War Emperor

Chapter 1432: Kill

Jiao'er was hit by a magic weapon behind her, and her bones were broken, her fair and pretty face became extremely pale, she almost staggered and fell from the sky.

"Jiao'er, are you okay?" Lin Han said distressedly.

"It's okay, Brother Nine, you don't care about me, let's go." Lin Jiaoer said with tears in her eyes. She has been seriously injured, and if this continues, it will only drag everyone down.

"Impossible, what silly thing to say?" Lin Han sternly said, Jiao'er is his sister, so loving, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave Jiao'er just like that. For those nine old miscellaneous hairs, the irritation in his heart became more serious.

They hurt Jiaoer so much, they have touched his bottom line.

"Lin Han, don't you stop? Otherwise, we can kill you just like that." Zhen Youji grinned grimly.

This round of attacks had already caused serious injuries to Lin Han and others.

Lin Han ignored it, his face was cold, and he continued to fly forward. The strong divine power in his body almost flew into the prehistoric sword-forging furnace for life.

In this case, they are fast.

Zhen Youzuo and others took advantage of the victory and continued to launch attacks.

While Lin Han and others were flying all the way, they suffered more and more injuries.

This made the anger in Lin Han's heart more vigorous, and he made up his mind that if he waited until he swallowed the Chaos Wood, he would definitely make the nine old miscellaneous hairs impossible to live or die.

In this way, after traveling for about half an hour, they finally crossed the boundless sea and came to Hongzhou mainland.

The current Hongzhou mainland has a lot of aura. It can be seen that there are many mountains and rivers, the aura is transpiring, the sun is lingering, and the aura is full, which are completely two extremes from the once barren and exhausted appearance.

This is the credit of the Guli Dynasty.

In recent years, the Guli Dynasty has been restoring the aura of the Hongzhou mainland and building many large formations.

Now the aura on the continent is not weaker than other continents, and there are more and more masters on the continent.

"Hey, who is that? Being chased by nine people is terrible!"

Lin Han flicked across the sky, with a terrifying aura, even more terrifying than a meteorite passing across the earth, and the light was shining to the sky. Many creatures in Hongzhou Continent noticed and were surprised.

"It's the emperor, our emperor Lin Han, he is being hunted down!"


Then, everyone was in an uproar, Lin Han is now the spiritual pillar of Hongzhou mainland, and is regarded as a **** by the people.

Many people have his portrait in their homes, so they are naturally no stranger to him.

"The nine old guys are too despicable. They joined hands to hunt down the emperor."

"If they are alone, they may not be the opponent of the emperor."

Many people were annoyed, seeing that the nine old people, all with a vicissitudes of life, must be super powerless.

"Be bold, dare to chase our emperor, and you will not die."

When going through a huge city, a few glowing figures flew out of it, wearing armor, all of which flowed with a powerful breath, blocking the nine super masters.

They are all princes guarding one side, unwilling to let the nine old guys succeed.

Zhen Youzhu and the others are getting closer and closer to Lin Han.

"Looking for death, the light of fireflies, dare to block us." A sneer was drawn in Zhen Youzuo's eyes. Although Hongzhou mainland, now masters have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, a lot of them, but they are not left over from ancient times. In front of the world's figures, it is naturally nothing.

With a wave of his sleeves, the princes who flew up all exploded in the air and died tragically on the spot.

Lin Han was furious. These princes were all pillars of the dynasty, and an old subordinate who had followed his father before, died just like that.

These nine old miscellaneous hairs are damned to death.

"Kill, buy time for the emperor!"

"Never let them murder the emperor!"

A lot of soldiers flew out of the city, densely packed with millions of soldiers rushing up. Although their single strength was not as good as that of the princes, they were more powerful than the princes, plus the combination of battle formations.

"A bunch of ants, get out of me." Zhen Youzhu was annoyed, and was so troubled that he shot again.

All kinds of divine light splashed, large swaths of soldiers exploded in the air, and the blood mist enveloped the sky, bloody.

The gap is too big. In the world, they are invincible soldiers, but in front of the nine old antiques, they are still very weak.

This is like the gap between a group of ants and nine dragons.

However, this did buy Lin Han a lot of time and opened a lot of distance.

In this way, every time you pass a huge city, many generals and princes will go to death to help Lin Han.

Lin Han traveled for millions of miles all the way. There were at least one hundred dead princes and thirty million soldiers. The ground was **** and miserable.

Lin Han's eyes were red.

"Lin Han, do you want us to destroy the Hongzhou mainland?" There were nine people in the array, all covered in blood, and said with a grinning smile.

This killing made them feel very happy.

"By then, you will naturally regret it." Lin Han's voice was extremely cold.

Not long after, he finally arrived in the eastern region and flew near the palace.

Now the eastern region is more prosperous than before, with many cities dotted with people coming and going, and there is a constant flow of people.

In many cities, there are cultivators flying in the air, as well as the aura of gods, which is not the same as the appearance that there was once a strong man in the heaven and human realm.


Lin Han came to the imperial capital city and instantly released the Honghuang Sword-forging Furnace. Immediately after that, the Honghuang Sword-forging Furnace emitted a powerful wave, spreading to the earth.

Then, with a radius of at least hundreds of thousands of miles, on the vast land, blazing golden lights rose up, surrounded in the void into a big circle, and all of the nine old antiques were all surrounded outside.

"Is this the big formation left by Beihuang Piaofeng?" All nine members of Zhenyouzu changed their colors and lost their voice.

They have survived since ancient times, and they are very clear about the deeds of the Northern Emperor.

Back then, the Northern Emperor's breeze shook the world, leaving this large formation to guard the ancestral land of the dynasty.

Even ordinary immortals cannot break open.

After so many years, they never thought that this big formation was still there.

Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace, also activated it.

Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief. Time is too far away, even if the descendants of the dynasty knew that there was such a big formation, they would have forgotten how to open it.

Fortunately, there is Hong.

In this big battle, he did detect an extremely powerful wave, blocking the nine of them, and it was absolutely not a problem.

At the moment, he confronted You Zhu and others, sneered and said: "Nine old miscellaneous hairs, come in if you have the ability."

He is a bit mad and provocative.

Zhen Youzhu and the others were flushed, Lin Han dared to be so arrogant.

"Asshole, you guy really thinks, with this layer of formation, can you keep you? For so many years, I don't believe it can stop us." Zhen Youzuo coldly drank.

The formation will become weaker and weaker over time.

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