War Emperor

Chapter 1430: Nine old antiques

"It's him, the array is in!" Many people were surprised, with a shocked expression. This old man is an ancient-level strong man. He reached the twelfth heaven of the Emperor Realm for at least six to seven thousand years. For unknown reasons, Without crossing the robbery to enter the fairy world, everyone thought he was dead, and no one thought he was still alive.

If the energy of the strong man in the twelfth heaven of the ordinary emperor realm is "one", then this kind of peerless old man who has accumulated six or seven thousand has an energy of at least "ten", which is not a concept at all, it is too powerful.

So seeing him, many people's legs were weak and they wanted to kneel down.

The expressions of Shangguan Bawang, Su Xiyi, and Wei Zhong also changed. Unexpectedly, there were such old antiques hidden in the Qizhenzong.

Wei Zhong lived with him in an era, and his strength was far lower than the opponent.

This made them feel a sense of heaviness, and they felt that things might be a little difficult to handle.

"It turns out to be an old antique, even if it accumulates six to seven thousand years, I may not be afraid of you when you really fight." Lin Leng Leng laughed.

He has a mad **** battle armor, a cloak of a thousand blood flames, and a trump card such as the Fire Lin Burning Heaven Sword, the Eight Elephant Time and Space, and the Primordial Sword Furnace.

After all, he is confident that he can fight a battle with an old antique level powerhouse.

"Really, what if you add me?" At this moment, a cold laughter came.

Then, behind the Palace of Stars, an old man wrapped in starlight also walked out.

He is tall and mighty, with a heavy vibe, wearing an old Taoist robe, not many years old, dilapidated and full of ancient meaning.

But the fluctuations in his body are also extremely powerful, not worse than the array.

"Star wind?" Many people sucked in cold air, their teeth sucked.

This is Zhen Youzhu, a strong man of an era, an old antique, and he did not expect to die.

"Haha, yes, if we were to be added." At this time, among some holy tribes such as Demon Sage, Witch Sage, Fire Sage, and so on, there are also old people with radiant rays of light all over, exuding a vast and incomparable momentum.

In total, there are eight or nine statues, each one can overwhelm the heavens, making the whole world tremble, and the avenues resonate, as if surrendering to them.

This is a truly top powerhouse, in all continents, and usually does not show the landscape, but when he comes out, he can change the world.

All surfaced at the moment.

Overlord Shangguan, Su Yixi, and Wei Zhong couldn't help but laugh bitterly. In fact, their Shangguan Saint Clan and Heavenly Bird Saint Mountain used to have such powers, but unfortunately, they had already sat down thousands of years ago.

Unexpectedly, these old immortals are so able to survive, they are still alive now.

This is indeed a catastrophe for Lin Han.

Even if he can deal with one person now, how can he deal with nine people?

This is completely a crush on quantity.

Lin Han couldn't help but cursed secretly, these guys were really sinister enough, among the forces, there were such masters.

Now he has a green-faced impulse. No matter how extraordinary he is, it is indeed impossible to fight nine people alone. This is unrealistic.

"Lin Han, your kid is considered you a creative talent, not worse than you were the first emperor of the ancient Li dynasty, but unfortunately you have to fight against us. For the sake of you are also a character, you can decide by yourself. Give you a decent way to die. Then hand over all the treasures on you." Zhen Youzhu said coldly.

Xingchenfeng and all the old antiques also sneered in time.

Regardless of Lin Han's Celestial Suit, the Primordial Sword Furnace, or the Chaos Wood that is thousands of meters in size, they are all extremely shocking.

Especially Chaos Wood, the inner life essence is very strong, if they get it, they may be able to extend their life, and live for thousands of years against the sky. There is nothing that makes them more concerned.

Lin Han's eyes flickered, and he couldn't find a way for a while.

"If you don't pay anymore, don't blame us for being ruthless, don't think about delaying time." Xingchenfeng shouted, his voice thunderous.

Several other old antiques also exuded great power and came towards Lin Han's suppression.

Under these majestic auras, even Lin Han had a sense of immobility, as if being squeezed by mountains.

Together, these nine people are invincible in the mortal world.

"Hong, what should I do now?" Lin Han said to Hong Dao in his heart.

When he refines the Chaos Wood, he may be able to deal with them.

Not now, only Yi Zhuhong.

"Now I can only go to the imperial palace in the eastern region of the Hongzhou mainland, where there is a peerless array left by the Northern Emperor's fluttering wind. After opening, it can block these nine old antiques and buy you a period of time." Hong groaned.

It is too difficult for the world to find the power to block these nine old antiques.

Fortunately, he knew how to open that great formation.

"But this place is far from the eastern part of Hongzhou mainland, how can I break free and rush?" Lin Han asked.

Under the coercion of nine old antique powerhouses, it was very difficult for him to move.

"I can help you withstand these coercive pressures, and then open up a space channel to help you give it a try." Hong Dao.

After swallowing the Temple of Heaven, the rank of the sword-forging furnace has been upgraded again, and some of his magical powers have also increased again.

It is not too unrealistic to break free of these nine old antiques.

Lin Han nodded, thanking fortunately that Hong was there, and he could help himself in times of difficulty, otherwise, relying on his own words, he might not be able to get there today.

"Lin Han, what are you still grinding? Didn't you hear us?" At this moment, Zhen Youqi said coldly, the space where the sound was shaking violently, and thick cracks continued to spread.

This kind of old antique level powerhouse is so powerful that every word and deed has a huge impact on the universe.

Many people all around laughed happily. Lin Han was too dazzling and caused many people to be jealous. If he died, it would be a good thing for many people.

"Self-decision? Go dream." However, Lin Han sneered, flipped his palm, and hurriedly sacrificed the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, bursting out a large amount of mysterious yellow gas, making the entire prehistoric sword-forging furnace hazy and enchanting. A sense of magnificence.

"Since you don't do it, then I will personally send you on the road." Zhen Youzhu grinned, strode up, and stretched out his hand to **** Lin Han's prehistoric sword-forging furnace, and there was something terrible in his palm. The power broke out and Lin Han was shaken to death.

Lin Han is now locked by their nine masters, and it is difficult to move, just like the fish on the chopping board, he is not worried at all.

"Hmph, you're looking for death!" Lin Han's eyes flashed a cold expression, even if he escapes, he will have to repair the old clapper. At the moment, with a thud, the Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace burst out with immense divine light, and instantly broke free from the restraints. , One of the sword lights shot out, shattering the strength of the array Youzhu, and slashed a sword on his shoulder.

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