War Emperor

Chapter 1403: The King of No Phase comes forward

Right now, he will do it again.

But at this moment, the Dharma King said: "Amitabha, at this juncture, everyone should save some energy."

He turned into a golden light and appeared, and Lin Han and Xingchen Hao proclaimed the central government to persuade.

They have reached the gate of the city, and if they are consumed again, it is not a good thing.

Lin Han couldn't help but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "What a fast speed."

The Unphased Dharma King appeared directly in front of the two of them like ghosts and gods, even if he didn't notice a trace.

Moreover, the other party stood there, surrounded by golden clouds on the surface, like an immortal Buddha, giving the human race an unmatchable and invulnerable taste.

At the moment, this made him sigh inwardly: "The King Wuxiang is worthy of being the head of the three freaks. Looking at this aura, it seems to be stronger than Xingchen Haoxuan."

Xingchen Haoxuan also had a glimpse of jealousy in his eyes, knowing that the Wuxiang Dharma King was a little unfathomable. Besides, it is true that the four great spirits have not yet appeared, and they are indeed not suitable for battle.

"Lin Han, you are lucky, but remember not to plant it in my hands, or I will make you deadly ugly." In the end, Xing Chen Haoxuan could only point to Lin Han and said coldly.

Lin Lengchun laughed and ignored it.

At this time, the surrounding atmosphere slowed down.

Many people looked at the giant city and couldn't help being embarrassed.

Since Zong Shenzi has said that there is a formation guard in the giant city, no one is trying now, it is not a way.

"Finally, let me try it." At this time, the Wuxiang Dharma chanted the Buddha's name lightly and said: "As the saying goes, I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell!"

When he was speaking, there were golden runes permeating his body, revealing a smell of imperishable diamond, and his aura became stronger.

Lin Han knew that although the King Wuxiang didn't understand the formation method, he had profound knowledge in Buddhism and would restrain the evil methods of the four great spirit deities to a certain extent. Maybe he could really break the formation.

Under the awe-inspiring gazes, the Wuxiang Dharma King stepped forward and walked to the giant city.

The tall city walls, black all over, are made of unknown diamonds, shimmering with a faint luster under the reflection of sunlight.

It is hundreds of feet high, magnificent, and the King of Wuxiang looks very small in front of it.

"Amitabha Buddha, now." The Wuxiang Dharma hand pinched the orchid seal, revealing a majestic aura even when facing the blue sky. On the orchid seal, a cluster of golden Buddhist runes appeared, like a golden lotus blooming, with every leaf Above, there is a strong Buddha power circulating.

Jin Lian revolved and was thrown into the air by him. After reaching a certain distance, the space of the entire giant city was distorted, and a black mask immediately burst out to cover the entire giant city, revealing an aura of extreme destruction.

"Sure enough, the formation?"

Many people exclaimed.

Lin Han's eyes condensed too, the rank of the formation is not low. Above the formation, there are black killing lights condensing. If a black sky sword hangs, it will shock the sky. If someone dared to trespass into the big formation, they would be locked by the black killing sword instantly, and the disaster would be lost.


The expression of King Wuxiang did not change, his handprint changed, and he controlled the golden lotus. After entering the city, the golden lotus suddenly became a three-hundred-foot-sized nine-leaf lotus platform, spinning frantically there.

And the Nine-Rank Lotus Terrace, the whole body is bright gold, with strands of golden aura hanging down, like the most holy item of Buddhism, it will not be invaded by all means.

As soon as Hajime appeared, a great Buddhism aura was overwhelming the entire giant city, causing many shrimp soldiers and crabs in the city to tremble, bowing to the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus, without the courage to resist.


The black formation began to activate, the huge black mask revolved, and the black killing sword in the sky screamed loudly. If it was about to unsheath, the murderous aura enveloped the entire city.

At a certain moment, finally swish swish... a black killing sword, pierced through the air, like a black meteorite rain, slashing towards the ninth-grade golden lotus.

Countless people had their scalp numb, and when the black killing sword was on the move, black lines were cut in the void. The aura of destruction was too strong, even through the mask, everyone felt a sense of trembling from the soul.

If you kill the sword, Zhan Xiang cannot resist 90% of the people present.

Ordinary emperor realm masters, in front of him, are like paper, fragile.


The golden sparks flickered.

However, the black killing sword, slashed on the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus, did not cause any harm to the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus. There was Buddhism secret power flowing on the Golden Lotus, and it was dazzling and resisted.

Many black killing swords all shattered and fell.

"So strong!" Many people are in awe, Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus, with amazing defensive power.

It gives everyone the feeling that there is no power in the heavens and the earth, which can destroy it.

"It's worthy of Buddhism's strongest defense method." Xingchen Haoxuan couldn't help but murmur.

Among the immortal world, Buddhism said that there is a supreme treasure, the 9th-rank golden lotus, which was originally the 12th-rank, but for some reason, it was sucked away from the third-rank.

This is so, it is also the supreme sacred object in Buddhism. It is controlled by the Buddha of the past dynasties. Sitting on the golden lotus, the light of Buddha can illuminate the heavens.

In the five continents and four seas, Buddhism naturally does not have nine-tier golden lotus.

This trick of the Wuxiang Dharma clearly came from the immortal world, but it was just a hint of aura, and there was still little power to match in the mortal world.

Lin Han also sighed secretly, Buddhism is indeed an awe-inspiring Taoism, and the methods of the invisible Dharma King are really eye-opening.

"However, if this continues, he is not a solution. After all, the manpower is limited. The black sword's power comes from the formation. The latter can be endless. Over time, even if it consumes, it can consume the Wuxiang Dharma. Exhausted."

Lin Han said to himself again.

This is the peculiarity of the formation, comparable to non-human resources.

Sure enough, after another half an hour, the King Wuxiang used the 9th-rank golden lotus to hit many places in the city, but did not find a way to crack the formation. Gradually, the golden light on his body gradually dimmed, and his face was also faint. A little pale, obviously displaying the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus, for him, it was a lot of consumption, and now the divine power in his body has been consumed little.

"Haha, you bald donkey, you are still delusional, breaking the formation of our four great spirits, you really don't know the heights of the sky, you will be consumed to death."

At this moment, a loud laughter that shook the heavens and the earth came over, and then in the huge city, black mist surged, covering the sky and obscuring the sun. Two pairs of terrifying pupils were exposed, like two rounds of blood-colored lakes. The evil spirit is amazing.

"what is that?"

Countless people are horrified.

Even across the light curtain, one could feel a stunned scent, as if a supreme demon appeared, making people shudder.

"A **** Ya, he is the Chaos God Ya, one of the four great spirits." Lin Han had a mysterious blue light in his eyes, cast his delusion eye to see the origin, and lost his voice.

I saw that within the black mist, there was a huge black beast with a oxen body and thick fur, falling down like a **** waterfall, full of wild nature. There are two pale horns growing on the head, like branches, branching towards the sky, dazzling electric light.

Its sound was thunderous, deep and powerful, and every word fell, making the giant city rumbling, as if it were about to split, it was astonishing.


This is God!

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