War Emperor

Chapter 1359: Open space-time treasure

In the end, he only gritted his teeth, ate a blood ginseng that could increase blood qi, then took out the dagger and basin, and really released a basin of blood.

He is worthy of being a strong man in the eleventh heaven of the Emperor Realm. This pot of blood, scarlet light lingers, the divine power is amazing, like chalcedony, every drop of blood is of great benefit to the lower ranks.

After so much blood was released, even if the wind flowed, his face became extremely pale, swayed, unstable in combat, and almost fell.

Many people from Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain and Shangguan Sage Clan couldn't help but smile secretly, feeling a burst of joy.

Everyone knew that Lin Han was deliberately injuring Liufeng, and the latter really did it, which made them feel very relieved.

Others also cast pity eyes on the wind.

"Boy, quickly open the space-time treasure. If you can't open it, let's see how I can fix you." Liu Feng gritted his teeth and said grimly.

In front of so many people, being so miserable by a kid, he only had his teeth smashed into his stomach.

If Lin Han couldn't open the Time and Space Treasure, everyone would no longer protect him, he would never let Lin Han just let it go.

Even if he broke his face with the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain and the Shangguan Sage Race, he was determined to kill Lin Han.

This time all the masters he brought were well prepared.

Lin Leng Leng smiled and didn't care about his thoughts. Before he walked to the huge brass gate, the huge portal, like an ancient cultural relic, carries a heavy historical atmosphere, and makes people feel insignificant.

Among the many patterns on the giant brass door, there is also the pattern of an ancient furnace suspended there. The ancient furnace is strong, about ten feet in size. At the top of all the patterns, it is like a pinnacle artifact, with an attitude of arrogance to the past and present.

As if everything in the fairy world would have to be under it.

It is the prehistoric sword furnace!

However, the Sword Casting Furnace is obviously at its peak. The overall furnace body has no cracks, and the exuding tolerance is also very powerful. You can feel the vastness of the starry sky when you look at it, which is awe-inspiring.

It seems that the heavens and worlds are not worth mentioning before it.

Lin Han secretly wondered, is this the peak period of the Swordsmithing Furnace? No wonder many big figures in the fairy world are so greedy.

The power of this furnace body, even in the immortal world, is also a first-class supreme artifact!

Moreover, the prehistoric sword forging furnace comes from the mysterious prehistoric, and it has a more special meaning. It may have another major gain, which will make the immortals rush, but it is normal.

"Hurry up, don't wear it, you kid." Liu Fengyin urged with a smile.

Although there are rumors, the prehistoric sword forging furnace can be opened, a time and space treasure, but no one is sure whether it is true or not.

If the rumors are false, he will instantly turn his face ruthless and can't wait.

Lin Han said to Hong in his heart: "Are you ready?"

"Try it." Hongdao.

He also felt that he really seemed to have a certain connection with Time and Space Treasure, but he couldn't guarantee that it would be opened.

Then, Lin Han's heart moved, and the prehistoric sword-forging furnace within the dantian suddenly flew out of his body, exuding layers of yellow mist, and appeared in the air.

The yellow mist is the aura of the prehistoric period, a special aura of the prehistoric period. Compared with the aura of heaven and earth cultivated by masters today, the quality is much stronger.

As soon as this wild aura came out, everyone present felt that their own divine power, as if suppressed, shivered and couldn't help but want to surrender to the wild sword furnace.

Like the subjects meeting the emperor, completely involuntary.

"Is this the aura of the wild?" The Palace Master of the Star Palace, the Sect Master of the Odd Array, and the abbot of Leiyin Temple could not help but mutter to themselves.

According to legend, the civilization of the prehistoric period was more advanced, and the masters of that time had the power to destroy the galaxy and the big stars with a finger, relying on the prehistoric aura.

It is a pity that since the end of the prehistoric era, this gas has been extinct, and many immortal giants have found it to no avail.

Now that they saw the prehistoric aura, they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

This gas is easy to cultivate masters.

If you can absorb it, it will definitely have a huge effect on improving your strength. Maybe you will soon be able to fly into the fairy world and enter a larger starry sky world.

A strange color appeared in Lin Han's eyes. He had communicated with Hong before, and even now he was not qualified to absorb the aura of the wild.

Hong told him that at least he had to wait for him to reach the "Fairyland".

After the twelfth heaven of the Emperor Realm, it is the fairyland, another starting point for entering the starry sky!

For the many creatures from all over the world, it is like a chasm between heaven and earth, which has prevented many outstanding people from entering in the past.

He also looked forward to it very much in his heart. When he stepped into the fairyland and cultivated the wild aura, how powerful he would be.

It is conceivable that even in the fairy world, this is an advantage that other immortals can't match.

Of course, this is not the time to think about this. Lin Han quickly suppressed his thoughts and flew to the huge brass giant gate with a prehistoric sword casting furnace, corresponding to the pattern of the sword casting furnace.

The latter suddenly emitted a layer of green light, wrapping the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, like a certain formation activation, the entire prehistoric brass gate began to rumbling, and then slowly opened one in the eyes of surprise. crack.

"The time and space treasure is about to open!"


In an instant, it was like a blast, and countless people around the crowd were so excited and cheered.

In the sky, the wind and clouds are changing, and thunders resounded, seeming to be recording this special moment.

Time and space treasure, this mysterious thing that has been sealed in all continents and seas for so many years is finally about to be opened. It is destined to be a moment of witnessing history.

Even some big power heroes are full of enthusiasm. At this moment, they have been waiting for a long time.

Liu Feng was dumbfounded, it felt like a slap, his face flushed!

Originally, he thought that Lin Han might not really be able to open it, but doing so now made him feel a little embarrassed.

He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of jealousy in Lin Hanneng's possession of a prehistoric sword-forging furnace.

Lin Han also smiled and sighed in relief. The time and space treasure was opened. He didn't care about other opportunities. There was no death in the years, he must find it.

This is the key for him to dominate the world, to win the five continents and the four seas, and one emperor forever!

It is also an important means to make the world peaceful and deter the major forces.


"Time and space treasure, here I am!"

"Wow haha, this world will be mine from now on!"

Countless people suddenly seemed to be beaten with blood, raised their weapons, yelled, and rushed toward them with red eyes.

It is an honor for their generation to witness the opening of the treasures of time and space.

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