War Emperor

Chapter 1381: Targeted


The spirit of the years has been suspended not far away, because Xu Pingting came when Sima Yan and Ye Ze were fighting, and no one got it.

Now Lin Han called the palm of his hand, and a suction radiated from the palm of his palm, which immediately caused the spirit of the years to appear in his hand, and then the divine power in Lin Han's body poured into it, causing it to burst out with a terrifying gray light.

Ho Ho Ho!

Next, the sky and the earth were overcast and windy, with dark clouds and strong winds and lightning.

There was also a roar of yin spirits in the air, as if the gates of **** were wide open, and a series of emptiness heroic warriors appeared in the air, revealing a sense of grandeur and grandeur.

"That is the Heavenly Spirit God, the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse of the Heavenly Spirit Race!"

"Xuanfeng knight, once smashed in the Emperor Realm with a spear, the strong at the same level, almost invincible."

"Sacred Butterfly Fairy, the saint of the Dragon Clan in ancient times..."

Many people were shocked. Among the heroic spirits, they saw many ancient masters who were once famous.

They are all dead, a ray of remnant souls branded in the air, now summoned by Lin Han.

Freaks like Bing Ruoqing, Sima Yan, and Ye Ze are all heartbroken. Even if the remnant soul can't be played out, the power in the peak period is much stronger than the average master.

With a wave of Lin Han's hand, he could summon so many ancient masters. This was an extremely terrifying army.

Today, what can be resisted?

Lin Han couldn't help laughing. He was very cheerful. The spirits of the years are indeed well-deserved. Among those ghosts, there are more ancient existences, like the masters of the middle and early ancient times. The aura that exudes is mysterious and powerful.

Such an army, worth millions, is indeed very powerful.

The outside world, the leaders of the major forces, were shocked.

If Lin Han appeared to the outside world, with such an army, plus the hundreds of millions of cavalry of the ancient Li Dynasty, who would be able to stop him?

As if they had already expected that Lin Han would dominate the world and become the emperor of the ages, they couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

At that time, all the forces in the world, the descendants of the 36 saints, the Qizhenzong, the Star Palace, and the Leiyin Temple, will all surrender to Lin Han?

This is what Beihuang Piaofeng has not done.

After eternity, his heirs, want to help him fulfill his previous wish?

"This son can't stay. Within the time and space treasure, we must die, otherwise, all the forces in our world will become his slaves." At the moment, the eyes of many major power masters flashed with cold killing light, and said firmly. .

Inherited since ancient times and entrenched in one side, they are all like the emperor of the earth, and they are naturally unwilling to subdue to others.

What's more, he is still a stinky kid.

Especially the Qi Formation Sect, the Star Palace, these forces that have enemies with Lin Han, it is absolutely impossible.

Naturally, Lin Han didn't care about these things. Now, holding the spirits of the years, he has a great ambition, looking all over the place, and arrogant and lofty.

"Be careful, there are a large number of auras that are gathering here, it should be to **** your time and spirit flags." Hong reminded at this time.

This land is very vast, and Lin Han's volatility in playing the spirit of the years is too strong, almost the genius in this space will be moved by the wind, and then Lin Han will be in trouble.

After all, many people wouldn't want such a baby, just hand it over to Lin Han.

"Lin Han, hand over the spirit of the years."

Sure enough, just as Hong's thoughts fell, at the end of the sky, a series of meteor-like, brilliant rays of light flew.

A group of people, like a locust crossing the border, overwhelmed the sky, flying in densely.

They are all young geniuses with a strong breath, coming together, making the sky tremble and the avenues shaking.

Among them, a man in white, stepping on a radiant sword, smiled at Lin Leng.

"It's you?" Lin Han was startled, his eyes narrowed.

This man is the young master of the Ghost Car Clan of the five fairy beast races. He had seen each other in the holy city of Shangguan, and pointed out the origin of Xiaolan.

However, he didn't know the identity of the other party at that time, it was Xiao Lan who guessed the identity of the other party through the transmission of thoughts.

A ghost car is a very mysterious and terrifying creature. It is said to have the title of bird of death in ancient times. Once it appears, it indicates that people will inevitably die.

He did not expect to meet this man again this time.

"Yes, it's the young master, don't be unharmed, hand in the spirit of the years, hand it over, I will let you make a living." The white-clothed man ghostly smiled.

Although he looked very kind and polite on the outside, within a pair of pupils, there was a gray light gleaming, like the light of death, with a cold and evil smell.

This is the ghost car tribe, the famous Eye of Death. Once this kind of eye meets people, it will devour the human soul and let it die.

In ancient times, many masters who saw members of the ghost car tribe were most taboo about this.

"You can't keep it by handing over the Years' Evocation Banner."

At this moment, in the other direction, a blond man walked out, his whole body was surging like the sea, and his eyes were as frightening as golden whirlpools.

Behind him, there is a pair of golden wings, cast in golden water, revealing an incomparable sense of Shen Ningfeng, the fan is like two golden heavenly swords, and the sound of humming oppresses people's hearts.

"Jin Wuji of Jinpeng Clan!"

Many people exclaimed and recognized this person.

The Jinpeng clan is also one of the five great fairy beast races. Jin Wuji is a freak among them. The power of blood is extremely powerful and has reached its peak in the mortal world.

The strength is so strong that the older generations must tremble.

"Hey, let us do the things that dominate the world. You are too young to be worthy." At this moment, a woman's sweet laugh came, and then, a beautiful woman in colorful clothes came from another Go out of direction.

She has fair skin, a slim figure, and a few feathers at the back of her dress. She is colorful, somewhat holy and noble, like a proud peacock.

"Cai Ling of the Color Bird Clan!"

Someone's complexion changed again. The colored bird tribe is of the same origin as the peacock, and the bloodline is not lower than that of the peacock at all.

Cai Ling is one of the freak-level geniuses. According to legend, there is a piece in his body, the original fairy bone of the colored bird, with infinite power.


In the other direction, there was another dull cold snort. A black-clothed man walked out, with an aura like a sea, the earth trembling violently, cracking scary cracks.

The man's face was cold, and there was a hideous single horn on his head, rising into the sky, surrounded by electric lights.

Knowledgeable people can recognize that this is the symbol of the "Pulao" clan, with a single horn that can release thunder and lightning. In ancient times, even real dragons were not afraid.

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