War Emperor

Chapter 1421: Swallow

"The road is one foot high, the magic is one foot high, Lin Han, you still can't do it." The white-clothed boy calmed down again and sneered.

In Lin Han's eyes, a touch of coldness passed: "Since I can't be isolated, I will swallow you the Temple of Heaven!"

The prehistoric sword-forging furnace has awakened many immortal weapon-level powers since it swallowed the Heavenly Dao chessboard.

The power of swallowing is equally powerful.

He wanted to see if it had better devouring power compared to Swallowing the Temple of Heaven.

"Swallow it for me." At the moment, Lin Han yelled, and his whole body was radiant, letting the prehistoric sword-forging furnace fly into the sky, the mysterious yellow aura soared, and swallowed towards the Temple of Swallowing Heaven.

The mouth of the furnace was pitch black, deeper than the Temple of Heaven, as if it contained a vast universe.

There are also strands of black flames burning, like a ghost of fire, giving people a strong sense of danger.

Next, the breath of Swallowing the Temple of Heaven began to wilt, and the black light radiating from the whole body became weaker and weaker, as if suppressed, and then bit by bit was swallowed by the prehistoric sword furnace...

"No, this is impossible!"

The boy in white was shocked on the spot like being hit by five thunders.

This is the treasure of the Southern Royal Family. It is so famous that it makes many masters frightened.

Now he was defeated in the hands of Honghuang Swordsmithing Furnace and was about to be swallowed.

For him, this was nothing less than the collapse of the sky, and it was completely dark.

Is Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace really so scary? This is amazing.

If the Tuntian Temple is swallowed, it will cause too much loss to the Southern Royal Family, and his body will suffer unimaginable backlash.


A large sound of cold breathing sounded all around.

The Sword Casting Furnace is worthy of a famous existence, even if it is damaged a lot and its power drops, Swallowing the Temple of Heaven is not an opponent.

Now they looked at the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, no less than the ants looking up at the dragon in the nine heavens, shivering.

If Honghuang casts a sword furnace and launches an attack on them, no one on the scene can contend.

Xiaolan also felt a chill in her heart, seeing that the prehistoric sword-forging furnace had grown too much as Lin Han continued to recover.

I couldn't help muttering in my heart: "I don't know who is better than my book of reincarnation now."

Over the years, as her vision continued to broaden, she finally understood that the origin of the book of reincarnation is very against the sky.

It is a forbidden treasure in the fairy world. It has made many giants of the fairy world frightened and famous. After tossing and turning, he fell into the witch saint clan, and was famous by the witch god.

Now she is digging more and more secrets in the book of reincarnation. In the past, she was always suppressed by Lin Han and wanted to compete with Lin Han again.

"Lin Han, stop, I won't be your enemy anymore, don't swallow my Swallowing Temple." At this moment, the white-clothed boy finally admitted and couldn't help pale and said in horror.

Swallowing the Temple of Heaven was really swallowed by Lin Hanhonghuang's sword-making furnace. He returned to the clan and would be severely punished and could not bear it.

The trauma that this caused to his body would also be great and it would be difficult to recover.

"Sorry, it's late." However, Lin Lun smiled, with no room for negotiation.

The white-clothed boy repeatedly provokes him, he wants him to make a big fuss.

The best punishment is to swallow the Temple of Heaven.


Next, the huge prehistoric sword-forging furnace, the black light flickered at the mouth of the furnace, finally swallowing the Temple of Heaven, turning it into a light, and returning to Lin Han's hands again.

Then, the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, bursting with colorful divine light, surrounded by thunder and lightning, was obviously refining and swallowing the Temple of Heaven.

This is a good nourishment, after thorough refining, it will have a huge benefit in upgrading its rank.


The white-clothed boy immediately spewed a big mouthful of blood, his body flew upside down, and the light on his body surface was extremely dim.

He suffered a very serious backlash, and his entire body began to actinize, and patches of light rained down.

This projection will dissipate between heaven and earth.

There was silence all around, and many people were shocked. Lin Han's prehistoric sword-forging furnace was truly terrifying.

This is a veritable thing against the sky.

Who can stop the world with this furnace?

Even in the hall, many of the masters of great powers are full of cold, fearing Lin Han's sword-making furnace.

"Lin Han, my southern imperial family, will definitely not let you go. If you swallow our clan's Swallowing Temple, you will definitely not die." The white-clothed boy gritted his teeth viciously, his eyes were red and hissed.

Blood dripped from his heart, wishing to rush to feed Lin Han raw.

But the injury was too serious, and this projection was about to dissipate, only unwilling.

"If I ascend into the immortal realm, the southern royal family dare to trouble me, come and kill one." Lin Han smiled and said without fear.

Many people slap their tongues.

The Southern Royal Family admired many forces in the Great Thousand Realm of the Immortal Realm, and Lin Han was too crazy to ignore it.

"Okay, I look forward to your coming to the immortal world one day, when I see how you die." The white-clothed boy said grimly.

The moment Lin Han entered the immortal world was when he died.

The Southern Royal Family will desperately obliterate him.

His body will not let go.

"Junior has a crazy tone, swallowing the Temple of Heaven, sin should be punishable, and death." At this moment, a roar full of anger sounded on the sky, like the roar of a god, shaking the world.

Immediately afterwards, a big golden hand protruded from the sky, and endless golden light spread out, illuminating the chaotic land.

The horrible fluctuations caused the entire space to shake, as if it would explode if it couldn't bear it.

"A master in the Southern Royal Family is angry and wants to kill Lin Han!"

In the main hall, the masters of many big forces were shocked, and it was obvious that the experts of the Southern Imperial Clan had made the move, breaking through the barriers of the immortal world and performing their ultimate moves.

That big hand was brighter than the sun in the sky, radiant and terrifying.

This force does not belong to the mortal world at all, it is really terrifying.


"My clan predecessor shot, Lin Han, you are done."

The boy in white laughed out loud.

I thought that I would have to wait for Lin Han to enter the immortal realm to avenge this revenge. As a result, the seniors in the clan directly manifested and naturally made him happy.

The Temple of Swallowing Heaven has a very important position in other tribes. It is normal for the tribe to perceive it if Lin Han swallows it.

In his opinion, Lin Han is dead, and with the magical powers of a senior in his clan, a finger can crush Lin Han to death.


The immeasurable golden light is surging, the terrifying aura is mighty, the whole universe is like a trembling picture, shivering.

The big golden hand, filled with the supreme aura, just overwhelmed it, covering the sky and the sun, really with a swept the world and the spirit of disdain.

What is invincible, what is strong, it gives the best interpretation.

Click! Click!

Under this aftermath, the bones of Lin Han's whole body couldn't help making the sound of breaking every inch, his skin spilled, a lot of blood splashed, and his body seemed to burst.

It was too strong, and even a single coercion made him unable to withstand it. If he hits, even if he has 10,000 lives, it is not enough to die. The gap is too big.

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