War Emperor

Chapter 1414: Chaotic tree fall

Even if Xing Chen Hao declared defeat, he shouldn't kill him, the method was too harsh.

"Since it's an enemy, it doesn't hurt to kill it. If I don't kill him, he will only become a major problem for my Guli dynasty. It's better to clear it as soon as possible." Lin Han's hair fluttered and smiled lightly.

He is determined to dominate the world, and Xing Chen Haoxuan is one of the top figures in the world.

If you don't kill Xingchen Haoxuan, the ancient Li Dynasty doesn't know how many soldiers and people will die in his hands.

Killing now is naturally a good thing.

He has already begun to pave the way for the future, clearing obstacles.

"Zongshenzi, it's up to you now." Then, a cold lightning burst into Lin Han's eyes, and suddenly turned to Zongshenzi and said coldly.

He carried the Huolin Burning Heaven Sword and walked in stride, the crimson flowing through the blade of the sword killed all the space, distorting the space and becoming hot.

Zong Shenzi immediately slapped his spirits, feeling that the **** of death was stepping towards him, and couldn't help but sternly shouted: "Lin Han, you can't kill me, you have already offended the Star Palace, do you still want to completely offend my strange formation sect? ?"

His palms were sweating, and his legs were trembling. Lin Han's murderous aura was too strong for him to bear.

Lin Han's mouth showed an abusive smile and said: "The Star Palace has already offended, so what if I offend another strange formation sect. Anyway, you two great forces have already forged with me Liangzi of the ancient Li Dynasty."

"Nothing to say, let's get on the road."

After speaking, Lin Han didn't give Zong Shenzi any chance to speak. The Huolin Burning Heaven Sword in his hand swept away, and a large red flame rushed over like a magma tsunami.

Zong Shenzi was originally injured in Lin Han's hands, but now he hasn't recovered, naturally there is no power to parry.

Immediately, the endless flames caused him to burn a large area of ​​flames. If he didn't hold it for a short period of ten seconds, he was burned to ashes and fell sternly from the air.

The wind blew, and the surrounding was quiet again, and there was a desolation flowing.

When he died, Zong Shenzi was brutally killed by Lin Han.

Many people have numb expressions and don't know what language to use to express Lin Han's scaryness!

This is simply a big devil!

Killing without blinking.

In the main hall, the people of Qizhenzong also roared one after another, wanting to die with Lin Han endlessly.

Everyone knows that the addition of Qi Formation Sect to the enemies of the Guli Dynasty will make the battle more intense in the near future.

Lin Han's expression was indifferent, just like cleaning up two insects, then glanced at Xiaolan.

At this time, Xiaolan Shengxue in white, sitting on the Hydra, one person and one beast, connected by a scarlet light, using a secret method to heal each other.

Her fair and pretty face has become much rosy, and her eyes are shining brightly again, and her condition is much better.

"Xiao Lan, you are all right." Lin Han was silent for a long time before smiling.

The time when Xiao Lan served him in the palace was an indelible memory in his heart.

He only hopes that he can help this bitter girl more so that the hatred in her heart towards him can be weakened.

Within Xiaolan's pair of bright eyes, a blurry color flowed, as if Lin Han's voice evoked a soft string in her heart.

However, this kind of light flashed quickly, his eyes became cold and merciless again, and his tone was cold and said: "Lord Lin Han, don't think that I will be grateful to you for saving me. , I will never forgive, if I have a chance, I will fight with you and kill you!"

The last few words, like nails, threw sound.

Lin Han sighed silently, knowing that tens of millions of Wu Clan members were destroyed by the dynasty.

Xiaolan had this idea, but it was normal.

In empathy, if it was him, it would be impossible to forgive anyone.

This is not the fault of the father, and the father just wants the people of the Guli dynasty to live more securely.

"Xiao Lan, where is Chaos Wood, you can say now." At this moment, someone couldn't help but speak.

Everyone kept their ears up and listened carefully.

When they were in the giant city before, they clearly saw a towering green tree trunk here. When they came here, there was nothing left.

This makes many people wonder where Chaos Wood is going.

Xiaolan knew that she couldn't keep it, so she said lightly: "In the cliff behind the God and Demon Mountain."

The Gods and Demons Mountain is a vast and huge mountain range, with large mountains rising together, countless strange peaks, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles.

The back mountain she said was specially developed by the four great spirits, placed the chaotic wood, waited for them to accumulate enough, and absorbed it in one fell swoop.

Because Shi just started to absorb and was interrupted by herself, Chaos Wood would automatically chase back into the cliff and disappear into everyone's field of vision.

"Houshan cliffs?"

"Go, go and see."

Everyone immediately controlled the radiant magic weapon, flying towards there like a locust crossing the border.

The thousand-meter-sized chaotic wood trunk is the treasure of the five continents and the four seas, possessing good fortune.

Now they are like old virgins who have guarded their lives for a lifetime, and their eyes are almost dripping blood when they learn of the peerless beauty, naked in front of them.

Lin Han took Lin Jiaoer and the others and flew over.

The same goes for Xiaolan, Hydra, and King Wuxiang.

"Damn, our good fortune, is it just going to be taken away?" Chaos Demon Dragon, Chaos Sui, Chaos Xuanwu, the three looked at each other, unwilling to say.

They were so badly injured that no one took care of them, which made them feel a little desolate.

"Big brother, no matter what, you have to give it a try. If Chaos Wood consummates those hateful human beings, I won't look down upon death." Sui Su said with a purple spirit flowing through his body.

"Yes, fight with them to the last moment." Xuanwu also said, the golden snake behind his back, hissing snake letter, his eyes were cold, giving people a shuddering feeling.

"But we are not their opponents at all. We want to fight, there is only one way. Second brother and third brother, are you willing?" The Chaos Demon Dragon's eyes were filled with crazy flames, and said coldly.

"You mean...melting into one?" Chaos Suan and Chaos Xuanwu seemed to be aware of something, they couldn't help but shake their voices.

"Yes, only by merging together can we recover to the peak in a short time, and will be stronger than before, otherwise our state will just die." Chaos Demon Dragon's huge body, filled with black mist, said in a low voice.

Melting into one is a secret method of their cultivation. At the critical moment, they can become one and form a new life form!

It's just that once this secret method is used, it will be truly united in the future, and it will never be separated.

They have never been used.

Now at this juncture, I want to turn the tide, only so.

"Well, these hateful human beings treat us as nothing, and feel that we are not threatened. This time we must make them regret it." Chaos stubbornly hesitated, gritted his teeth and increased his hostility.

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