War Emperor

Chapter 1350: Old friends meet

If you have hair, you must be a handsome man.

Many girls in the square are secretly watching.

The most amazing thing is that behind him, there is a pair of peacock wings, bright colors, flowing glow, and he has a sense of transcendence and sacredness.

This kind of temperament is hard to imagine, being a monk!

However, Lin Han could clearly feel that there were very strong fluctuations in the Wuxiang Fa King, not weaker than Zong Shenzi and Xing Chen Haoxuan.

Obviously a person who looks very peaceful, starts his hands, and is powerful and powerful.

In addition, there are freaks of the descendants of the thirty-six saints...

Lin Han had to sigh that so many geniuses gathered together, this was the first time he had met, even now he had a feeling of enthusiasm in his body, and he wanted to start the competition, show off his power, and seek the top.

This is what young people want most.

"Well, that's Xiaocao and Xiaolan!" Suddenly, Lin Han seemed to notice something, his expression was shocked, and he said in disbelief.

Among a group of people in black, there are two pure and beautiful young girls sitting in them, looking very strange.

The people in black had a mysterious and gloomy aura, as if they could not see the sun all year round.

The **** the left, eighteen or nine years old, is lovely and affectionate.

The **** the right, in her early twenties, is slightly mature, with a pretty face like an egg, very aura, but with a cold feeling that makes people afraid to approach.

The two are like a pair of sisters, so many men in the square can't help but cast their admiring eyes secretly.

It is Xiaocao and Xiaolan!

Lin Han was dumbfounded, and never expected that he would meet their two sisters again here.

"That's the position of the witch saint clan, do you know those two girls?" Su Xiyi frowned and asked.

The witch saint clan is a very powerful saint clan among the thirty-six saints. At the peak of the year, it was no weaker than the Shangguan saint clan. Even the famed witch gods and the ancestors of the overseas witchfa immortal islands came from this saint. Family.

It's just that they are very low-key, people of their own clan don't like to appear outside, and the world only knows it.

As for these two girls, she has also heard about it, especially Xiao Lan, who has now become a freak-level genius of the Witch Saint Clan, has the highest level of inheritance from the Witch Clan, and is extremely powerful.

Among all the freaks, she is a very dangerous figure.

Lin Han nodded. There were too many love-hate disputes between her, Xiaolan and Xiaocao, and he didn't even know how to deal with it.

Now that he met in this way, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

I'm afraid that I and the two girls will face opposition again.

At this time, Xiaolan and Xiaocao, with their wonderful eyes, were watching Lin Han!

Lin Han is one of the protagonists in this arena, and it is hard not to attract attention.

Lin Han was so dazzling when he was on the backward mainland Hongzhou. At this moment, on the highest stage in the world, it was as bright as before.

The demeanor of the other party is indeed dazzling.

Xiaocao clenched some red lips and didn't express anything.

Xiao Lan clenched her delicate hands a little, and a chill was seen in her eyes.

She hasn't forgotten the death of thousands of people of the Wu Clan. Over the years, it has been like her nightmare, reminding her late at night.

Destroying the Guli Dynasty and killing Lin Han is her only goal!

Lin Han knew that Xiaolan's obsession had not disappeared, so he didn't say much. Just when he was about to say something to Xiaolan, suddenly a cold stare shot on him.

In this gaze, he felt a killing intent ten times stronger than Xiaolan, and his skin felt a little chilly under the scorching sun.

who is it? Have such a big intention to kill yourself!

Right now, his eyes turned away, and in the other direction, there was also a group of people in black.

The difference is that these people in black are very evil, like a demon standing there, and the body is still filled with black mist.

Within a few hundred meters of their surroundings, there is a vacuum zone, and no one dares to approach!

In front of these people, there is a big flag with a skull pattern painted on it. There are two scarlet eyes in the skull. It looks like a frightening soul, which makes people afraid to look at each other. It seems that if one is unwilling, it will be swallowed. soul!

"People of the Demon Saint Race?" Lin Han narrowed his eyes, this pattern represents the demon!

Whether in the Hongzhou mainland, overseas, or Lingxiao mainland, he has fought against Mo Dao many times.

That area is exactly the Thirty-Six Saint Race, resting area, obviously these people are members of the Demon Saint Race.

"Yes, the demon saint clan used to cover the sky with only one hand, almost unifying the world, not to be underestimated." Su Xiyi nodded.

In the last years of antiquity, there are rumors that many masters of the earth immortal world rushed into the five continents and four seas, and the people of the demon saints betrayed the five continents and four seas, helping the masters of the earth immortal world, and let the world spit.

In the end, the five emperors of the world repelled the masters of the earth fairy world, and the people of the demon saints, like mice crossing the street, hid in remote places overseas, afraid to show their faces.

Having lurked for so many years, no one dared to underestimate them, after all, their background and energy are very strong.

Lin Han's eyes were cold, and the devil was a malignant tumor in the mortal world.

If there is a dynasty and dominate the world, he must be determined to eliminate the demon saints forever and return the world to a bright future!

"That was... Xu Pingting?" Lin Han finally saw the master with murderous eyes.

In front of a group of Demon Saints, there was a woman in Tsing Yi, with the appearance of sinking fish and falling wild geese, the appearance of closed moon and shame flowers, and her concave and convex figure, wrapped in a blue long skirt, which was displayed vividly and incomparably.

She has fair skin, can be broken by blowing, and her beautiful eyes seem to contain an autumn moon, and a blue silk is scattered down, like a waterfall, black and beautiful, very charming.

There is still a touch of transcendence in her body, enough to make many men feel ashamed in front of her.

At a glance, she was like a green lotus on a snowy mountain, giving people the feeling that they could only be seen from a distance, and could not be used for fun.

Xu Pingting!

This woman is really Xu Pingting!

Lin Han was a little confused, besides Xiaolan and Xiaocao, he could still meet this old acquaintance today.

"Do you know this woman too?" Su Xiyi also asked in a bit of astonishment.

"Yes, do you know her, tell me her message." Lin Han took a deep breath and said solemnly.

Xu Pingting had a strong hatred for herself, and now sitting in the crowd of Demon Saint Race, she was a little strange.

This woman's city is not shallow and must not be careless.

"Well, this woman is indeed called Xu Pingting. The origin is unknown. Among the demon saints, like the rise of a comet, she successfully cultivated the "Great Demon Eternal Life Art" and became the most eye-catching genius among the demon saints." Su Xiyi nodded and introduced slowly.

As the holy master of the Heavenly Birds Holy Mountain, she is also concerned about the actions of the 36 holy races.

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