War Emperor

Chapter 1346: Desperate Eyes Revealed

He was full of self-confidence when he displayed the low-grade fairy skills, and looked down on Lin Han completely, thinking that he was waiting for a dead ant.

"Really?" However, Lin Han sneered. After his strength has greatly increased, his combat power is not what ordinary people can imagine.


At the moment, his mind moved, and the profound meaning of the Eye of Desolation in his body revolved and opened. A pair of eyes suddenly showed a layer of cyan magical light, like two small cyan suns, floating there, shining through. Wonderful mountains and rivers, the supreme engine that penetrates the origin of the world.

An unparalleled general trend, immediately mighty, so that countless people in the entire square felt the great coercion, could not help but want to kneel down, and their hearts trembled.

"What kind of eye is this?"

Many people are shocked.

This pupil technique is too terrifying, just a breath of energy makes the wind and cloud change color, the sun and the moon are dark, and the three thousand avenues are trembling.

Everyone was shocked to realize that the realm of this pupil technique had reached the level of natural seven stages.

Natural seven paragraphs!

Thinking of this, many people set off a terrible storm again!

There are very few people in the world who can practice pupil skills to the natural state.

Reaching the seventh natural stage is even rarer in ancient and modern times.

The most important thing is that they can still feel that Lin Han's pupil technique is much more terrifying than the natural seven-stage power of ordinary pupil technique, and it must not be ordinary pupil technique.

"It seems that this is the legendary Eye of Deception." There are also many high-level powers around, and they can't help muttering to themselves.

The Eye of Breaking Mistake is the famous pupil technique of the world.

Back then, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, holding it, I don't know how many ancient masters have been killed, it is known as the first pupil technique in ancient times!

Many people also know that Lin Han is learning the Eye of Deception, and it is obviously this pupil technique now!

Seeing it with their own eyes, even their hearts can't help but feel a strong sense of surprise.

Such a terrifying gaze is worthy of making many ancient gods and demons frightened. In the gaze, they can't help but feel a hairy feeling in their hearts, like they can shoot into the depths of human souls and behead people, from the heart. fear.

"The Eye of Deception?" Young Master Wuling also looked shocked. He didn't expect the power of Eye of Deception would be so powerful.

Under that blazing gaze, he felt that even his Jintai Seal had become fragile, like encountering a nemesis, there was a sign of collapse.

This made him feel incredible.

This is a low-grade fairy skill, the power is the most powerful in the world, how can it be suppressed so easily.

Eye of Deception, is it so powerful?

At this moment, there was a chill in his back, and he no longer despised Lin Han before, and only a touch of anxiety.

I finally realized that this young, unbelievable teenager, being able to break into such a big name in the world, is not because he has a reputation, but has real talents.

"I don't believe it, my Jintai Seal is invincible, and it won't break your gaze!" Then, he gritted his teeth fiercely, adding a sharp look in his eyes.

With his huge reputation, he would never allow him to lose himself in Lin Han's hands.

The divine power in his body was madly urged into the Jintai Seal, causing the huge Jintai Seal to emit more and more radiance!

Now, he can say that he has used all his strength and wants to crush the eye of illusion. By then, he will be famous in the world, and he will be very powerful. Thinking about it makes him extremely excited.

However, the reality is cruel. After the Eye of Breaking Deception reaches the natural seven-stage state, not only does it become more powerful, there is a general trend of "disintegration" in the gaze.

This is the profound meaning of the Eye of Despair!

The previous Lin Han's realm was low and could not be displayed.

Now he is finally the real means to break the eye of delusion, and play a role, with a sense of amazing ancient and modern.


In the next moment, the endless blue light finally collided with Jintaiyin, like a cyan ocean, hitting the golden mountain.

The green light wrapped the mountain, the disintegrating force in it, ferociously urged, and then Jintaiyin cracked a terrifying crack in the horrified eyes, and then the entire huge mountain began to collapse, disintegrate, and fall.

In just ten seconds, Jintaiyin disappeared and invisible, completely destroyed!

Young Master Wuling immediately spewed out a big mouthful of blood, his body was blown out, and he slammed into a wall not far from the square.

The huge force smashed the walls down. He was lying in the ruins, clutching his chest, his face was incredible!

He was defeated and defeated by a single move, which was too big a blow for him.

Never thought that besides his elder brother, who is very famous, there are people who can do this.

There was silence all around, countless people looked at each other, and there was an unbearable shock in their eyes!

I had only heard before that the Eye of Deception is so powerful, but I have never seen it before, and now I realize that this pupil technique is more terrifying than they thought.

Under a glance, everything in the world was disintegrated and collapsed, and the domineering posture was fully demonstrated.

This shouldn't be weaker than Wushang Young Master Wushang's eyes.

The eyes of the years without sorrow are the fairy eyes of the immortal world, which was obtained by the dark emperor entering the immortal world.

It is a pity that he was beheaded by the goddess emperor before he could practice, leaving a big regret. From this, it can be seen that the years are unstoppable.

Decades ago, there were rumors that Young Master Wushang used his timeless eyes to directly defeat the celestial bird sacred mountain, which is very strong in the sky.

Although the news did not spread under the deliberate suppression of the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, it can also be seen that the years of life are powerful.

If Lin Han's Desperate Eyes could be compared with the timeless eyes, it would definitely be a shocking thing.

Many people are full of expectations, and want to see it sooner, Eye of Deception, and Eye of Time Without Disaster, two famous pupil techniques, who can be better.

There was also a touch of joy in Lin Han's heart, and the current power of the Eye of Deception did not disappoint him.

He has only exerted his 50% strength.

If you do it with all your strength, how strong the power will be, even his heart will be excited.

Right now, he walked to the side of Young Master Wuling, took out the Fire Lin Burning Heaven Sword, and put a sword on Young Master Wuling's neck, and said coldly, "Profane my imperial sister, what should I do!"

Now Lin Han took out the aura of Emperor Gu Li again, and his whole person looked like a supreme Emperor, looking down on the ants.

Young Master Wuling gritted his teeth. He was already embarrassed after losing. He was treated like this by Lin Han. Now he said in a cold voice, "You bastard, don't be proud. Even if you can defeat me, it will never be my brother Wushang. Opponent, my brother will give you back ten times."

In his mind, Lord Wushang, like the myth among young people, is invincible.

No matter how strong Lin Han is, he can only surrender at the feet of his brother.

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