War Emperor

Chapter 1368: The stone pendant is extraordinary

In the end, he can only compromise

It seems that this immortal tomb is too advanced, indeed he is not the one he is now, he can have thoughts.

"Three thousand avenues, reincarnation, long time ago, time and space change..."

At this moment, suddenly in the depths of the stone pendant in the forest cold space, there was an incomparable sound of chanting, like a supreme Buddha, chanting in a distant era, giving people a very long and mysterious feeling .

Next, a shocking scene appeared, only to see a golden light burst out of the space stone pendant, full of a sacred Buddha power.

Then, the stone pendant was greatly enhanced in an instant, and the opening opened wider, like a big bowl, which instantly buckled the huge fairy tomb in and disappeared on this land.


In an instant, many people were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

What exactly is Lin Han's space stone pendant? It is like a supreme Buddha, which can make the universe and the starry sky, hundreds of millions of creatures, all have to surrender their faith.

It is incredible that the humble ancient stone pendant can explode with such power.

Bing was ruthless and his expression was stiff, and he thought that the stone pendant definitely had a huge relationship with the Buddha. It was not the power of Buddhism in the mortal world, it was probably from the fairy world.

Lin Han was also surprised. He didn't expect that the stone pendant would produce such a mutation.

At this moment, the golden light on the stone pendant has condensed and turned into an ancient stone again, with perforations in the middle, full of mottled marks of time.

However, on the front of the stone pendant, at this moment, a faint mark of "卐" appeared, which was light yellow, similar to the color of the stone pendant's body surface. If you don't look closely, you can't find it at all.

Now the overall feeling of the stone pendant has become dignified and sacred, like some kind of supreme Buddha, which makes people treat them piously.

"Hong, what exactly is the stone pendant?" Lin Han asked doubtfully.

Even if he had long felt this stone pendant was extraordinary, he didn't expect it to be so powerful that he would even take in the fairy tomb.

That is what makes countless immortal emperors and realm master level powerhouses in the immortal world so hot that they dare not touch it.

"I don't know, I used to have no contact with Buddhism." Hong thought after a while.

Buddhism also has a huge energy and status in the immortal realm. The eighteen realms of the immortal realm, they occupy a single realm, create an immeasurable Buddhist pure land, and affect the entire immortal realm.

Among the eighteenth realms, they rank extremely high, and few forces dare to provoke them.

If the stone pendant had anything to do with this behemoth, it would be even more extraordinary.

Lin Han can only cut off his curiosity about the origin of the stone pendant for the time being. Anyway, as his strength continues to improve and his vision becomes higher, he will solve these sooner or later.

Then, his mind entered the stone pendant.

Inside the stone pendant, it has long been turned into a peaceful oasis, and it is full of greenery, paving the ground with sturdy grass, blooming exotic flowers, flying bees and butterflies, and embellished with some exotic flowers and grasses, like a paradise, full of flowers. Beautiful feeling.

This is the original root formation of Chaos Wood.

It contains the unparalleled vitality of life, turning the original desert world into a pure land.

The space has also expanded from the original few li to thousands of li, like a real small world, full of spiritual energy, and cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort.

On the edge of the small world, there is a lot of cyan chaotic air permeating, covering many things.

Even if Lin Han's current strength is still invisible, it seems that there is a special and grand Buddhist will, and no one is allowed to watch it.

According to Lin Han's estimation, at least until he reaches the fairyland, can he unlock the secret of the chaotic zone.

"Is that the fairy tomb?" Then, Lin Han looked in a certain direction.

In the distance covered by the chaotic energy, there is a large cemetery, covered by blue light, and tombstones are faintly visible.

It is the fairy tomb!

Now there are a lot of golden lights, surging there, and there is the sound of chanting.

It seems that there are endless and pure Buddha powers who are baptizing the fairy tomb, detaching the creatures from it, very mysterious.

Lin Han felt that everything was full of strangeness, and he could not know it now, so he only sighed and withdrew from the stone pendant.

"My strength has increased?" Then, he was surprised to find out.

When collecting the immortal tomb, he absorbed the 10,000 low-grade immortal stones he won from the Zong Shenzi to help him increase his strength.

Now this power is already in his body, helping him break through the original realm and reach the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm.

In the dantian, the cyan energy has become much stronger, which surprised Lin Han for a while, and it was really an unexpected gain.

The gap between the heavens in the Emperor Realm is very large, just ascending to the heavens like this, I feel that there is a strong and extremely powerful force in the whole body, as if a punch can pierce the heavens and the earth, and it is extremely proud.

The people around also noticed Lin Han's changes, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

This is really a pervert, in this case, the realm can become stronger.

"Brother Lin Han, I don't know how I can discuss with you?" Bing Ruqing smiled with a hint of war in his eyes.

As a freak, seeing outstanding young people has the urge to compete.

This is the mutual attraction between top talents.

Even if he no longer hates Lin Han, it is inevitable.

"Okay, come on!" Lin Han gave a long laugh, and agreed to increase his strength by a lot. He also wanted to verify his combat power.

Now his body surface overflowed with a ray of blue light, set off he was like a chaotic god, standing there, several times stronger than before, there is a kind of square, with my invincible spirit.

"Look at the move." Bing Ruqing's eyes appeared solemn, knowing that Lin Han is not a trivial matter and can't be careless, so he shouted.


The soles of the feet slammed on the ground, and the lonely and hard ground collapsed instantly, like being stepped on by an ancient fierce beast, with amazing destructive power.

With the help of this recoil force, Bing Ruthlessly struck her body like a cannonball. At the same time, her body burst out with immeasurable silver-white light, which contained the strongest icy breath, causing the space to instantly form layers of ice, as if being covered Freezing in general.

Many viewers couldn't help but retreat a few steps.

The distance is too close, and the cold air makes them a little unbearable.

"Ten thousand years of cold ice palm, be careful." Bing ruthlessly came to the front, stretched out his white palm, and burst out a more flaming silver-white light in the palm, like the original force containing the aura of ice, violently moving towards He slapped Lin Han with a palm.

This palm is like a **** of ice making a shot, making the nearby area of ​​tens of thousands of meters, instantly like forming an ice world, snow white.

Even behind Bing Ruthless, there are snowflakes flying all over the sky, and an iceberg-capped vision emerges.

This is the power of Bing Ruthless, and it has the power to affect the world.

"Is this a palm technique that is about to approach the middle-grade fairy skill?" Lin Jiaoer couldn't help but be surprised and surprised.

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