War Emperor

Chapter 1399: Years call for spirits

Many people felt that gambling was very unfavorable to Lin Han, and Lin Han would not agree.

"Okay, then I'll play with you." However, Lin Han agreed without thinking about it.

This caused a shock around them, and many people couldn't believe their ears.

"Okay!" Zong Shenzi and Xing Chen Haoxuan laughed very happily. They wanted to see how Lin Han succeeded.

Originally, they thought that Lin Han would refuse, but they didn't expect Lin Han to go on the set directly, making them very happy.

They seemed to have expected the next scene of Lin Han's defeat and humiliation on their knees.

The King Wuxiang also shook his head, feeling that Lin Han was too impulsive, a little regretful.

Even the three of them were helpless blue bones, how could Lin Han do it.

If Lin Han really knelt down, his life would be ruined.

"Lin Han, do it." Zong Shenzi laughed.

Lin Han didn't pay attention, and then spread his palm, and a big gray flag suddenly appeared in his hand, spreading a terrible divine power, causing the void to violently bump.

As soon as this thing came out, the heavens and the earth seemed to open the door of reincarnation, and the roaring voices of yin spirits came, making people shudder.

"what is that?"

Many people are surprised, not knowing what happened inside the door of death.

"Years and Souls Banner, he actually got the Years and Souls Banner."

Zong Shenzi and Xing Chen Haoxuan were shocked in an instant, and their faces were incredible.

The big banner in Lin Han's hand is exactly the legendary banner of the years, known as the strongest warrior that unifies the five continents and the four seas, which countless people dream of.

They enter the treasure of time and space, and they have a huge goal, which is to get the spirit of time.

Lin Han actually got it now, which shocked them too much.

"How could this kid have such good luck?" Zong Shenzi couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said viciously.

Lin Han is the emperor of the ancient Li Dynasty. If you add the soul-raising banners of the years, the military strength of the ancient Li Dynasty will be unprecedentedly stronger. Then he will have an endless army of heroic spirits to help, who can resist it in the world?

Even if they dominate the first-class power in one continent, they have to surrender.

Xingchen Haoxuan also had cold eyes, and the killing intent towards Lin Han in his heart rose to the extreme.

He knew that Lin Han must not be allowed to walk out of the treasures of time and space alive, otherwise this world would belong to him in the future.

"Amitabha, Lin Han's benefactor, really has a great opportunity." The Wuxiang Dharma chanted the Buddha's name, as if he saw the birth of an eternal emperor who will rule the world, with a lot of emotion.

Looking at the five continents and four seas from the ancient separation, this time it is really going to usher in great unification.

This person is just a teenager in his twenties!

This is a legend, something unprecedented in history.

"Cyan bones, year spirit banners, you can order all heroic spirits, you are dead, and you have to be constrained by the year banners, do you still use me to do it?" Lin Han holds the year banners, like the emperor, facing the blue bones , Smiled.

It is precisely because of the years and spirits that he has this confidence.

"The spirit of the years!" The blue bones couldn't help taking a few steps back in shock.

It is true that the soul-calling banners of the years have restrained him a lot, and he can detect a feeling of throbbing from the soul.

Lin Han could make him surrender and obey orders uncontrollably.

"Fine, you won, you can enter." Finally, Cyan Bone smiled bitterly, and said to Lin Han: "I also hope that this little hero will not subdue me. I don't want an unconscious puppet."

With his wealth and life in Lin Han's hands, he naturally had to give in.

"It's as simple as that."

"The spirit of the years is really scary."

Many people are full of awe and admire Lin Han even more.

The three freaks, Zong Shenzi, Wuxiang Dharma King, and Xing Chen Haoxuan, were unable to do things that he succeeded in raising his hands, really dazed.

Zong Shenzi and Xing Chen Haoxuan looked in a daze. So, didn't they lose?

As a result, they changed too quickly, and they, who were gloating before, are now no less than being smashed into the abyss.

"It's okay, you can go back." Lin Han put away the spirit of the years, just smiled faintly, and didn't want to really tear his face with the blue bones, otherwise he would be in a certain danger, after all, he is now urging the power of the spirit of the years , Fairly limited.

The cyan bones held their hands to each other again and flew away.

"Zong Shenzi, Xing Chen Haoxuan, I won, one person will give me 30,000 low-grade immortal stones." Lin Han sneered at the two of them.


Like two loud slaps, slapped on their faces, suddenly making their cheeks become fiery and painful.

In front of so many people, betting with Lin Han to lose, it is really impossible to get off the stage.

At the moment, they gritted their teeth and only said to Lin Lengsen: "Lin Han, if your kid has the ability, let's walk and see, you will not be able to keep the spirit of the years."

Their eyes are extremely greedy and sinister.

The spirits of the years have completely aroused the desire in their hearts. Such a powerful treasure cannot be given to Lin Han.

This is the key to **** of the world.

Right now, only one of them still gave Lin Han a space ring.

Lin Han took the space ring to the master and saw that there were indeed 30,000 low-grade immortal stones in each ring. He couldn't help but grinned, and he was excited.

With these immortal stones, he is sure that his strength will go further.

This harvest is really not small.

As for Zong Shenzi, the teeth of Qi are about to smash. Before in the hall, he lost Lin Han 10,000 low-grade immortal stones, and now he has lost 30,000 more, together with 40,000, even if he is very painful. .

Lin Han, the one who killed a thousand knives, sooner or later, he will thwart his bones.

After this episode ended, everyone started to go on the road again.

In the vast sea, thousands of huge white sharks, carrying millions of people, crossed the sea with dorsal fins like sails, and the scene looked extremely magnificent.

"Sister, have you seen it? Lin Han has had the spirit-calling flag for years."

Not far away, in a void, two young girls with graceful figures were watching. One of them was a lovely girl, said.

She is the grass.

Before everyone came, they had already come to this sea.

As for the girl in the white dress beside her, she is naturally Xiao Lan, with a temperament like a snow lotus on an iceberg, giving a feeling of being unattainable.

"Well, luck is indeed good." Xiao Lan said softly, her voice like a pearl falling on a jade plate, crisp and beautiful, and very pleasant to the ear.

"Then what to do, this world will be his in the future. It is even more impossible for us to avenge the Witch Clan." Xiaocao said complicatedly.

Her position was not firm, although she wanted revenge, but the encounter with Lin Han on the prairie made her unforgettable forever.

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