself happily.

In his dantian, there is a golden liquid, like a deep pool, sitting there.

There is the emperor's energy inside, and only after entering the emperor realm, the divine power in the body will become golden.

Before, there was very little golden liquid in his dantian, only about one square meter, but now it has become a deep pool of about 20 square meters, which can be said to have made tremendous progress from before.

You must know that this emperor's spirit is of high quality, and a single drop of it has enormous energy!

The 20 square meters of emperor's air, even if the average emperor realm's five-tier powerhouse, may not be able to match Lin Han.

"My delusion-breaking eye should also be transformed." Then, Lin Han said excitedly. He could feel that this time he was in a desperate situation, not only the realm, the physical body, and the Eye of Deception, but also a certain degree of tempering.

Next, he moved his mind, the chaotic good fortune tactics in his body, the mysterious eye of breaking the illusion, revolved and opened, and suddenly a pair of eyes turned blue, revealing two groups of strange divine light!

In an instant, Lin Han felt that the world before him had changed.

The sky becomes clearer than ever before, and things can be arbitrarily large or small. The former can see the scenery millions of miles away, and the latter can be as large as a mountain, even an ant leg, which is invisible to the naked eye. The place is amazing.

In addition, the destructive power of the Eye of Deception has also become stronger. There is a powerful and violent energy in the eye. If it bursts out, it can peak the universe, counter chaos Yin and Yang, thousands of miles away, kill the soul of human beings, and be extremely powerful. !

"Seven stages of natural realm, my eye of breaking delusion, reached the seven stages of realm."

Lin Han smiled.

The four realms of pupil technique, microcosm, will, momentum, and nature, each realm is like a piece of heaven and earth, possessing its own power.

Especially "natural", the field that countless people dream of and step into the world.

This realm is divided into nine stages. He has reached seven stages, and he is not far from the natural consummation, and it is much stronger than before.

Now he felt that his own pupil technique was probably not an ordinary emperor-level figure, and he was a little excited.

This is equivalent to another, powerful hole card.

"Little guy, congratulations, you have made a lot of progress." At this time, the elder stroked his beard with satisfaction and smiled.

Witnessing Lin Han's growth, he really admired Lin Han's many cards.

Such a genius is comparable to or even more dazzling than the Northern Emperor Piaofeng in ancient times.

The Heavenly Birds Holy Mountain, being able to get close to this kind of character, said to the Holy Mountain, it is a great thing.

"Thank you, Grand Elder, for letting me enter the sacred pool." Lin Han condensed all his aura and arched his hands to the Grand Elder.

This thank you was extremely sincere, and the old man's position in the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain was very high. If he objected, even Su Xiyi promised him to enter.

However, the great elder didn't say anything before, which made him feel that he had received a love.

This practice is of great significance to him.

"The sword is presented to the martyrs, such a sacred pool, naturally only the younger generations with extraordinary talents can exert its greatest value. This is all you deserve." The elder waved his hand, and suddenly frowned: "I ask you, you can I know, the "Master Wushang" of Liuyunmen."

"Flowing Cloud Gate?" Lin Han was startled. He had already heard that this was a major hidden power in the Mythical Beast Continent, and the ancestor was the demon of the ancient unified Divine Beast Continent-Dark Emperor.

Since it was obliterated by the goddess emperor, Liuyunmen has been hidden, like a poisonous snake, waiting to bite the sacred mountain.

For the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, the biggest threat in the Mythical Beast Continent is Liuyunmen.

Last time in the hall, I told Huoben that Liuyunmen issued a major reward, uniting the major forces to deal with the sacred mountain of heavenly birds when the time and space treasure appeared.

Now I didn't expect the Great Elder to mention this suddenly.

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