War Emperor

Chapter 1357: Time and Space Treasures

It is conceivable that even people in the Emperor Realm will have great benefits if they continue taking it.

The curtain came to an end!

Lin Han defeated Lord Wushang in one fell swoop, obliterated him, ended his legendary life, and once again established his reputation!

Everyone is looking forward to the emergence of time and space treasures!

That is the stage where the top talents in the world compete together!

At that time, Lin Han could be killed, and chances could be obtained. It was too exciting.

Time is passing by quietly.

For about ten days, over the entire Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon City, a layer of brilliant and colorful divine light suddenly appeared, like a large light cover, covering the sky, and it was endless, and nothing was seen.

On the colorful mask, there is endless fairy light, like a legendary fairy veins, which reveals the incomparable energy fluctuations.

"This is a time and space restriction. The legendary time and space treasure is about to appear?"

The entire Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon City was boiling instantly, and countless people were in an uproar.

On the colorful mask, there are two different energies of time and space flickering. It is indeed a special mask that confines time and space. It can seal certain things in time and space and appear at special time nodes.

This kind of prohibition method is too mysterious, and no one in the world can use it.

Perhaps only in the immortal world, some immortals with profound skills can do it.

Now that the time and space prohibition has appeared, it is obvious that the time and space treasures will also reappear in the world.


Sure enough, about half an hour later, a large shadow finally appeared in the colorful mask.

It was a majestic giant hall suspended in the nine heavens. It was tens of thousands of miles in size and was extremely majestic. The temple body was full of ancient auras. It was actually an item from the ancient times, and the anti-chaotic time and space appeared today!

On some of the thick pillars, there are also carved patterns from ancient times, such as ancestor worship, gods and demons fighting for hegemony, and the fight between gods and beasts, which are long and wild.

The costumes worn by humans at that time were very different from those of today. Some were dressed only in animal skins, some with colorful feathers on their heads, and some were naked and covered with thick hair, which was very savage.

On the plaque in the main hall, there are four ancient characters-Time and Space Treasure!


The entire Ten Thousand Beasts and Devil City instantly exploded.

Countless people are very excited and shocked!

The treasure of time and space, a cycle of three thousand years, finally appeared. Everyone was full of enthusiasm and couldn't restrain themselves.

Many people even prostrated themselves and bowed down to the treasure as if they were witnessing miracles.

Time and space treasure is an opportunity full of mystery. It is known as the first treasure in ancient times. No one knows how it was formed. Only know that if it is opened, there will be a shocking opportunity that will shock the world.

Back then, the chaotic good fortune formula and the great demon eternal life formula were passed down from it!

The Northern Emperor Piaofeng relies on the former to illuminate the entire antiquity!

"Crush!" At the moment, many people rushed out of the city. The gate of the giant hall was just hundreds of miles outside the city. Everyone wanted to check the situation earlier. Maybe they would gain something and benefit for life.

In a low mountain in the courtyard, Lin Han was practicing cross-legged, with endless golden light permeating his body, and his whole figure was like a golden god, full of majesty.

The elixir won from Liufeng is called "Juxian Pill", it is a first-class elixir!

The elixir is divided into nine ranks. The higher the rank, the stronger the effect. Although it is only a rank, it is still the most precious in the world!

After all, this is not a mortal alchemist, it can be refined.

In the past few days of taking the elixir, Lin Han has been meditating and refining. At this moment, he feels that his limbs, corpses, and internal organs have been baptized and tempered in a certain way, containing a very strong immortal energy, which can burst out with every move. Huge energy.

His temperament has also become more detached and ethereal, just like an immortal, with a sense of incompetence!

This is the benefit of the elixir, which will not only increase the strength of a person, but also improve the mood!

"The sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm, I have broken through!" Finally, Lin Han woke up and smiled slightly.

After taking this elixir of lifting, his realm has indeed reached the level of the sixth heaven of the emperor realm, and the supreme emperor has also officially completed, and even the Eye of Despair has reached the eight-stage natural realm!

This time his strength can be said to usher in a huge transformation.

"Baxiang Time and Space, open it to me!" In the end, Lin Han's body shook. On his body surface, eight ancient portals appeared, as if connecting eight universes, full of mystery and unpredictability.

If anyone knows Lin Han, he will definitely be surprised. Lin Han was clearly in the time and space of the seven elephants before, but how did he become the eight elephants now?

In fact, in the past few days, Lin Han was refining and gathering the elixir, and with the help of Hong, he was comprehending the "Great Demon Immortal Secret Art".

In the past, Hong refused to let him practice because he was low in strength and couldn't control this technique. After practicing, he would go astray and his personality changed drastically!

But now it's different. He already has the top strength from all over the world, and the hidden violent aura of the Great Demon Immortal Secret Art has a much smaller impact on him, and it won't be a problem to start practicing!

This made his seven-elephant time and space, once again advanced, to the point of eight-elephant!

It can be seen that the aura of the time and space of the Eight Elephants is much more powerful than that of the Seven Elephants. They seem to become eight immortal pictures, floating around Lin Han. Some Buddhas are shimmering, some are deadly, some stars are twinkling, and some are chaotic. The air is filled, and some swords are soaring... the weather is different!

It is as if Lin Han has mastered the world, like the eight most original powers, there is a sense of solo sovereignty, supreme!

This is far from what Qixiang time and space can compare.

Lin Han had a hunch that the current Baxiang time and space, when displayed, would surely be shocking.

In the past few days, his combat power can be said to have been comprehensively improved, and the chance of taking the lead in the battle for time and space treasures is even greater.

This made him very excited and looking forward to.

"The time and space treasure is opened." Then, Lin Han raised his head and looked at the huge hall suspended on the distant sky, muttering to himself excitedly.

This hall is indeed huge, as if covering the sky, covering the sun, moon and stars, without seeing the end at a glance. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that such a huge hall was sealed in the years.

Even though Lin Han's current strength, he felt very small in front of this giant hall.

It is like a detached behemoth, looking down on everything in the mortal world.

"Hong, who left behind the time and space treasure?" Lin Han felt a little bit and couldn't help asking.

The key to unlocking the treasures of time and space is the Great Sword Furnace. There must be a connection between the two.

"I can't remember that this should have been left by a certain super power in the early ancient times. At that time, the five emperors had not yet been born." Hong said in a deep thought.

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