War Emperor

Chapter 1355: Chaos chart


I saw that his roar fell, and his body instantly disintegrated and exploded between the heavens and the earth, turning into pieces.

Then, those fragments, as if they had become thousands of him, wrapped Lin Han, each "him", in his eyes, the power of time was revealed, making the space rippling, violently fluctuating, as if possible. The scene is weird.

"Incarnation of thousands of techniques?"

Many people are horrified, this is a method of incarnation.

Generally speaking, if there are two avatars, they are already very powerful, and they can explode with double combat power.

Young Master Wushang can burst out tens of thousands, which is amazing. It indicates that his combat power will increase thousands of times in an instant, which is simply invincible.

"Thousands of times? How do you fight this?"

The people of Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain turned pale, and Lin Han was only stronger than Lord Wushang. If the latter really increased by tens of thousands of times in an instant, Lin Han would definitely lose.

"It's not tens of thousands of times, it's just an exaggerated statement. If you can find out his true body and destroy it, you can still be defeated." Shangguan Overlord frowned, and said with a heavy tone.

Even so, it is not easy to find his true body in a short time.

"Hey, Lin Han, do you really think you can win? Young Master Wushang's cards and methods are beyond your reach." Liu Feng felt relieved again and sneered.

Years Wushang lost his eyes and gave him a huge impact, making him forget that Wushang still has this trick.

Now he was relieved again.

The secret method Wushang cultivated was exactly the secret of his Liuyunmen, and it was also left by the Dark Emperor.

In a battle, once you use it, your opponent will instantly lose strength and fall into a disadvantage.

Lin Han had the Deceptive Eye, which was abnormal enough, he didn't believe it, he could break through this trick.

"Thousands of bodies?" Lin Han frowned slightly, never thinking that Young Master Wushang would have this trick.

However, he was not afraid, and now he used the Eye of Deception to scan the countless incarnations, hoping to see through the falsehood and find out the true body.

The Eye of Breaking Falsehood, in this respect, has a strong advantage.

"Lin Han, your delusion-breaking eye is just stronger than my age-old Wushang eye. It is impossible to see my true body." Thousands of Wushang sons laughed together.

In each of his eyes, the power of the Timeless Eye is still erupting, affecting the breakable light of the Eye of Deception, preventing Lin Han from seeing his true body.

Although his years of life have failed, it is still not a problem to achieve this.

Lin Han couldn't help but sink in his heart. This was really bad for him. Thousands of Wushang Gongzi attacked together, and naturally he couldn't resist.

Now he smelled a strong smell of danger, and the hairs on his body were a little upright.

"Everything is over, Lin Han is going to die." Young Master Wushang looked at Lin Han's expression, very happy, he liked Lin Han's helplessness, and then he gave a grinning grin. The sword of mortal drew out a brilliant blue sword light, like a huge net of swordsmanship, covering the sky and covering it towards Lin Han.

The power is too great!

Every sword has the power to kill ordinary emperor realm masters!

Thousands of roads were crushed together, it was a lore.

Many people in the square held their breath and looked horrified. Unsurprisingly, Guo Linhan could not resist, and would be cut to pieces, leaving nothing left.

Lin Han was not afraid at all, instead, there was a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

If you use ordinary methods, it is indeed impossible to crack this trick, but he has a lot of hole cards, how can it be so easy to kill him.

"Chaos fate chart, give it to me!" At the moment, Lin Han shouted loudly and moved his mind. The chaotic fate chart in his mind suddenly appeared, and in an instant, a strong and powerful aura, immediately like a landslide and tsunami, Swept all around.

The cyan natal chart, about three feet long, hovered above Lin Han's head, like a treasure bred from chaos, surrounded by complicated runes.

As soon as it appeared, the heavens and the earth rang out the sound of the big snails, the fairy bells, the drum beating, making the nine heavens change, a gate of the fairy world appeared, and the power of the endless fairy was flickering.

It seems that Lin Han's blow opened the channel connecting the two realms of the immortal world, causing the immortal world to tremble.

Many people are horrified. In the chaotic natal chart, they perceive a dense and dangerous aura, just like that three-foot-sized millstone can control the fate of people, and there is a force of fate permeating it.

"The force of destiny, how is this possible?"

Thinking of this, countless people are shocked.

Even the masters of many big forces were all horrified and shocked.

This is the power controlled by the Dao of Heaven, and no one in the immortal realms is allowed to be contaminated.

It was incredible that Lin Han could control the power of fate.

"No wonder, according to legend, he is a young man who is against the sky. With the power of destiny, the way of heaven will not let him go."

Even some freaks couldn't help talking solemnly to themselves.

This is the first person who has mastered fate in ancient times, and they all found it very amazing.

At the same time, he couldn't help but watch attentively, wanting to see what kind of power the power of destiny has.

"The power of destiny, kill the number of lives, kill!" Lin Han looked solemn under the eyes of all the people, pinched his handprints, and controlled the chaotic life chart.

Hum! The next moment, on the chaotic chart, a blue light suddenly appeared, as if drawn from the chaotic era, killing Young Master Wushang!

This ray of light directly locked the true fate of Lord Wushang, beheading his real body, and thousands of incarnations in front of it, like bubbles, indifferent!

Wushang's real body instantly numbs his scalp, and his whole body is covered with hairs, hissing: "No, how can you have the power of destiny, how is this possible?"

His voice was almost exhausted, and there was a terrible storm in his heart.

Under the cyan light, he felt that not to mention thousands of incarnations, even if he fled to the ends of the world, no corner of the world would be able to escape.

This killing light has locked his "fate", this is the existence of human origin, there is no escape.

He is now aware of the great crisis, it seems that this ray of light has been cut, he has scattered his life and died on the spot.

He never expected that Lin Han would have the power of destiny, which was really abnormal.

Even in the broader fairy world, this is a legendary power, enough to make countless fairy world giants dream of.

"Block it for me!" In the end, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and recalled all his incarnations in front of his true body, holding a sword tactic, forming a huge sword gang, protecting him around him.

At a glance, he seemed to be surrounded by thousands of most loyal guards.

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