War Emperor

Chapter 1388: Chaotic land

"Okay, let's go." After experiencing this episode, countless people flooded into the space gate again and disappeared.

Everyone knows that what awaits them below will be the ultimate treasure. The thousand-foot-high chaotic wood backbone is an opportunity for countless people to reborn and change their destiny.

Everyone is excited and looking forward to it.

After passing through the giant gate, Lin Han was stunned that he actually came to a chaotic world.

Everything around was pale blue, and there was a long-lasting chaotic air in the air, as if traveling through time and space, coming to a chaotic era.

Among the stone pendants in his space, the fairy tomb was also trembling slightly, as if it had a special connection to this space.

This made Lin Han a little puzzled.

What is the connection between the fairy tomb and this space?

"Attention, this space is not simple." Hong reminded.

There are a lot of dangerous auras dormant in this land. If it is weird, it will be much more terrifying than the space within the gate of death.

He always felt that something different would happen.

Lin Han nodded. Except for Bing Ruoer, Lin Jiaoer, Shangguan Saint Clan and some people from Heavenly Bird Saint Mountain, the other geniuses who followed him disappeared. The blue heaven and earth were empty, and they seemed to have been Abandoned in the chaos, it gives people a sense of isolation and helplessness.

"It seems that the giant gate of space has the function of sending people randomly. We passed the gate of space and we were sent to this place." Lin Jiaoer said.

When she came to the Continent of Divine Beasts, she also had a lot of knowledge and knew that many space gates had this function.

Lin Han nodded, so that they would have to be more cautious. In some places, there is no such genius to find the way, and they need to explore by themselves.

"Hong, where are we going now?" Lin Han asked, looking at the vast land.

The world is very bleak, endless, and the surrounding scenery is roughly the same.

When he first came here, he was like a headless fly, not knowing where to go.

"Here is the main body of Chaos Wood. If you perceive it carefully, wherever the vitality is stronger, you can drive in which direction." Hong analyzed.

Lin Han felt that what Hong said was very reasonable. Right now, he closed his eyes and used his mind to feel it. Sure enough, he realized that there were faint life essence fluctuations in the southeast, which was transmitted, that is, the Chaos Wood was likely to be there.

"Go, go to the southeast." A warmth appeared in Lin Han's eyes.

His body had swallowed Chaos Wood, and the induction of Chaos Wood had an advantage that ordinary people could not match.

He has instinct, there is indeed Chaos Wood there, and even his body instinct is calling him.

Bing Ruqing originally had a joint relationship with Lin Han. Now that he has witnessed Lin Han’s extraordinaryness, he can’t help but admire Lin Han sincerely. He feels that there may be more benefits to be around Lin Han than to fight on his own, so he chose to continue to follow Lin Han. Around.

"Beware, Brother Lin Han, there is a problem ahead."

However, just after walking for about a few minutes before passing a low mountain, Bing Ruthlessly grabbed Lin Han's arm and said solemnly.

"What?" Lin Han asked with a daze in his eyes.

"The flame aura in this mountain is very strong, and it is very likely to be dangerous." Bing said ruthlessly. What he cultivates is an ice attribute technique, and he has a special sensitivity to flames.

Lin Han raised his eyebrows and looked with his eyes, and he found that in the low mountain ahead, a large red light was surging, like a volcano, it was extremely hot.

Then Lin Han seemed to notice something, and slammed his feet on the ground, shouting: "Beast, get out of me!"


With Lin Han's current strength, he stomped his feet at will, and his power was great. The ground area of ​​thousands of feet in front of him collapsed directly. The low mountain tops exploded in an instant, and then the flames burst into the sky, and a human-shaped flame creature burst out from it.

It is about one person tall, has a pair of very evil eyes, full of greed and evil spirit, and its whole body is made of flames, just like a flame man.

"Huoshaoling?" Lin Han couldn't help but said in surprise.

Fire evil spirit is a kind of creature formed in the power of flame, especially in a pure place.

When he got the Sword-forging Furnace in the Royal Dragon Pond, he had encountered a fire evil spirit at the bottom of the pond.

However, the Huo Sha Ling was very weak, just a beam of light. Right now, the Huo Sha Ling had formed a human form, possessing good fortune, and the two were totally different from the same concept.

He smelled a faintly dangerous aura on the human-shaped Fire Fiend Spirit in front of him, which was so extraordinary.

"Humans, dare to set foot, this land is really surprising, haha, all of you will become my blood food, hurry up and be swallowed by me." The scarlet flames stared at Lin Han, Bing Ruthless, and Lin Jiao. The children and others laughed greedily.

At this point, it can already devour powerful life forms to evolve itself. Whether it is Lin Han, Bing Ruqing, Lin Jiaoer and other geniuses, they can become his nourishment.

Especially Lin Han, it can feel the majestic life essence contained in its body, which is simply fatal to it.

If swallowed, it will gain infinite benefits.

"It's up to you to find death." Lin Han couldn't help but sneered, and a small Huo Sha Ling dared to shout in front of him.

At the moment, with a wave of his palm, an immense force burst out, like a cyan mountain torrent, rushing towards the fire evil spirit.

"How is it possible that you are so strong?" Huo Shaling was shocked, his eyes almost staring out.

Its strength has reached the level of the Seventh Heaven in the Emperor Realm. It was originally thought that a group of young people would be far from its opponents.

Unexpectedly, Lin Han's strength would be so strong. With this wave of his hand, the tenth heaven creatures in the Emperor Realm could not resist.


The result was not the slightest accident. Although Huo Sha Ling tried his best to resist, he was still flying out, and fell to the ground fiercely, and the light on his body became a lot dim.

This blow caused a huge trauma to its origin.

If it weren't for Lin Han, his men would be merciful, this would be enough to completely defeat him.

"How about it, are you still arrogant now?" Lin Han stepped closer and sneered on Huo Shaling's chest.

"No, no, I was wrong, this lord, the lord doesn't care about the villain's faults, please let me go, it is really not easy for me to cultivate to this stage." Huo Shaling pleaded full of tears.

Since there are no creatures in contact here, its mind is more vulnerable than ordinary people.

Surrender directly if you lose.

"Say, where exactly is Chaos Wood?" Lin Han asked with a cold flash in his eyes.

He left the evil spirit dead, and the most important thing was to ask this.

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