War Emperor

Chapter 1385: Biggest treasure

"To tell you the truth, the biggest treasure is a section of the Chaos Wood trunk that is as high as a thousand meters. You have absorbed Chaos Wood. The area is definitely not more than ten meters, but this section is a thousand meters. Think about what this means." Turtle smiled.

He can obviously see Lin Han's physique.

"What, the Chaos Wood trunk that is thousands of feet tall?"


Like a big earthquake, countless people around him instantly became hot, and they were extremely hot.

Even Lin Han was shocked in his heart.

You must know that at the beginning he only absorbed a small piece of chaotic wood trunk, which gave him incredible benefits.

If he absorbs the Chaos Wood trunk that is as high as thousands of feet, what step will his strength reach?

It is unimaginable.

"At least you can reach the level of the twelfth heaven of the Emperor Realm. You will become one of the highest realms in the mortal world." Hong gave him a positive answer.

Chaos Wood experienced a catastrophe, exploded, and scattered all over the starry sky of the universe. Many experts in the fairy world looked for it, desperate for everything.

A piece of the Chaos Wood trunk that is as high as a thousand feet, even some big figures in the fairy world, will love it.

However, there are regulations in the mortal world that no matter how deep the cultivators are, they will be stuck after reaching the twelfth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

Otherwise, Lin Han's realm is likely to reach even higher.

However, when he breaks into the fairyland, his cultivation will be smooth, and the speed will be much faster than other immortals.

All in all, the Chaos Wood, which is thousands of meters in size, is an amazing opportunity that ordinary people can't imagine.

Lin Han's heart was beating a little too. His original combat power was much stronger than that of a person in the same realm. If he had the strength of the Twelfth Heaven in the Emperor Realm, who would be his opponent in the entire mortal world? ?

He will be proud of the ancient Lingjin, soaring to the immortal realm is nothing to him.

His current realm is only in the eighth heaven of the Emperor Realm, and it is very far away from normal cultivation to reach the twelfth heaven.

This can save him a lot of time, and he is naturally hot.

"How to find a thousand-meter-sized Chaos Wood trunk?" Lin Han asked the Divine Tortoise at the moment.

There was a tremor in his tone of excitement.

No one strong in ancient times can calm such a treasure.

Many people are listening with their ears upright.

"On the edge of the depths of this land, there will be a door of space. After passing through the door of space, you can enter the deepest part of the space-time treasure. There is a chaotic wood of thousands of meters in size."

The tortoise sighed lightly.

It also accidentally learned the news back then, and wanted to travel through that space gate.

It is a pity that the Master of Heaven trapped it here. The laws and order here restrict it and cannot pass through it, making it very regrettable.

Otherwise, if it can swallow the Chaos Wood trunk that is thousands of meters in size, the benefits it will gain will be endless.

"Thank you senior, then I will go." Lin Han solemnly fisted the tortoise without delay and flew away.

Many people around are also flying over like locusts, and everyone wants to go to the depths of the time-space treasure.

After a while, the place became desolate.

The tortoise stared at Lin Han's departed back and smiled slightly. It had a hunch that this young man would make a different wave when he came to the Temporal Treasure.

The treasure of time and space that has been calm for so many years has finally been opened to the most mysterious veil.

As for it, it can only wait for its old age to die. The heavenly secret master traps it here, and no one can release it.

The desolate land, a thousand miles scarlet, is full of silence.

Lin Han flew all the way to the extreme depths of the earth, and the more he went inside, the air became colder, as if he was in an iceberg and snowfield, even Lin Han's physique could not stand it.

There is also a vague suffocating air in the air. If it is absorbed too much, it will affect a person's mind and make people become bloodthirsty and crazy.

You can see the weirdness here.

Finally, he was finally in front and saw the door of space.

He came to the edge of a big abyss, and the ground in front of him collapsed out of thin air, without seeing the end at a glance, it was extremely deep, and there was nothing on the opposite side!

It seems to have come to the end of heaven and earth, being blocked from everything.

In front of this great abyss, Lin Han was as small as an ant, not worth mentioning.

Flying to the sky and looking at this great abyss, it is like a heaven-swallowing beast, with its big mouth open, trying to swallow the world. After watching for a long time, it gives people a hairy feeling.

Lin Han couldn't help but feel a little horrified. He didn't understand how such a big abyss was formed.

"Is that the gate of space?" Then, Lin Han saw a stone pillar in the abyss. I don't know how many tens of thousands of meters from below, it stretched out. At the top of the stone pillar, there was a huge gate about fifty meters tall, standing. There, there was an ancient, mottled breath.

As if no one has been here for thousands of years, it is filled with a breath of time.

Behind the door of space, there is still a special wave of space passing open, making people yearn for.

"Come on."

"Thousand-meter-sized Chaos Wood must be mine."

Many geniuses couldn't help screaming in surprise and rushed over excitedly.

Passing through this giant gate, you can see the thousand-meter-sized chaotic wood trunk, and everyone is naturally excited.

"Brother Nine, let's go too." Lin Jiaoer urged Lin Han's sleeve.

"Don't worry, wait a moment." Lin Han frowned, vaguely feeling that there was a wave of extremely dangerous waves passing through the vast and endless abyss, as if as long as he stepped out of this abyss, there would be Catastrophe.

It is safest to let those geniuses find the way first.

Seeing his expression, Lin Jiaoer only calmed down, knowing that Brother Nine would never aimlessly, so that would definitely make sense.

Brother Jiu went through ups and downs to reach this step, very convincing.

"Huh, what kind of **** is dangerous, is this the so-called young lord of the ancient Li Dynasty? I think it is nothing more than that, it is just a sorrow.

At this moment, a sneer full of contempt came, and a young man flew up not far away. He just heard these words and couldn't help casting a look full of contempt at Lin Han.

The young people of the Shangguan Saint Clan and the Heavenly Bird Saint Mountain were all furious.

Lin Han had already become their belief, this young man was so bold that he dared to speak harshly to Lin Han.

"Who are you?" Lin Han looked at the boy, but couldn't help frowning.

The boy was eighteen or nineteen years old, with red lips and white teeth. He was extremely handsome, dressed in white, and had outstanding temperament.

On his black hair, this long golden band is also tied, which adds a noble taste to him.

The breath in the body actually made Lin Han somehow unable to see through, which made Lin Han a little surprised!

Today, how many people can let him see through? It is really extraordinary that such a young boy can give him this feeling.

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