War Emperor

Chapter 1365: Fairy tomb

No one thought that Lin Han would dare to die.

With his strength, no matter which portal he is in, as long as there is a chance, he will have a lot of competitiveness. There is really no need to take such a risk.

"Death Gate, are you sure?" The expression on the face of the Sect Master of Qi Formation also froze, and said in amazement.

"Yes, slap yourself." Lin Han said.

Sect Master Qi Array twitched, and said: "You are playing tricks on me. You clearly said that to make me slap my mouth first, and then change my attention. I won't be fooled."

Lin Leng Leng laughed, not believing in the other party's words, he has no time to delay now, and said: "Since you don't fan, then I will help you!"


After finishing speaking, Lin Han stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, his body turned into a violent wind, and he rushed to the Sect Master of Qi Formation.

With his current strength, even the old antique of the eleventh heaven of the Emperor Liufeng is not his opponent, and the Sect Master of the Odd Array is at best in the fifth heaven of the Emperor, so naturally it is even worse.

Without even a blink of an eye, he smoothly grabbed the hair of the Sect Master of the Qi Formation, lifted it up, and then slapped his hand, slapped it on the face of the Sect Master of the Qi Formation, and suddenly five clear lines appeared on the face. The palm prints were extremely bloody, and half of his face was swollen.


Countless people were in an uproar with horror on their faces.

This is the Sect Master of the Odd Array Sect, the master of the grand first-class power, so Lin Han slapped him in the face.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe their eyes.

This is completely disregarding Qi Zhenzong.

"Bastard!" All the countless people in the entire strange formation sect roared out, with an extremely cold killing intent on their bodies, and many even drew out their weapons to attack Lin Han.

In the future, what kind of face will Qi Zhenzong have to gain a foothold in the world?

Lin Han is too bold.

Sect Master Qi Array was also dizzy and staring at gold stars, but Lin Han would dare to beat him like this.

Then he quickly climbed up with an anger on his face, and roared: "Lin Han, I will never die with you!"

"You don't deserve it." However, Lin Han slapped twice, slapped the face of Sect Master Qizhen, and said coldly: "You said that you slap your mouth. This is the punishment you deserve. ,do you know?"

The last three words are very grand, and the trembling Sect Master of the Odd Array is buzzing in his ear.

There was a touch of fright in his eyes, and he didn't dare to say more, for fear that Lin Han would slap his head like a watermelon when he was angry.

In Lin Han's eyes, he saw the indifference to life and death. If he really angered Lin Han, he would not doubt at all, Lin Han would dare to do anything, his identity as the Sect Master of the strange formation was nothing at all.

This is a brave teenager with no taboos.

At this time, some high-level members of Qi Zhenzong were angry and wanted to do something.

However, Wei Zhong and Shangguan Bawang brought many masters from the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain and Shangguan Sage Clan to protect Lin Han.

The people of the Qi Array Sect knew that a real battle would not benefit any of them, so they had to grit their teeth and restrain it.

Lin Han walked into the gate of death and disappeared.

The people of Qizhenzong couldn't help but startled. Originally thought that Lin Han had previously said that he would enter the gate of death, but he just said that he didn't expect to dare to enter. The gate of death seemed so dangerous. Isn't he really afraid of death?

"Boy, you asked for this, I see how you died." Sect Master Qi Array laughed grimly, very happy.

Lin Han treated him like this, it was an unforgettable hatred, and it naturally made him very happy to die at the door of death.

Inside the dark death gate, it was cold. As soon as Lin Han came in, he felt a cold breath, causing a chill in his skin.

You must know that he has the perfect state of the supreme emperor, which represents the top physical body of the five continents and four seas. Some people with low strength cannot resist this cold air, and there will be life concerns.

The passage is very long, and the walls on both sides are also very old, with a taste of time.

When he walked for about ten minutes, he finally walked out of the passage. What surprised him was that he came to a black ground.

"Space world?" Lin Han said calmly.

Strong people can indeed build space.

In his realm, he had already had this skill a long time ago, but he hadn't studied space too deeply, and he had never used it.

I saw the sky in front of me was drowsy, without sun, moon and stars, only a layer of pale yellow mist floating, like dusk.

On the ground, there are thousands of miles of red land, and there is no grass growing, like a piece of cold Gobi, the air and the wind blowing, seem to be deep into the bones of people.

This place is like a deserted world, full of desolation and loneliness.

What surprised Lin Han was that on the ground in front, there were still tombstones standing there, each of them smelled of staleness, some of them were about to be weathered, and a lot of rusty stone dust was drifting in the wind.

Counting it down, there are four to five thousand, and the scene is extremely spectacular.

"Why is there a cemetery here?" Lin Han was surprised. On the stone tablet, there were a lot of ancient characters, which belonged to ancient times.

As his strength increased, he had long learned the writing of ancient times from Hong.

He can understand these handwritings.

"Xuanyuan Zhantian's Tomb!"

"The Tomb of Emperor Tai Cang Xuan!"

"The Tomb of the Nine Heavens God of War!"

"The Tomb of the Ghost Emperor!"

The famous names are portrayed on it, like a record of the master’s combat power against the sky, with an extremely powerful aura, just looking at it makes people feel like they can’t help but want to surrender to him. .

Lin Han couldn't help being surprised, what kind of power are these, why has he never heard of it?

Judging from the aura from these handwritings, this is not comparable to ordinary masters.

"Of course you don't know, these are masters in the fairy world!" Hong Dao.

"A master in the fairy world?" Lin Han said in a daze.

"Yes, he is still a super powerhouse who used to be known as the Eighteenth Realm, with a glorious past." Hong explained.

In the big world of starry sky, there are so many stars of life, and the five continents and four seas are just a drop in the ocean.

There are too many strong people there, far beyond the imagination of sentient beings from all over the world.

Xuanyuan Zhantian, Supreme Cang Xuanhuang, Nine Heavens God of War, and Yin corpse ghost emperor used to be names that illuminate the endless starry sky. He was also a little surprised and would die here.

Lin Han's scalp became numb.

The fluctuations emanating from other tombstones are not much weaker than those of these people, which means they are similar in strength.

All the characters who could once be able to pick up the stars and take the moon with the flick of their fingers, and collapse the starry sky, all died in this unknown space, which is really incredible.

"If I guess right, this should be a corner of the ancient fairy tomb." Hong Dao.

"Ancient fairy tomb?" Lin Han was startled.

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