War Emperor

Chapter 1374: Duel Xu Pingting

Moreover, the energy contained in Lin Han's body is very magnificent. If Xu Pingting absorbs it, she can definitely improve her strength again. In the treasure chest, which freak will be her opponent?

Win the championship, get the spirit of time, and the rise of their demon saints is just around the corner.

"Lin Han, Lin Han, go to death obediently." The crowd of Qi Zhenzong also said cruelly to themselves.

They hated Lin Han even more, wishing that the latter disappeared in the world immediately.

If Xu Pingting wiped out Lin Han, they would be extremely happy.

Outside, Lin Han caused quite a stir because of Xu Pingting's encounter.

Inside, the atmosphere was also exceptionally tense. Lin Han and Xu Pingting looked at each other, and even a substantial spark appeared, causing a smell of gunpowder to fill the air.

Bing Ruthless, Sima Yan, and Ye Ze couldn't help looking curiously.

Sima Yan and Ye Ze joined forces to deal with the tortoise, and the movement caused was too much. There were already a lot of geniuses in the surrounding area, and the atmosphere was particularly hot.

This is destined to be a battle between young people.

"Lin Han, today I want you to be on my body, and the years of shame will be doubled back, see the trick." Xu Pingting's eyes showed a cold killing intent, and she didn't say much nonsense. She screamed, and it appeared in her hands. A black magic sword radiated a terrifying murderous aura.

"Supreme Demon Sword?"

Bing Ruthless couldn't help but lose his voice.

This is the treasure of the demon saint clan. In terms of rank, it is more powerful than Sima Yan’s Vulcan Spear and Ye Ze’s Zhenhai Stone. Among the middle-grade immortals, they are both very top-notch. The ancestors of the saints, with this sword, almost invincible and the world, broke through the prestigious name.

However, since the death of the ancestor, no one from the Demon Sage clan has the right to urge this sword, and even the patriarchs of previous generations have not been able to obtain its approval. Xu Pingting not only successfully cultivated the Great Demon Immortal Art, but also the Supreme Demon. The sword can be controlled, which is shocking.

This is really an extremely abnormal woman.

Lin Han also narrowed his eyes, and passed a strange light. The power of this sword was much more powerful than Xu Pingting's unfeeling sword. The fluctuations produced on it caused him to set off signs of extreme danger, absolutely Don't be careless, otherwise, if he is careless, he may be overwhelmed.

With his palm spreading out, the Huo Lin Tiantian Sword was held in his palm, bursting out a fierce sword intent, and an extremely high temperature, appearing like a masculine and strong thing between heaven and earth, which can destroy all demons in the world. .

"Kill!" Xu Pingting yelled, urging the Supreme Demon Sword, and stab Lin Han with a vicious sword. Inside her delicate body, a monstrous black mist covered the sky, shaking the sky, letting it go. This sword of her is full of an overbearing taste, like a lower realm of the strongest demon **** in the fairy world, like destroying the world.

The pitch-black ground instantly cracked a series of extremely thick cracks, spreading to the end of the line of sight, and a large area of ​​collapse occurred.

Many viewers couldn't help but breathe in, and their scalp numb for a while.

This time, Time and Space Treasure is not only a freak-level genius, but also a lot of geniuses from relatively low-key forces with a long heritage. The strength is not weak. At this moment, seeing Xu Pingting's handy sword makes me feel a little horrified. , It is worthy of being the best among the freaks. Just a sword of light gives them a sense of irresistibility. If they face it, they can’t resist at all. They will be crushed into pieces by the terrible power. The world is dead.

Xu Pingting's strength is really scary.

There was also a touch of solemnity in Lin Han's eyes, but there was not much fear. Since he broke into the Emperor Realm, he has rarely encountered battles that put him stressful. Xu Pingting is a good opponent. , He also wants to have a hearty battle.

Sometimes fighting can also have huge benefits for improving strength.

"Nine cutting sword styles, break it for me!" At the moment, Lin Han let out a deep cry, and the Huo Lin Burning Heaven Sword in his hand made a weird sword move. A blazing red sword light shot straight into the sky for nine days, instantly illuminating the world.

In Lin Han's majestic sword intent, there was a smell of cutting off the heavens and the earth, destroying the world, so that Xu Pingting's majestic sword was placed in the air and could not get close to him at all. body.

"Nine cutting sword styles, once the master of Yingzhou Xiandao, the masterful swordsmanship of the mid-Ancient Megatron?" Sima Yan and Ye Ze couldn't help talking to themselves.

The ancestor of Yingzhou Xiandao is a well-known figure in the middle of the ancient times. The nine sword swords and the twelve turns of Yi Tian have made many immortals in the fairy world full of praise.

Having been lost for so many years, it was really unexpected that Lin Han had learned all nine sword-cutting styles.

I have to say that this sword is really powerful. Xu Pingting’s strong sword light actually cracked clear cracks, and then, like cracked porcelain, it instantly shattered and turned into black mist. Dissipated in midair.

Just one move had the upper hand, and Lin Han's combat power made many people feel amazing.


However, Lin Han also spouted a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was a little pale, and he took a few steps back.

Although it seems to have the upper hand, the magic energy of the Great Demon Immortal Jue is really amazing. It enters his body, causing his internal organs to be hit by a heavy blow, suffering a certain amount of internal injury.

If he hadn't practiced with thousands of buddha dynasties and the peak of the supreme emperor, the devilish energy would pose a fatal threat to him.

This made him secretly awe-inspiring, the Great Demon Immortal Jue, worthy of the five continents and four seas, the strongest demon art, really powerful.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid it is already dead.

On the other side, Xu Pingting was uncomfortable. This sword aura, connected to her mind, was strongly broken by Lin Han, causing her to suffer a certain amount of backlash, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her ruddy mouth. Slightly poignant.

Regardless of top and bottom, the situation is evenly divided.

Many people secretly thought that Xu Pingting and Lin Han are indeed strong among the freaks.

"Lin Han, I didn't expect you to be so strong now." Xu Pingting said with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Lin Han, her tone a little cold.

Although she had seen Lin Han make a move, she didn't take it seriously, expecting that if it were herself, she could defeat him without any effort.

After really fighting against Lin Han, she knew that she underestimated Lin Han.

This guy is far stronger than on the surface.

This made her gritted her teeth a little bit darkly, God is really unfair, she has put so much effort and opportunity, with such an achievement, she can't get rid of the other party.

"You're not bad!" Lin Han smiled faintly, with a touch of pride in his eyes.

Xu Pingting's strength made him aware of the real threat, and the next shots are likely to be life and death, and the cyan light radiating from his body can not help but become more intense.

He has already mobilized the Chaos Good Fortune Art, and adjusted his state to its peak.

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