War Emperor

Chapter 1411: Come forward to stop

They all sensed the breath of Shenya in Lin Han, and it was obvious that Lin Han absorbed Shenya's inner alchemy.

This is their brother, who was killed by a young man like this, making them want to eat Lin Han's blood.

But they are now too seriously injured, and they have no power at all. They only pray that Zong Shenzi and Xing Chen Haoxuan can kill this human boy in order to avenge the fourth brother.

"Lin Han, Xiaolan is a malignant tumor between the world and the earth, and it will inevitably bring disasters to the world in the future. I am helping all living beings. Will you dare to stop me?" Zong Shenzi shouted with cold eyes.

Now he has black hair flying, full of justice.

Lin Han showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't give me this imaginary thing. You want to kill Xiaolan, but you just want to get rid of a competitor who is fighting for Chaos Wood. I won't allow it. Just hurry. Get out of me, otherwise don’t blame me for knocking you over."

Speaking of the end, Lin Han's eyes burst with two terrible red lightnings, appearing domineering.

Zong Shenzi repeatedly targeted him, and even moved Xiaolan, which touched his bottom line.

"You... asshole!" Zong Shenzi was immediately angry, this kid was too arrogant, and he wanted to say that he was knocked down and what did he take him for?

Then he grinned cruelly and said: "Boy, now is better than that, let you see my current strength!"

After speaking, the light bursting out of him was very vigorous, and his blood was rolling like a river and sea, and he hit Lin Han with a palm.

In the palm of the hand, there are five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five brilliant rays of light burst out, and the sky is bright.

"Well, your strength has increased?" Lin Han's eyes narrowed, slightly surprised.

On the surface of the Zongshen's child, a blue light radiated, and it became more profound than before, and his apparent strength had increased.

"Yes, Lin Han, to tell you the truth, I found a rare "Red Flame Fruit" on the Mountain of Gods and Demons. Now I swallow it and my strength has increased a lot. Now you dare to do my good deeds. You find yourself dead." Zongshenzi laughed loudly, his body surface was gushing with infinite blue light, and crimson lightning intertwined.

The three great spirits couldn't help snarling, and cast extremely angry gazes at the sect god.

The Mountain of Gods and Demons is their tradition, and among them, there are indeed some rare elixir planted by them.

Chi Yan Guo is one of them. It has only matured for thousands of years, but now it has been picked by the goddess, making them very angry.

Asshole thief, shameless!

"Lin Han donor, please retreat." Wuxiang Fawang sighed lightly and persuaded Lin Han.

In the past, Lin Han was only one line better than Zong Shenzi. Now Zong Shenzi eats Chi Yan fruit, and his strength is strengthened again. Lin Han may no longer be an opponent of Zong Shenzi at all, and a careless one will be obliterated by Zong Shenzi.

However, Lin Han remained unmoved, even standing in place with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth, black hair flying.

"I just like your arrogant look. See if I don't beat you all over the floor looking for teeth!" Zong Shenzi laughed, thinking that Lin Han was pretending to be calm and completely looking for death.

Xingchen Haoxuan also showed a ridiculous smile at the corner of his mouth. He saw Lin Han also finished.


However, at this moment, Lin Han finally punched out, and immeasurable golden light burst out of his body, resurgence like a sleeping golden dragon.

The boundless golden light of this fist, like a direct impact of a tsunami, carries an indomitable and unbreakable charm.

"The Tenth Heaven of the Emperor Realm? Your boy actually has the strength of the Tenth Heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Zong Shenzi suddenly shook his body, as if thunder and lightning struck the heavenly spirit cover, said in awe.

Xingchen Haoxuan was immediately dumbfounded, unable to believe his eyes.

Wasn't this guy just the Nine Heavens in the Emperor Realm before? Why is it now in the tenth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

What the **** is happening!

You should know that Lin Han's combat power in the Nine Heavens in the Emperor Realm is already very extraordinary, and it is not a concept to reach the Ten Heavens in the Emperor Realm.

The punch hit like this, Zong Shenzi felt like being alone, facing the monstrous ocean, with a small and disproportionate feeling.

His eyes were filled with horror, and he couldn't help but want to yell up to the sky. Why, Lin Han had not seen him for a few hours, so he was promoted to the sky.

At this stage, it doesn't take hundreds or thousands of years for anyone to rise to the top of the sky, but Lin Han only took a few hours to vomit blood.

Although his strength has increased after eating the Chi Yan Guo, he is far from Lin Han's increase.

He is now full of chills, knowing he is imminent.


Sure enough, the next moment, immeasurable golden light whizzed out, Zong Shenzi was shaken out immediately, coughing up blood in his mouth, and most of his bones were broken.

He fell on a huge boulder, like a puddle of mud, unable to stand up, covered in blood, and miserable.

There was silence all around.

With just one move, Zong Shenzi defeated like a dead dog.

Lin Han's strength in combat made many people feel chilling.

"Zong Shenzi, let's get on the road." Lin Han showed an indifferent smile at the corner of his mouth, turning into a golden beam of light and rushing towards the Zong Shenzi.

This guy's repeated and repeated picks about him has completely aroused his killing intent.

Zongshenzi immediately struck a spirit, and he felt fear and horror in his heart, feeling like death flying towards him. If no one saves him, he will definitely die.

Now Lin Han had created a shadow in his mind, and he felt like a golden demon god.

At the moment, he shouted at Xingchen Haoxuan, "Brother Xingchen, save me!"

Xingchen Haoxuan's complexion also sank, naturally he would not watch Zong Shenzi being killed, and immediately shouted: "Lin Han, stop me!"


There was countless starlight on his body, like a vast starry sky on his back, he flew directly, slapped Lin Han, and slammed Lin Han back a few steps.

"Xingchen Haoxuan, I advise you, get out, or you will die too." Lin Han's pupils bloomed with golden electric light, coldly shouted.

Now his murderous aura is too strong, even the hair is flowing with golden light, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, nothing can be stopped.

Xingchen Haoxuan felt a little awe-inspiring in his heart. This time he collided and shocked his entire arm, and there was a deep pain in his heart. He couldn't help but wonder that Lin Han, this guy, really grew up. The strength of the tenth heaven of the Emperor is the same as before. The changes are too great.

In front of so many people, he naturally wouldn't admit counsel, and immediately snorted coldly: "Lin Han, you are too arrogant. If you really reach the tenth heaven of the Emperor Realm, you can be arrogant?"

After speaking, the starlight radiating from his body surface is even more dazzling, as if there are one big old star rotating on his body surface, each with a desolate and vast aura, colorful and magnificent.

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