War Emperor

Chapter 1409: Oneness of Blood and Qi

The whole body of the Excalibur is cast in three colors of gold, black, and purple. It is dazzling and transparent within a radius of thousands of miles.

The icy murderous aura made many people feel like they were in the icy world. The bitter cold, even the blue sea, formed a layer of white frost.

It can be seen how amazing this blow is.

Many people are horrified, how can you fight this?

Hydra is not at the peak, it is impossible to be an opponent at all.

Lin Han also felt worried for Xiaolan. If Hydra loses, Xiaolan will also be robbed and lost.

The relationship between Xiaolan and him was extraordinary, and of course he didn't want to watch Xiaolan accident.

But there was a circle of divine energy energy there, surging around, no one could approach.

In such a short period of time, he couldn't go up to support him, he couldn't help clenching his fists fiercely, and secretly made up his mind that if something happened to Xiaolan, he must let the three beasts, blood splattered into the void.

At this time, Xiaolan's white dress was fluttering, slender and immaculate, like a saint, with a peaceful atmosphere all over her body, very quiet.

She stared at the blow with bright eyes, smiled faintly, and said coldly: "Want to kill me, how can it be so simple!"

"Hydra, infuse me with energy, help me kill the enemy."


As the words fell, Xiaolan's beautiful body suddenly burst into light that illuminates the sky, like an immortal possession of a female saint, making the universe change, and the next splendid petals fell.

"what happened?"

Countless people were startled, Xiao Lan seemed to have undergone an astonishing transformation now, the changes were so great that they had the urge to surrender.

The most amazing thing is that, on Hydra’s body, a large expanse of fiery red divine light rushes upwards, and all is poured on Xiaolan’s body, making Xiaolan more vigorous, like the rivers and seas ups and downs, the entire space is trembling, cracking one. A black crack.

"Blood and Qi are one, old ghost, how would you like to be one with this little girl?"

"Do you think she is in charge?"

The eyes of the Chaos Demon Dragon, Chaos Suiyu, and Chaos Xuanwu suddenly stared out, and their pupils were full of incredible, exclaimed.

This is a sign that happens only after the special creatures on the chaotic land recognize the Lord.

But they clearly know that Hydra is an arrogant creature with a great background. It used to come from the fairy world and has a bloodline that makes the master of heaven pay a little attention!

It's a fantasy to recognize a girl in the mortal world as the master.

Xiao Lan's strength does not have this qualification at all.

"Hmph, what about her as the master? As long as you can kill the three of you who deceived the ancestors, I will be willing to pay no matter how much." Hydra hissed with scarlet eyes with eighteen pairs of eyes.

Being sealed for thousands of years, the hatred is too great.

It was thinking about it all the time, out of trouble, killing the four great spirits, and taking revenge.

Xiaolan saved it and was kind to it.

Coupled with the critical moment of life and death, it is reasonable to do so.

Moreover, it can see that Xiaolan is a human girl with wonderful roots and a talented demon. Even in the fairy world, she can bloom infinite divine glory and make the gods and gods of the fairy world dim.

As long as there are no problems, Xiaolan's future achievements are absolutely extraordinary, and it is not unacceptable to let him be the master.

"Three evil obstacles, now I will clean up the door for Hydra, and go to die." The immeasurable holy light soared into the sky, and Xiao Lan was bathed in the endless glow, full of the supreme aura of disdain for the world.

Her bright red lips opened slightly, and she slapped softly, and then the snow-white palm of her hand also slapped a knife.

She didn't use any weapons, but her jade palm, the aura exuded, was even more terrifying than any magical weapon in the world.

In the next moment, the jade palm was white and bright, as if it could suppress all the rays of light on the heavens and stars, illuminating the ancient, modern and future, forming a thousand-meter-long knife light that directly slashed.


A group of colorful mushroom clouds rose up in the void immediately, which is full of feet and spectacular.

When the two collided, the explosion of energy was too strong.

The entire magnificent mountain of gods and monsters is rumbling, and stones the size of houses are constantly falling, smashing into the sea, and setting off huge waves.

The sea in the distance boils more directly, the big waves can break the blue sky and spread into the distance, the scene is terrifying.

In the hall, many of the leaders of the National People's Congress, all came down in a cold sweat, their complexions pale.

Such a blow, if you hit them, I am afraid that few people on the scene will be able to catch it, and the smashed body will be wiped out and die.

Such an attack is really too few in the mortal world, and it is the strongest battle.

"This time the Witch Saint Clan is really a great evildoer."

"Making a lot of money."

Many leaders of big forces sighed and looked in a certain direction.

I saw that the black fog was raging there, and there stood a group of people in black, different from the evil spirit of the demon saint race, there was a special witchcraft power circulating.

This is exactly a group of high-level Wu Sheng clan.

They are men and women, old and young, all of them are black holes in their eyes, and they are masters with breathtaking breath.

At this moment, they are also extremely excited.

Originally, Xiaolan had the strongest inheritance from their Wu clan, which made them have high hopes.

Now that Xiaolan is in the time and space treasure chest, it is a supreme chance to subdue the monster beast like Hydra.

Xiaolan and Hydra, fighting side by side, can almost sweep the world, who can stop?

If one day the immortal lock is unlocked and Hydra's combat power returns to its peak, Xiaolan's combat power will be stronger. They were very happy when they saw that Xiaolan won the champion of Time and Space Treasure, and the brilliance shined all over the world.


God and Demon Mountain, a pitiful blood, like magma thrusting against the sky for nine days.

The blade of Xiaolan Yu's palm finally wiped out the sword light of Chaos Demon Dragon, Chaos Suiyu, Chaos Xuanwu, and cut them down.

The three great spirits were all cut into a big hole that was hundreds of meters long, a large swath of blood stained the void, and even the white bones were cut into two pieces, only some flesh and blood connected.

This knife almost cut them three in half.

The three of them wailed there in pain, screamed terribly, and their voices were almost invisible.


Suddenly, a large sound of inhaling breath sounded all around, and countless people had cold hands and feet.

With her own strength, she fought the three great spirits and almost killed them all. Xiaolan's record was so brilliant. Now she is no less than a goddess, shining all over the world, and filled with admiration for countless people.

Lin Han also sighed that Xiaolan is also a man of great fortune, whether he was in Hongzhou before, overseas, or now, the progress is not slower than him.

Xiao Lan was fine, and he was happy that he could achieve such a result.

"Three beasts, you deceived your master and annihilated your ancestors. Now you finally get the punishment you deserve. What else do you have to say." Xiaolan's pretty face was pale, even her hair was fluffing, and she said softly.

The voice is like thunder, rolling, she is like an immortal, judging mortals with extraordinary bearing.

However, a ray of red blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, dripping on the white collar, somewhat shocking.

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