War Emperor

Chapter 1371: Rout

The huge turtle said.

The voice was low, like thunder, and the trembling black earth was violently bumping and rumbling.

It has a pair of lime-gray pupils, and it exudes a terrifying killing intent.

"You think too much. Today, the two of us are here to kill you." However, Sima Yan sneered.

He has long fiery red hair, flowing red light in the air, like a flame burning, the red light all over his body is beating, and it also reveals terrible destruction.

"Old turtle, you have lived for too long. You used to be a top creature in the world, but now your blood is dry and your strength is increasing. If you really fight, you won't have a good end. You'd better think carefully."

Ye Ze also said with a cold voice.

She is very beautiful, with fair skin, as if she can shine, and on her curvy body, there is also a brilliant blue light, which makes the space constantly undulate. At first glance, it seems to dominate a blue sea.

"Even if this seat is no longer at its peak, it won't be a problem to kill you two little ass." The tortoise said coldly.

Boom! It no longer talks nonsense, and stretches out its claws covered with golden scales, like a giant claw of a divine dragon, slamming into the sky.

The tails of the claws are extremely sharp and seem to tear the universe apart. As long as they hit them at will, most creatures will be beheaded.

"There's nothing to say, do it!" Sima Yan saw this and didn't say any more, flipped his palm, took out a scarlet spear, and violently slammed towards the tortoise.

The spear was cast like a blood diamond, and it was pierced by such a spear, and suddenly a large area of ​​flames poured down like a volcano, drowning, and the momentum was earth-shaking.

With just one aftermath, many dark rocks melted one after another, turning into scarlet magma, with black smoke.

"Vulcan Spear?" Bing Ruthless couldn't help being surprised.

The spear in Sima Yan's hand is exactly the Fire God Spear, the treasure of the Huo Sage Clan, and it is a middle-grade fairy weapon!

In the five continents and four seas, it is almost one of the most powerful weapons. The ancestors of the fire saint tribe once used this spear to even kill immortals, which is extremely powerful.

The Fire Saint Clan is really a bloodbath, let Sima Yan even take out the Fire God Spear, which is a big advantage in the freak level.

"Zhenhai Stone, come out!" A sweet voice rang from the heavens and the earth, Ye Ze was not outdone, and the white porcelain's boneless jade hand turned, and a blue stone appeared in his palm.

Only the size of a palm, the whole body is lustrous and translucent, like the essence of the sea, exuding a strong ocean atmosphere.

As soon as the stone came out, the blue light around Ye Ze became brighter, and even a scene roaring in the sea surfaced, the weather was spectacular.

"The treasure of the Water Saint Clan, Zhenhai Stone!" Bing Ruthlessly sighed again. Zhenhai Stone is no worse than the Vulcan Spear. It is also a middle-grade immortal weapon. It is the ancestor of the Water Saint Clan. Condensing the heart of the sea for thousands of years, sacrifice the magic weapon that has been trained.

This is the sacred object of the water system, once it appears, it can control the world's water.


Ye Ze's slender jade fingers controlled Zhenhai Shi to press down.

The large blue light roared fiercely, pouring down towards the tortoise, which was thousands of meters long, connected to the sky, and was extremely magnificent.

I have to say that the joint attack of Ye Ze and Sima Yan was too strong. At this moment, the two were like invincible gods, and even Lin Han felt a lot of pressure.

This blow, if it hits him, he is not easy to resist.

The tortoise was furious and noticed the tremendous pressure. On the golden dragon's claws, he mobilized extremely powerful divine power.

But Ye Ze was right. The blood qi in his body was too dry. It used to be so powerful that it surpassed the scope of the five continents and four seas, but now it is less than one-tenth of the time of the victory.

Although desperately urging the divine power, the power of the claws still lost to the Vulcan Spear and Zhenhai Stone.


In the end, the two terrible lights collided, and a loud noise suddenly sounded.

The scales on the golden claws of the tortoise suddenly split into cracks, and the white bones inside were exposed, blood was flying, and the picture was very bloody.

You must know that its claws are hundreds of miles away, and now the whole collapsed, the visual effect caused by it is extremely shocking.

This is no less than the disintegration of a golden mountain, smashing pieces of flesh and blood on the ground, smashing the black earth into big holes with pits.

Lin Han sighed, Ye Ze and Sima Yan were really good, and the tortoise was defeated.

Sure enough, the tortoise uttered a terrible scream, and the breath radiated from his body, which suddenly weakened a lot, and the stone gray light in his pupils was also rapidly dimming.

The damage caused by this blow was too great.

"Mysterious turtle, how about it, have you succumbed now? Hand in the spirit of the years, and spare you not to die." Ye Ze Yanran smiled. One blow took the upper hand, he was very happy, stretched out the white jade finger, and gathered the blue silk scattered in front of his forehead.

Sima Yan also stood there with his arms around him, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In his opinion, the tortoise is now like fish on a chopping board, only to be killed by them.

There was a sense of unwillingness in the eyes of the divine tortoise. It was trapped in this land like a pet. Although accidentally, it was useless to get the holy spirit flag of the years, but it could not go outside.

Now, naturally, only keeping one's life is most important.

"Well, the spirit of the years can be given to you." In the end, it chose to yield.

It is no longer at its peak, and it really does not want to die.

When the mouth spit out, a jet black light emerged, and there was a flag in the light, about two feet in size.

The flagpole is gray all over, the surface of the flag is black, and it is fluttering in the wind. The painting has some patterns of dead heroes. At first glance, it seems to be carrying another piece of the world.

Even among them, from time to time, there was a roar of heroic spirits, very ominous.

"Years and Spiritual Banners?" Ye Ze and Sima Yan both lighted up before their eyes and whispered.

This Lunar New Year's soul-calling banner, possessing it, will become the ruler of the five continents and the four seas, dominating the world.

Their thirty-six holy races all have an extremely glorious past. They have been hiding in remote seas for so many years, and they always want to unify the world and recover strongly.

Because of the suppression of other holy races, coupled with the great forces of Qizhenzong, Star Palace, and Leiyin Temple, they did not dare to mess around for fear of decline.

If you own it, you won’t worry about these, how can you keep them hot.

Lin Han also had a dry throat, and there was also a hint of fanaticism in his clear eyes.

Others dominate the five continents and the four seas just for their own selfish desires, but he is to benefit the people and bring the world to true peace, with different meanings.

He naturally wanted it too.

Bing Ruoqing also passed a strange light in his eyes, which seemed very tempting.

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